Everyone else has got one... so now it's my turn

Emma I wonder if you're not eating enough which is making you dizzy. You do so much exercise at the gym, maybe try eating a bit more an hour before you go?

I'm a 36F and I quite like being that size but because I'm a size 18 at the moment and my tummy is big my boobs dont look very big in comparison. I'd like to get down to a size 12 and maybe have 34DDs hehehe.

I usually have 2 weetabix right before going to the gym and then a banana afterwards. I've not been near the gym this weekend, had the huge dinner last night and still had a couple of dizzy spells. So I don't know what's going on.

I learnt yesterday I'm a 35BB. As for dress size, I have no idea what I am ATM. I got that size 8 dress the other day, but I think that was just a one off. Maybe a 12, heading towards a 10?! Who knows
Last day in Lincoln. Off home later.

Had a good night out last night.
Flat warming party today. My friend's worried noone will turn up, but we're here at least.

The other two decided to make cakes, the recipe was working out at 6pp per cake. However, they only made 6 huge ones instead of 12 smaller ones, working out to be 12pp per cake. Plus icing and sprinkles on top. Defo staying away from them.

The sun are doing tokens for 2 free tickets to Warwick castle, so decided to pop to the shop to get the paper whilst the cakes were baking to avoid temptation. The local shop was literally 3 minutes away, not nearly far enough. So ignored it and wandered into town, about another 20 minutes or so away. I wanted my pedometer to up a bit. I still had 500 steps to do before I even started earning points.
On the way, I decided I'd pop into Iceland on the way back and grab a 2 pack of weight watchers sticky toffee cheesecakes. One of those (5pp) with the tagliatelle bolognese (7pp) I bought yesterday will do me fine whilst they're all eating cupcakes and pizza and chicken nuggets and drinking pimms. My tagliatelle bolognese and sticky toffee cheesecake is the same number of points as one of those cupcakes.
I think I know which one I'd rather spend the points on.
Last day in Lincoln. Off home later.

Had a good night out last night.
Flat warming party today. My friend's worried noone will turn up, but we're here at least.

The other two decided to make cakes, the recipe was working out at 6pp per cake. However, they only made 6 huge ones instead of 12 smaller ones, working out to be 12pp per cake. Plus icing and sprinkles on top. Defo staying away from them.

The sun are doing tokens for 2 free tickets to Warwick castle, so decided to pop to the shop to get the paper whilst the cakes were baking to avoid temptation. The local shop was literally 3 minutes away, not nearly far enough. So ignored it and wandered into town, about another 20 minutes or so away. I wanted my pedometer to up a bit. I still had 500 steps to do before I even started earning points.
On the way, I decided I'd pop into Iceland on the way back and grab a 2 pack of weight watchers sticky toffee cheesecakes. One of those (5pp) with the tagliatelle bolognese (7pp) I bought yesterday will do me fine whilst they're all eating cupcakes and pizza and chicken nuggets and drinking pimms. My tagliatelle bolognese and sticky toffee cheesecake is the same number of points as one of those cupcakes.
I think I know which one I'd rather spend the points on.

your very good!!!
ur willpower amazes me ;)
and i got those tickets from
the sun its rather a bargain, not just for warwick castle tho so have to decide wher i want to go :)
your very good!!!
ur willpower amazes me ;)
and i got those tickets from
the sun its rather a bargain, not just for warwick castle tho so have to decide wher i want to go :)

I love the sun. I've been on a few £9.50 holidays with them (my trip to Haven in Wales was a sun holiday), I've been to Alton towers & Thorpe park with the sun. I went to chessington world of adventures last month with the sun. And got tickets to Alton towers again on the 24th this month.
I was once staying in Warwick working and we had an afternoon off so were gonna go to the castle. Got to the entrance and it was a bloody fortune. Left immediately. It does look really interesting though, so for free, I'm gonna check it out, especially as I only live about an hour and a half away from Warwick.

