Epic Journey

WOOOOO! Go Lorna! So pleased for ya! Well done! !!
Yeah I'm pleased. Although I'm thinking of coming off for this evening as my OH and I have been together for 7 years today. I'm not going to have a blow out but would just like to enjoy it, no booze though. I'm also getting straight back in it tomorrow - I haven't decided yet though!
Enjoyed my anniversary, didn't go crazy and not hungry today although definately not in ketosis as I had potatos and crisps. Had one pack so far today, caramel it was nice. Going to have mushroom pasta tonight with loads of mushrooms - excited :)
Well I went til now on only two packs and veg about to watch some tv with a hot choc shake and a bar. Let's hope ketosis arrives tomorrow :)
Hot shake and bar was lovely, time to start getting ready for bed. I wasn't too hungry today even though I had an anniversary meal last night and I'm probably out of ketosis.

Happy weight loss everyone :)
Hey Lorna, glad to hear you enjoyed your anniversary - well done for getting back on track so quickly :) mmm hot shake and a bar I need to try and save my packs so I can do this! Have a good day x
Yep still back on it and feeling brilliant, I feel loads better while doing it and sleep better. I am the worse sleeper in the world and have been sleeping a baby :)

Cafe late shake for breakfast today I think!
Another great day for me, gutted the downstairs in the house, hung out with my cousin and all round feeling great - I'm a bit bloated feeling but not too bad hope it settles soon though :)
Morning Lorna, glad you had a good day yesterday - here's to another good one today :) X
Thanks :)

Got another weeks supply being delivered today, so I guess that means I'm planning on sticking it out a while longer. I'm still feeling a bit bloated this morning but not too worried about it will drink plenty of water and hope it goes away soon! Think i'll oatmeal for my first pack bit not til nearer 12!
Delivery came oh how I love it - I also learned that my cousin and best friend are gonna start s&s at the weekend woooop!

Today for an hour I had my worse cravings yet, I was so head hungry I thought I was going insane. Glad I got through it though! I was also feeling crappy and bloated earlier but feeling loads better and looking forward to a new day tomorrow :)

Night all!
Morning Lorna, I love getting the deliveries it's like Christmas isn't it even though you have to buy the present yourself haha!
Well done for getting through the cravings yesterday, have a good day today :)

Yep it is like christmas, I'm buying a months pack (well a months guys 5 a day, which will last me 35 days) next week and I'm extremely excited haha

Today has been great took my little one to a funday at McD's - I got the grilled chicken salad and had balsamic vinegar with it so I had 3 packs today I know that the salad from there probably aren't the best but I was starved! Hopefully there are no hidden nasties :p

I'm on day 14 and it's still going great two people have said to me that I look better and they don't know I'm doing s&s, so yippeeeeee. Can only get better. I am gonna.start the 30DS from tomorrow and I was wondering if it's intense enough to warrant another pack? I'm thinking not but would be great if anyone could confirm this, thanks in advance
Hey Lorna sounds like you're doing great. Nothing wrong with the chicken salad from maccies - you definitely made the better choice there :)

30DS is pretty intense in my opinion lol. I'm not sure whether you would need another pack, just see how you go - if you feel like you need something have it either a pack or extra protein. Best of luck with the shred, you should have some really good results!

Thanks, yeah the shred works me hard I couldn't find it on myfitnesspal but I put in 20mins of circuit training is just under 300 cals burned, so I'm guessing I would need another pack or extra.protien as I only consume between 580 and 650 calories a day and I really do not want to lose any lean tissue - another question up coming if burning around 300cals should I just be aiming to bring my net calories up to around 5-600? Argh I'm so confused lol

Clare I'm gonna have to try the muffins you made from a pack at some point this week sounds delicious :)
Thanks, yeah the shred works me hard I couldn't find it on myfitnesspal but I put in 20mins of circuit training is just under 300 cals burned, so I'm guessing I would need another pack or extra.protien as I only consume between 580 and 650 calories a day and I really do not want to lose any lean tissue - another question up coming if burning around 300cals should I just be aiming to bring my net calories up to around 5-600? Argh I'm so confused lol

Clare I'm gonna have to try the muffins you made from a pack at some point this week sounds delicious :)

I see what you mean about the calorie burn, I think the official line from S&S is on heavy exercise days you can have an extra pack or some protein. I don't think you need to eat them all the way back up to the 600 mark though as it might stall your losses. I haven't had any extra packs on my run days so far but I will if I feel like I need them in the future.

Mmm yes definitely make the muffin it was amazing! I'm seriously contemplating having one for breakfast hehe!

Good luck with WI! X
Well I decided I would wait another week or so before adding in extra packs for working out as I wanna make sure eating more won't throw me off track.

Although today is weigh day and I'm down another 3lbs woop woop. I'm so pleased it means I only need another 8.5lbs to get me into a new stone bracket which might only be 2-3 weeks away and I can't wait :)
Well done hun

See how you feel and play it by ear with the pack. xxx
3lb off Lorna absolutely amazing! Nearly a stone gone you'll have that next week! And in the 14s as well it won't be long, how fab will that feel being 14stone something :D You're doing so well chick keep up the good work.

Hey Clare - Thanks yep I'm really pleased.

Yesterday I needed food, all food if I saw it I wanted it but I remained somewhat strong and I had 3 packs plus a meal - the meal was a little naughtier than usual but I needed it. I had two peppered steaks with two portabello mushrooms stuff with vlf cheese. Now it could have been okay if I didn't have the cheese but it's not gonna knock me out of ketosis and I really needed it aaaaaaaaaand it was amazing to have it, it has made me feel better and today I feel good for it.

Still carrying on 100% I'm so pleased with myself that I have made it to day 17 :D