Emily's Diary - All I want for Xmas is my half stone shiney :D

oh no that's rubbish!! is there any number you or he can call to rectify things?
Nope, he keeps telling me there is nothing he can do. Unfortunately thats the army for you :(
Aaahhh Emily. Have some big hugs from me!!!

I have been through something similar and it is horrible. While I was on maternity last year both dp and I were made redundant and it was horrible trying to manage on statutory maternity pay. It took him 10 months to get a new job and in the meantime I ended up using all my credit on credit cards n overdrafts just keeping our heads above the water. I went self employed (I'm a independant financial adviser) but building a client base isn't easy and I've hardly earned anything this year - I know I will get there it just takes time. The job dp got was on a 6 month contract but they made it clear that it would become permanent. It didn't and whilst on holiday this year we found out he would only have another 2 weeks left in his job when we got back. It has been a nightmare living with the uncertainty so I know exactly how you feel. He starts a new job tomorrow but we don't know if it will last and tbh if it doesn't we will have to sell the house.

The way I have tried to deal with it is saying to myself that my diet is something I can control and being slimmer would make me feel so much better. Waking up after a binge day is so much worse on top of everything else than having a good day food wise. I've not been sleeping properly which is making me tired which is usually a trigger to eat crap but I'm really trying to stick with it. You know I don't always manage it but I keep trying. The last couple of days have been tough but I've managed not to go overboard by thinking ahead. Asking myself if I binge now how will I feel later? How will I feel on saturday at weigh in?

Imagine how easy it will be when there's nothing else to worry about. xxxxx
Oh my goodness, Charlie! Your situation sounds so stressful hun you poor thing. Makes my problem look a bit silly really, seeing as though I don't even know which way it will go, but uncertainty is the worst thing I think.

I am a terrible one for comfort eating, always have been really. Food really is an addiction for me, and unfortunately I have to eat, lol, but I also have rubbish willpower, so its not a very helpful combination!

I was talking with my hubby this morning about how I just feel like giving up on Slimming World because it just done't seem to be working for me (but then I cant honestly say I have stuck to plan 100% the whole time, so its probably my own fault!). Two of the women in my office have just recently started the Cambridge diet and the weight is just falling off. I am so so tempted to switch because I just want to see results and feel different. But then we talked and talked about it and I don't know. I mean, I always say to people SW is different its about changing your lifestyle for good, whereas these quick weightloss diets yes you lose quickly but people put the weight back on again!

The girls in my office already did Cambridge before summer and lost amazing amounts but they are both going back on it again because they have put over a stone back on. I keep saying to myself yeah but I would be different, I would make sure the weight didnt go back on by eating healthy afterwards and exercising etc. But then if I cant do it now, how can I expect I would do it then. I know other people who have gained weight back these VLCD diets. Hmm....Don't like the idea of pretty much starving myself either.

Argh, I'm just so frustrated with gaining and losing the same few pounds all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And spending £10 (me and hubby) a week for seeing no results, don't think I have the willpower to go it alone though :(

Anyway, the result of my chat with hubby is that we are going to give red days a go again. I think to be honest weight loss is quicker for me when I do red days, from past experience. I enjoy extra easy but I don't think it is working so well. And to be honest my dinner is usually some sort of meat with steamed veg anyway. Then I can also have my extra HeA + B which I've really missed.

I'm definitely not going to weigh in tonight, I decided that yesterday and emailed my C. Weighed at home this morning and have put on about 3lbs!! So not a happy bunny at all, but feeling very bloated today and ate quite a lot of carbs yesterday so that may be contributing.

