Everyday's a SW day :) x

I have never had cous cous but this sounds ok. Will definately buy some and give a try. Might get some frozen fruit, what do you think.
Your diaries do give me different stuff to think about.
I have never had cous cous but this sounds ok. Will definately buy some and give a try. Might get some frozen fruit, what do you think.
Your diaries do give me different stuff to think about.

glad to hear some of it's coming in handy ;)

i mostly buy frozen raspberries cos i find the frozen ones better value for money plus.
i don't use them everyday so it's good that they can last a while where as the fresh ones would need to be used before they went bad.

tesco do frozen cherries too for £2 a box....bargain seeing as the fresh ones are so expensive just now!x
food for today looking like this...


rice pudding with chopped banana, frozen raspberries and a dollop of raspberry yog stirred through

fruit salad, a boiled egg and a e/l choices sausage

picked at some ham and some seafood sticks

pork chop, sw chips, onions, mushrooms and tomato
left over fruit salad with some scan bran cake

HEb: 2 ryvita and 1 hifi light bar
HEa: philly light/babybel light

scan bran cake - 0.5
sausage - 0.5
popcorn -2.5
malteser bunny - 3
space raiders - 3

9.5 for the day
Food looking good. Not had seafood sticks for a while. On shopping list for tomorrow
what a scorcher of a day it's been here today....i sat out for a bit - covered in factor 30 and have still managed to end up with lobster shoulders and ridiculous white marks from my top lol.

anyway...bit of a hungry day for me today...not sure why but as usual,have stuck to plan 100% which is always a good thing ;)


rice pudding, chopped banana, frozen raspberries & some yog mixed through

egg mayo & spring onion on toast

pasta with quorn chicken pieces, onion, mushrooms, pepper and petit pois and philly light mixed through

fruit salad

60g wm bread
1/2 choc scan bran cake and a hifi light bar

philly light and a babybel light

e/l mayo - 0.5
choc options in the scan bran cake - 1 (1/2 of)
fun size mars bar - 4
hoops and crosses - 4.5

10 in total for the day

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its easy but i don't really have the time when i'm working so the other day i made 50g up then split it and then i was preparing some fruit the night before so that i could just mix it altogether before i left for work in the morning.
recently i've been having 2 smaller breakfasts (eg the cous cous when i get up then a small magic porridge with 1/2 HE oats once i'm in work) and it's been working quite well.
seem to be eating every hour or 2 right enough lol but it's all on plan and they say little but often is good :) x
Yep, little and often is good as keeps metabolism going.

Another fab food day for you yesterday x
just popping on with today's food.
wasn't sure what day i was going to do and didn't know what i wanted seeing as it was so hot...
think tomorrow's meant to be nice for us here again which would be ok....if i wasn't gonna be spending the day with the oven on making my bits and bobs for work for the week! lol

WI tomorrow for me. i've had another good week but the dreaded time of the month is on it's way and with 4lbs off last week...i'm not sure how it'll go....just need to wait and see i guess - but hoping that me painting my fences and hut have helped ;) lol


fruit salad with sweet cous cous and yog stirred through

savoury rice quiche and salad

sw chips, cheese and baby pickled gherkins (??? lol)
fruit salad with half HEb muesli through it

alpen light and hifi light bar
17.5g muesli and 1/2 scan bran cake

30g cheddar

mini malteser bunny - 3
special k crisps - 4.5

only 7.5 for the day!
hey folks...
well...what a day i've had...
the dreaded star week made an appearance so of course, with that came me feeling absolutely hellish - cramps, feeling faint etc. i went for a lie down, then i was sick and eugh...the list goes on! damn you mother nature!!

anyway, today's not gone as planned and i've ended up not going to class....1st time i've missed it but i was just feeling so crap, and chasing my tail all day seeing as i cook on a monday for work snacks etc (to help me stay on plan) so i'm hoping that i can have it put through as a holiday.

i do feel a bit bad for not going but to be honest, it's not like i avoided it cos i've been off plan or anything...i was just feeling like sh1t for most of the day!

didn't really have much of an appetite but now that i'm showered and feeling slightly better...i'm now regretting the lack of proper meals lol. i've not used any syns so gonna have some crisps and a wee bit of chocolate soon



fruit salad with some yog

pudding rice with chopped banana, frozen raspberries and a dollop of yog

gammon on a wm roll with lettuce (cooked the gammon joint but it was far too hot for a roast dinner! lol)

HEb: wm roll
HEa: nothing yet...might have some cheese?

popcorn - 2.5
freddo - 5
space raiders - 3

10.5 for the day

not the most exciting or filling day foodwise for me....which was fine earlier but i reckon i'm gonna be super hungry either later on or tomorrow. its been so hot here today and i skipped making soup for work - think i'm gonna kick myself cos although it's not exactly soup weather...when i'm indoors all day, feeling chilly from air conditioning...i'm gonna want it lol.
made my quiche with a low fat supernoodles base today instead of the usual pasta n sauce....i'm sure there won't be much difference taste wise but it seems to be held together a bit better - prob cos the sauce solidifies when they're cold anyway.