And thanks. I was out for about an hour. I phoned my bf and we had a nice chat about pretty much nothing for an hour whilst I was out. My friends did phone me though to make sure I hadn't had a dizzy spell whilst out bless them. They'd figured I'd just gone for a walk, cuz I wanted to get out away from the cakes, but then it occurred to them I'd been gone an hour and just wanted to check I was ok.
Got the right munchies today.
Had my tagliatelle bolognese, but still fancy eating.
Been snacking on strawberries. I did have the bowl on my lap, but have put it on the counter so that I have to get up and walk to them if I want any, clocking up a few steps on my pedometer.
I've got 14 points left for today, so after my cheesecake I'll have 9. I'm thinking I'm gonna snack on 6 of those and then have a bowl of weetabix as my dinner for just 3pp. That's always filling.
And I shouldn't need anything huge later as I've only eaten. Being away has really messed up my food body clock. Breakfast is near lunch time, lunch time is near dinner time. Dinner time is heading towards bed time.
Although it's been a good weekend, I'm looking forward to getting back to my routine at home
Maybe you have the munchies coz of your treat meal last nite hun that always happens to me when ive had sumthing abit fattier and greasy. glad youve had a gud weekend away but its always nice to get back home.x
Last day in Lincoln. Off home later.

Had a good night out last night.
Flat warming party today. My friend's worried noone will turn up, but we're here at least.

The other two decided to make cakes, the recipe was working out at 6pp per cake. However, they only made 6 huge ones instead of 12 smaller ones, working out to be 12pp per cake. Plus icing and sprinkles on top. Defo staying away from them.

The sun are doing tokens for 2 free tickets to Warwick castle, so decided to pop to the shop to get the paper whilst the cakes were baking to avoid temptation. The local shop was literally 3 minutes away, not nearly far enough. So ignored it and wandered into town, about another 20 minutes or so away. I wanted my pedometer to up a bit. I still had 500 steps to do before I even started earning points.
On the way, I decided I'd pop into Iceland on the way back and grab a 2 pack of weight watchers sticky toffee cheesecakes. One of those (5pp) with the tagliatelle bolognese (7pp) I bought yesterday will do me fine whilst they're all eating cupcakes and pizza and chicken nuggets and drinking pimms. My tagliatelle bolognese and sticky toffee cheesecake is the same number of points as one of those cupcakes.
I think I know which one I'd rather spend the points on.

I'm proud of you for resisting the pizza, cupcakes and chicken nuggets, your meal will be just as satisfying, if not more so! X

your very good!!!
ur willpower amazes me ;)
and i got those tickets from
the sun its rather a bargain, not just for warwick castle tho so have to decide wher i want to go :)

Emma is a Willpower machine! X

I love the sun. I've been on a few £9.50 holidays with them (my trip to Haven in Wales was a sun holiday), I've been to Alton towers & Thorpe park with the sun. I went to chessington world of adventures last month with the sun. And got tickets to Alton towers again on the 24th this month.
I was once staying in Warwick working and we had an afternoon off so were gonna go to the castle. Got to the entrance and it was a bloody fortune. Left immediately. It does look really interesting though, so for free, I'm gonna check it out, especially as I only live about an hour and a half away from Warwick.

And thanks. I was out for about an hour. I phoned my bf and we had a nice chat about pretty much nothing for an hour whilst I was out. My friends did phone me though to make sure I hadn't had a dizzy spell whilst out bless them. They'd figured I'd just gone for a walk, cuz I wanted to get out away from the cakes, but then it occurred to them I'd been gone an hour and just wanted to check I was ok.

My parents went to a Cliff Richard Concert in The grounds of Warwick Castle last night! X

Got the right munchies today.
Had my tagliatelle bolognese, but still fancy eating.
Been snacking on strawberries. I did have the bowl on my lap, but have put it on the counter so that I have to get up and walk to them if I want any, clocking up a few steps on my pedometer.
I've got 14 points left for today, so after my cheesecake I'll have 9. I'm thinking I'm gonna snack on 6 of those and then have a bowl of weetabix as my dinner for just 3pp. That's always filling.
And I shouldn't need anything huge later as I've only eaten. Being away has really messed up my food body clock. Breakfast is near lunch time, lunch time is near dinner time. Dinner time is heading towards bed time.
Although it's been a good weekend, I'm looking forward to getting back to my routine at home

