Everyday's a SW day :) x

not a lot to report at this end today folks...spend an absolute fortune on shopping today but got lots of things like different meats, cans and bottles of juice etc that will do throughout the month so hopefully it balances out over the next few weeks cos we won't need to pick those things up for a while....or that's the plan anyway hehe

my OH was cracking up cos i had him in Aldi, homebargains, asda and sainsbury's...cos i go wherever the things are on offer and refuse to pay more for something if i know it's cheaper elsewhere lol.
so the freezer's full and got a few dinners that he can have when i'm on a green day (we tend to only eat the same if i'm doing EE so it means i make 2 or 3 seperate dinners seeing as my little one won't eat what i have!)



wee drop rice pudding with some chopped banana and frozen raspberries/blueberries
bowl of fruit salad with yog

cheese and pickle salad sandwich - wm bread spread with smooth pickle, HEa cheese, lettuce, tomato and spring onion

pasta with some quorn chicken, onions, mushrooms, peppers, sweetcorn and kidney beans with just over 1/2 HEa allowance of philly light to make it nice and creamy.
really enjoyed this - it was last minute and thrown together and a pretty decent choice considering i was starving when we got back and wanted everything and anything...QUICK! lol

left over fruit with yog & scan bran cake

wm bread
1/2 scan bran cake and a hifi light bar

30g cheddar
some philly light and a splash of milk in the rice pudding

pickle - 0.5
freddo - 5
space raiders - 3
sainsbo's popcorn - 2.5

11 for the day

feel i've had a pretty good wee day today....the rice, pasta and handful of quorn were pretty much the only free foods i ate (corn and kidney beans too?) and the rest of the things i've eaten have either been superfree or HE's (and syns but you get what i mean lol)
i didn't have huge amounts but looking at that menu, i'd say it was a pretty decent day in terms of sw food...?

WI day tomorrow for me. i'm really hoping for a good loss after the gain last week and of course seeing as i didn't give in and eat the rubbish i wanted on friday.
i know i've been on plan this week but it's had it's challenges so i'm hoping, even though i try not to expect too much, for a good one tomorrow.

fingers crossed peeps eh! x
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yippeee....popping on quickly to report a fab loss of 4lbs for me this week:party0011:

chuffed to bits, obviously, but kinda think damn body....couldn't you have missed the gain last week, replaced that with a wee loss then the same again this time hehe.

off to get dinner sorted so will be back on with today's food in a bit x
yippeee....popping on quickly to report a fab loss of 4lbs for me this week:party0011:

chuffed to bits, obviously, but kinda think damn body....couldn't you have missed the gain last week, replaced that with a wee loss then the same again this time hehe.

off to get dinner sorted so will be back on with today's food in a bit x

Well done!!! Congrats, you must be proper happy :)
Well done!!! Congrats, you must be proper happy :)

yep, i am :D
didn't do anything any differently to the week before so i guess it's as unjustified as last week's gain....but i recognise the pattern and i'm glad it was last week's loss plus more!

do kinda wish tho, that i could miss the week i gain and swap it for 2 weeks in a row of a loss instead of being miffed about a gain then getting a great loss.

aww well, not to worry...i'm happy about the numbers now anyway :D x
so...today's food was pretty minimal through the day-not intentional but i was busy with one thing or another and before i knew it, it was passed lunch time but too near to WI time to have anything a half decent size....was so hungry before WI and glad i'd grabbed and alpen light bar for straight after then home to get dinner.


rice pudding with chopped banana, blueberries, frozen raspberries and a dollop of yog

fruit salad, a boiled egg and 2 bacon medallions

chicken breast, sw roast potatoes, carrots, sprouts and sweetcorn

HEb: 1/2 lemon scan bran cake and an alpen light
HEa: splash of milk with the rice pudding and 2 babybel lights

popcorn- 2.5
space raiders - 3
aero biscuit-5

10.5 for the day
so...today's food was pretty minimal through the day-not intentional but i was busy with one thing or another and before i knew it, it was passed lunch time but too near to WI time to have anything a half decent size....was so hungry before WI and glad i'd grabbed and alpen light bar for straight after then home to get dinner.


rice pudding with chopped banana, blueberries, frozen raspberries and a dollop of yog

fruit salad, a boiled egg and 2 bacon medallions

chicken breast, sw roast potatoes, carrots, sprouts and sweetcorn

HEb: 1/2 lemon scan bran cake and an alpen light
HEa: splash of milk with the rice pudding and 2 babybel lights

popcorn- 2.5
space raiders - 3
aero biscuit-5

10.5 for the day

Ooh what was lemon scan bran cake like? X
Ooh what was lemon scan bran cake like? X

it was ok amy...i think i over cooked mine cos i forget it harden's up a bit as it's cooling and i'd checked it and decided to put it in for longer so next time, i'll remember that.
i don't top mine with anything, just slice it into 0.5 syn slices so i can have either 5 for 1/2 a HEb or syn a slice if i'm hungry but think i'm gonna get some quark to try.
i used an activia 0% lemon and lime yog and 2 capfuls of lemon flavouring

think i might try a sachet of options in it one time too as i do make them all the time x
yippeee....popping on quickly to report a fab loss of 4lbs for me this week:party0011:

chuffed to bits, obviously, but kinda think damn body....couldn't you have missed the gain last week, replaced that with a wee loss then the same again this time hehe.