So fresh new week. I AM going to be 100% this week. And going to do red days, and maybe pluck up the motivation to get back on the exercise bike again (I hate the feeling of being hot and sweaty, yuk!). I've made myself a little chart and bought some smiley face stickers so if I have been good with my meals I get a smiley face, if I do my exercise I get one, if I stay within my syns I get one. I feel like a child, lol. Feeling positive for now, but then I always do in the mornings, its the evening where it all goes wrong. We shall see....
Big hugs to you and Charlie. Uncertainties are annoying, but I guess this is life and we need to live with it, like it or not. Charlie is right, we shouldn't let this jeopardise healthy eating, as unhealthy eating doesn't solve the problem, and only makes us feel worse afterward!

Tricks to keep yourself motivated sounds good. :) Don't worry too much about your apparent gain, it may be because they are different sets of scales. Try red days and see how it goes!

By the way what's Cambridge diet? Restrictive?
My scales at home always weigh me less than the scales at class unfortunately. I'm usually 2/3lb more on the class scales. Ah well, the damage has been done, need to concentrate on losing it again now :)

The Cambridge diet is one of the Very low calorie diets. Yes very strict, its basically soups and shakes but they also have bars and porridge as well. They have different levels, the strictest one being 415-554 calories a day, so 3-4 shakes/soups a day.
500 calories a day? That's low. I don't think I'll consider switching then. I heard that if you reduce the calorie intake drastically you will slow down your metabolic rate and turn you into salvation mode, and your body will cling onto the fat reserve. And once you start eating more you'll gain it all back. So my advice is don't do it. Stay in sw!! We can do this together!! :)
Yea, apparently you go into something called Ketosis, don't know too much about it but its something to do with your body burning your fat for energy. I think it sounds very hard, not sure I could get through a busy day on just shakes! And I'm pretty sure that once you start eating again you body will be like 'OMG actual food!!' and just store every calorie you eat.

I just want to be slim, and its taking so long! :'(

Only thing I can do is stick with SW and try to be more strict with myself and up the exercise. Hopefully that will help. I know I'm never going to get anywhere near target for Xmas but would love to get under 11 and a half stone, which is the lowest I've managed to get down to on SW before.

Yes, we CAN do this :D (.....I hope, lol)
I think it's not worth the pain with such low calorie diet coz I'm pretty sure myself that I can't stick to it, and will gain back everything once I eat normal food again.

I'm fed up with slow progress too so am thinking whether to do red and green days instead of ee. Good thing is not having to worry about not having enough superfree, annoying thing is I'll have to weigh meat / pasta which doesn't really suit a lazy person like me. Also because my hubby isn't doing it, its harder rto reduce meat / pasta, than just cooking more veg for myself. Will see... Had a rubbish day yesterday as I was at a whole day meeting with fatty food lunch buffet.
I definitely remember having bigger losses when I did red/green to be honest. I usually do more red than green, maybe only one or 2 green a week. I think because that is what I was used to with SW it will probably be easier to get back into again, I've missed being able to have 2 HeB's so I can have Alpen light bars without having to syns them! I'm going to try and cut down on carbs too.

I'm quite lucky that hubby is doing SW too, but he barely sticks to plan. He still munches his way through packets of biscuits and toast but still manages to lose weight or stay the same! I don't understand it?! Seems silly for him to be paying £5 a week to be weighed when he doesn't really seem to care but if he didn't I would have to go to class on my own, lol.

A whole day in a meeting sounds horrible you poor thing! I'm used to just getting something to eat as and when I need it, so it would be horrible to be restricted and stuck in a meeting.
Weds 13th Oct

Breakfast - Allbran and milk (HeA + B) with strawberries.

Lunch - Mugshot and a banana

Dinner - Salmon with green beans, broccoli, and babycorn, 1tbsp light salad dressing (1.5syns)

Snacks - 2 slices ham

Drinks - Tea x 3, Options choc (2syns), Water x 3

Total syns = 3.5 syns

Exercise = No exercise (I was sooooo tired at the end of today, luckily already did my gold body magic for the week!)