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates going away because of the routine disruption,it does my head in if I'm honest! X

Maybe you have the munchies coz of your treat meal last nite hun that always happens to me when ive had sumthing abit fattier and greasy. glad youve had a gud weekend away but its always nice to get back home.x

I reckon it's cos junk food is like a drug, just makes u want more and more! X

Safe Trip Home Emma. X
I'm proud of you for resisting the pizza, cupcakes and chicken nuggets, your meal will be just as satisfying, if not more so! X

Emma is a Willpower machine! X

My parents went to a Cliff Richard Concert in The grounds of Warwick Castle last night! X

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates going away because of the routine disruption,it does my head in if I'm honest! X

I reckon it's cos junk food is like a drug, just makes u want more and more! X

Safe Trip Home Emma. X

The chicken nuggets looked so nice.
They were real chicken breast ones and I could've easily devoured them all, but 3 nuggets were working out about 5 points.
Not really worth it.

Yeah - willpower machine - until Saturday night with my huge burger. And I could've stopped there, but I went and had a sundae too.
Ah well. That meal was amazing and I can't stop thinking about it.
Already want to go back once I've hit goal.

I didn't really think I had much of a routine, or a problem when it got disrupted, but apparently since starting WW and the gym, I have.

Thanks for the journey well wishes - I obviously got back fine, and got back quite quickly.
Coming home always seems to take less time than going.
I probably shouldn't have come home and logged online though, cuz the carnage I came back to.
Bit of a pants day today.

Last night I ended up having 6 points left after leaving my friend's house in Lincoln to come home and knew I had a 6 point WW Chicken Pasta Bake in the freezer, so grabbed that and headed to the boy's house to chill out.
Although I'd last seen him Friday morning, it seemed like an eternity ago and I'd really missed him over the weekend.
When I'd gone to the shop, I'd phoned him and we had a nice hour long chat about absolutely nothing.
I'm not really a huge fan of phone calls, so I usually text, but every now and then it's nice to have a little chat.
(Also, just realised I put I had 500 steps to do before earning yesterday - I missed a zero - was supposed to be 5000)

So we chilled, watched the tele, had food and then went to bed, which I did not want to get out of this morning.
Sooooo tired.

Went to work, and they were preparing for a huge visit from some boss man thing at 5pm today (don't really know to be sure who he was) so were making everything look like the dog's googlies.
This resulted in me doing the crappy jobs - quite literally - I ended up having to wash bird poo off the outside garden patio display.
My jobs also included cleaning flowerpots of dust & water marks, clearing the flower displays of mud (at one point they had me hoovering it up) and sweeping the floor.
I also got told off by a department manager for doing something that someone else had asked me to do.
That, along with still not feeling entirely right in the head (no jokes thanks haha), didn't lead to a particularly good day.
Was so glad to get out of there at 3pm.

Since getting home, had a wee bit of a tidy up (my room was a tip - still is, but didn't have the energy to do much about it - but on friday night before leaving for lincoln, I'd opened all the drawers on one of my sets of drawers unintentionally and the entire thing fell over, chucking my tv, a bunch of toiletries and my favourite 50p on the floor :()

I've also had a bit of a nap and am off to aquafit later.
Well, should be, haven't actually booked onto it yet, but it's a class that doesn't require equipment, so doesn't usually fill up as such.

Just quickly, back to the 50p thing. I'm a bit of a coin enthusiast.
I like collecting interesting coins.
I have the four UK Capital City £1 coins. The Edinburgh one was so hard to find, but my bestie works in the post office, so handles coins every day, and managed to find me one after a few months of searching.
I have the entire Olympics 2012 50p set (and the boy bought me the completer's medallion for Christmas).
For my birthday last year (before we were even together), he made me what is now my favourite 50 pence piece.
He buffed off the pattern on a 50p (not the Queen's head though - that's like treason or something) and etched in a picture of Eeyore (I love donkeys) and 'Emma' & '23' etched into it with 'Happy Birthday Emma' on the side.
There was so much effort put into it. It was amazing. And now it's been flung around my room somewhere, so will need to search for it when I've got a bit more energy.
He's got something else up his sleeve for this birthday. He says it's taken longer to make than he first realised, but once he's got an idea in his head, he has to do it that way, no matter how hard it turns out to be.