off to get dinner sorted so will be back on with today's food in a bit x

Well done you. Fantastic
yippeee....popping on quickly to report a fab loss of 4lbs for me this week:party0011:

chuffed to bits, obviously, but kinda think damn body....couldn't you have missed the gain last week, replaced that with a wee loss then the same again this time hehe.

off to get dinner sorted so will be back on with today's food in a bit x

Woohoo! X
hey peoples.....

oooh what a busy day i've had - in the cooking sense anyway. my wee oven was on most of the day but eurgh! the dishes as i was going along! lol

anyway, soup, quiche, dahl loaf etc all made for the week which means handy pieces of sw snacks at the ready whenever i need them.

food looking like this for the day...


sweet cous cous with fruit and yog

homemade lentil soup with 2 smash cheese scones

pulled pork with a stuffed pepper (pepper was stuffed with some savoury rice with added superfree)

fruit salad with a piece of scan bran cake

HEb: 3 wm crackerbread and a hifi light bar
HEa: some philly on the crackers

fun size mars - 4
special k crisps- 4.5
scan bran cake - 0.5

9 for the day
hey peoples.....

oooh what a busy day i've had - in the cooking sense anyway. my wee oven was on most of the day but eurgh! the dishes as i was going along! lol

anyway, soup, quiche, dahl loaf etc all made for the week which means handy pieces of sw snacks at the ready whenever i need them.

food looking like this for the day...


sweet cous cous with fruit and yog

homemade lentil soup with 2 smash cheese scones

pulled pork with a stuffed pepper (pepper was stuffed with some savoury rice with added superfree)

fruit salad with a piece of scan bran cake

HEb: 3 wm crackerbread and a hifi light bar
HEa: some philly on the crackers

fun size mars - 4
special k crisps- 4.5
scan bran cake - 0.5

9 for the day

Hey chick
How did you make your couscous at breakfast? The one I used to make involved boiling milk Nd faffing but I want to make some to take to work tomorrow with my pomegranate and cherries :)
Hey chick
How did you make your couscous at breakfast? The one I used to make involved boiling milk Nd faffing but I want to make some to take to work tomorrow with my pomegranate and cherries :)

i just did 50g of cous cous, 100ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 5 mins or so until the water's absorbed. fluffed it up with a fork then stirred in a tsp of sweetener and some vanilla essence.
i wouldn't have it own its own but the 50g made loads so this morning i had some of it mixed through fruit and yog. couldn't really taste it but it bulked up the fruit salad a bit and lasted me longer than i thought.
i have the other half to do the same tomorrow before i go to work :) x
hello diary....

food for today looking like this:


fruity cous cous and yog 1st thing then magic porridge with half my HEb oats allowance later on when i was at work

Mid Morning Snack:
piece of sw quiche and dahl load and a nectarine

home made lentil soup, 3 wm crackerbread with philly light

meat free burger, sw chips and beans

left over fruit salad with an alpen light crumbled through it

17.5 g oats / 3 wm crackerbread
1 alpen light/ 1 hifi light bar

philly light and 20g cheddar

meat free burger - 1
popcorn -2.5
space raiders - 3
fun size mars bar - 4

10.5 for the day
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just popping on with today's eatables....been a busy day and never got dinner until late but it was a quick, easy, good choice considering i was super hungry and hadn't planned anything! ;)


fruity cous cous & a dollop of yog then some magic porridge when i was at work and getting hungry

Mid Morning Snack:
nectarine and some sw quiche

mugshot, the last of my lentil soup and a tangerine

baked potato with cheese and salad

piece of banana and 3 strawberries

17.5g oats and 2 ryvita
1 alpen light and 1 hifi light

30g chedder and some philly light

scan bran cake -0.5
freddo - 5
hoops and crosses -4.5

10 for the day
The cous cous sounds really easy, you're right it'll be a change I think I have some in from when I tried it ages ago (I tried it savoury though) so gonna hunt that out today. I could put the boiling water on when I get up n it should be ready by the time I've done my hair and stuff for work. I like easy breakfasts! Can't be bothered fading around on a morning that's why I never have cooked breakfasts lol x
its easy but i don't really have the time when i'm working so the other day i made 50g up then split it and then i was preparing some fruit the night before so that i could just mix it altogether before i left for work in the morning.
recently i've been having 2 smaller breakfasts (eg the cous cous when i get up then a small magic porridge with 1/2 HE oats once i'm in work) and it's been working quite well.
seem to be eating every hour or 2 right enough lol but it's all on plan and they say little but often is good :) x