Really struggling this evening with cravings and just the urge to eat eat eat. Feeling really hungry for some reason even after dinner. So going to have a hot drink and get an early night I think. I think its because I've been eating quite constantly over the last few days so my body needs to adjust to being on plan again. I hate this part! :sigh:
Hi Emily, so sorry that you are are going through such a bad time. I hope that you will have positive news soon.
Regarding the Cambridge diet, I followed that about 20 yrs ago and I lost a lot of weight quickly but ended up putting it all back on plus more. I can understand you wanting to lose weight quickly and its all down to personal choice. Must admit that I would rather follow SW plan as I don't need to go hungry.
I am sending big hugs to you Emily. X
Hi Jane, thank you so much :) I'm feeling better today and more positive, went out for a nice long walk with the dog and a friend which was lovely.
Having thought about it more I don't think I could survive on the Cambridge diet. Yesterday I was really busy with work and things and didn't have much time to eat, and I felt really tired and had a bit of a headache. So no idea how I would feel with only 3 shakes a day!
I am really craving something to just munch on right now. Don't know if its because I'm bored or because the cold weather is setting in or something. But its still a few hours till dinner! Got a cup of tea but don't know how long that will keep the cravings away for. My willpower ir really being tested right now...
How about an alpen light bar? I just had one :)
Already had one for a boost before my walk, lol. Now I'm bored AND lonely coz hubby has just gone off to work (night shifts for the next 3 weeks :( )
Thurs 14th Oct

Breakfast - Allbran and milk (HeA + B) with strawberries.

Lunch - Pasta with ham, grated carrot and cucumber, with 3tbsp thousand island dressing (6 syns)

Dinner - Pork chops with green beans, broccoli, and babycorn, 1tbsp light salad dressing (1.5syns)

Snacks - 2 slices ham
Alpen light bar (3syns)

Drinks - Tea x 3, Water x 4

Total syns = 10.5 syns

Exercise = 45 mins brisk walk

Urgh, quite a few syns in there today, I know its still under 15 but I'm trying to only have about 5 at the moment to see if it helps. Didn't feel quite as hungry today as yesterday but still had the urge to munch in the afternoon/evening, probably due to boredom and hubby being on night shift at the moment.

Quite proud that I have managed two 100% days in a row so far though, probably the best I have done in a while! :)
I wouldn't worry about having 10 syns. ;) well done for gold body magic too!! :)

I'd actually find it easier if I'm just cooking for myself, then I won't have to worry about not feeding my hubby properly. I think the other reason it's hard for me to do green/red is becoz my hubby loves meat. And he loves rice/pasta with the meat. And he eats alot. Lol. Sometimes want ice cream after the meal too (which is a temptation for me) If I'm on my own I think I can just eat salads / some veg in a noodle soup as a meal :p (blaming it all on him now;))

Have a good weekend :)
Fri 15th Oct

I would probably eat better and lose weight quicker if I didn't have to cook for my hubby too, lol.

Breakfast - Allbran and milk (HeA + B) with strawberries.

Lunch - Sushi (3syns)

Dinner - Stir fry veg with chicken, 1tbsp light salad dressing (1.5syns)

Snacks - Options hot choc (2syns)

Drinks - Tea x 5, Water x 4

Total syns = 6.5 syns

Exercise = No exercise
Oops, knew the 100% streak wouldn't last long. Made the mistake of going to the supermarket to do the weekly shop feeling hungry :( Bought a Whoopie pie (a sandwichy/cakey thing with buttercream in the middle) and a cupcake! Urgh, I feel incredibly sick now, all my own greedy fault unfortunately. On the plus side though its put me off sweet/cakey things for a long long time.....I hope! Don't even feel like eating dinner tonight.

I was doing so so well, going to have to really pull back the reigns over the next few days and hope I haven't done too much damage. Maybe go and beast myself in the gym :rolleyes:
it's always a bad idea to go to supermarket with an empty stomach! you'll be tempted by all sorts of things. but you've been really good last week, and you didn't eat dinner after your pie, hopefully the damage wouldn't be too bad!!