right....will stop gibbering now.....hehe. hope everyone's well x
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food for today looking like this...


rice pudding, chopped banana, blueberries, frozen raspberries & some yog
boiled egg

Mid morning snack:
17.5g oats in yog, a nectarine and a piece of sw quiche

cheese, spring onion & mayo sandwich, sw onion bhaji

baked potato filled with philly light and salad
strawberries & pineapple

17.5g oats and a hifi light bar
2 slices of wm bread

30g cheddar
philly light

0.5- mayo
0.5 - scan bran cake
4 - fun size mars
4 - hoops and crosses

9 for the day
food for today looking like this...


rice pudding, chopped banana, blueberries, frozen raspberries and a dollop of yog
boiled egg

Mid Morning Snack:
17.5g oats in yog, sw onion bhaji and a peach

mugshot and fruit salad

philly pasta with quorn chicken, peppers, onion, mushroom and petit pois

17.5g oats/ 3 wm crackerbread
1 alpen light/ 1 hifi light bar

70g philly light
2 e/l laughing cow triangles

freddo - 5
prawn hoops and crosses - 4

9 for the day

fruit salad, cous cous and yog
boiled egg

Mid Morning Snack:
oats in yog, nectarine

cheese and pickle sandwich, cherries

piece of sw quiche & a sw onion bhaji

baked potato, cottage cheese and salad

17.5g oats/alpen light
wm bread

30g cheddar

pickle - 0.5
freddo - 5
hoops and crosses - 4.5

10 for the day

warm rice pudding, chopped banana, frozen raspberries and some raspberry yog stirred through

1 slice wm bread spread with philly light and cooked ham/lettuce
piece of sw quiche, few seafood sticks
few grapes/strawberries

fanta chicken with lots of peppers, onion and carrots with noodles

HEb: wm bread/hifi light bar
HEa: 20g cheddar and a scraping of philly light

scan bran cake - 1
mini curly wurly -3.5
popcorn - 2.5
space raiders - 3

10 in total

rice pudding, banana, raspberries & yog
boiled egg

picked at some ham & seafood sticks then discovered the left over fanta chicken & noodles (well, i say chicken...not a bit to be seen so it was really only noodles, veg & the sauce lol)

strawberries with some vanilla yog over them

warm chicken & bacon salad with sw roasties

HEb: 1/2 scan bran cake and a hifi light bar
HEa: 3 x babybel lights

salad dressing - 0.5
mini fudge - 3
malteser bunny - 3
popcorn -2.5
space raiders - 3

12 for the day in total
A woman at my group made a beef and potato hash with extra lean mince last week! She was telling us about it and it sounded easy to make so you could do something like that? I'm not sure where the recipe was from but you could look on here for inspiration. What about spag Bol/shepherds pie? Xx

I know this was sometime ago, but the beef hash recipe I have seen was raw mince mixed with mashed, made into burger shapes and then cooked in a fry pan with frylight. Not sure if it has any other ingredients
I have been going through your diarys again and have reminded myself to do some fruity cous cous and rice for breakfast. Will make a change from egg toms and toast then I can have a sarni lunchtime for a change. Had been doing quite well for 3 weeks but 1/2lb on last week, probebly cause I pick when I look after the childern. More planning needed as their mum is back towork soon,

Youare doing so well it really spurs me on. Keep it up. x
I have been going through your diarys again and have reminded myself to do some fruity cous cous and rice for breakfast. Will make a change from egg toms and toast then I can have a sarni lunchtime for a change. Had been doing quite well for 3 weeks but 1/2lb on last week, probebly cause I pick when I look after the childern. More planning needed as their mum is back towork soon,

Youare doing so well it really spurs me on. Keep it up. x

aww thank you! :)
the cous cous is nice to bulk up the fruit salad...cos i put yog through it all, i can't really taste it but the rice pudding is definitely my favourite just now...and because i'm putting a dollop of yog through that too, i don't always use milk so i can have cheese on a sandwich or as part of another meal ;) x

fruit salad, cous cous & yog
boiled egg

asda sushi snack pack
fruit salad

bit of a buffet style bit of everything type dinner today...had
(asda bbq range) chicken tikka sticks, seafood sticks, a sausage, sw roasts & salad - was all a bit of a mismatch but yummy as we'd been out all day and were hungareeee! lol

HEb: 1/2 scan bran cake and a hifi light bar
HEa: 3 x babybel light

sushi - 2
sausage - 0.5
fun size mars - 4
prawn hoops and crosses - 4

10.5 for the day