Talking of my birthday, it's just 5 weeks this thursday (yep, my birthday is on weigh in day).
And I figured out today, that if I keep up my 2.5lb weight loss per week (a little optimistic, as I'm not sure 2.5lb is my current usual), I could hit my goal weight on my birthday.
Would also be just .5lbs away from 2.5stone loss on my birthday also (Would be brilliant to be able to get that last extra half a pound off somewhere before then as well).

Anyway, I'm finished rambling now.
That last little bit was just a bit of optimism and me getting a bit excited.
But hitting goal on my birthday would be the best present ever.

That's me done for now.
Gonna grab something small, perhaps a banana or something (definitely NOT cake eh ladies?!?! haha), before aquafit, as you're not supposed to go swimming on a full stomach.

Adios amigos.
Found a pic of my coin
Bit of a pants day today.

Last night I ended up having 6 points left after leaving my friend's house in Lincoln to come home and knew I had a 6 point WW Chicken Pasta Bake in the freezer, so grabbed that and headed to the boy's house to chill out.
Although I'd last seen him Friday morning, it seemed like an eternity ago and I'd really missed him over the weekend.
When I'd gone to the shop, I'd phoned him and we had a nice hour long chat about absolutely nothing.
I'm not really a huge fan of phone calls, so I usually text, but every now and then it's nice to have a little chat.
(Also, just realised I put I had 500 steps to do before earning yesterday - I missed a zero - was supposed to be 5000)

So we chilled, watched the tele, had food and then went to bed, which I did not want to get out of this morning.
Sooooo tired.

Went to work, and they were preparing for a huge visit from some boss man thing at 5pm today (don't really know to be sure who he was) so were making everything look like the dog's googlies.
This resulted in me doing the crappy jobs - quite literally - I ended up having to wash bird poo off the outside garden patio display.
My jobs also included cleaning flowerpots of dust & water marks, clearing the flower displays of mud (at one point they had me hoovering it up) and sweeping the floor.
I also got told off by a department manager for doing something that someone else had asked me to do.
That, along with still not feeling entirely right in the head (no jokes thanks haha), didn't lead to a particularly good day.
Was so glad to get out of there at 3pm.

Since getting home, had a wee bit of a tidy up (my room was a tip - still is, but didn't have the energy to do much about it - but on friday night before leaving for lincoln, I'd opened all the drawers on one of my sets of drawers unintentionally and the entire thing fell over, chucking my tv, a bunch of toiletries and my favourite 50p on the floor :()

I've also had a bit of a nap and am off to aquafit later.
Well, should be, haven't actually booked onto it yet, but it's a class that doesn't require equipment, so doesn't usually fill up as such.

Just quickly, back to the 50p thing. I'm a bit of a coin enthusiast.
I like collecting interesting coins.
I have the four UK Capital City £1 coins. The Edinburgh one was so hard to find, but my bestie works in the post office, so handles coins every day, and managed to find me one after a few months of searching.
I have the entire Olympics 2012 50p set (and the boy bought me the completer's medallion for Christmas).
For my birthday last year (before we were even together), he made me what is now my favourite 50 pence piece.
He buffed off the pattern on a 50p (not the Queen's head though - that's like treason or something) and etched in a picture of Eeyore (I love donkeys) and 'Emma' & '23' etched into it with 'Happy Birthday Emma' on the side.
There was so much effort put into it. It was amazing. And now it's been flung around my room somewhere, so will need to search for it when I've got a bit more energy.
He's got something else up his sleeve for this birthday. He says it's taken longer to make than he first realised, but once he's got an idea in his head, he has to do it that way, no matter how hard it turns out to be.

Talking of my birthday, it's just 5 weeks this thursday (yep, my birthday is on weigh in day).
And I figured out today, that if I keep up my 2.5lb weight loss per week (a little optimistic, as I'm not sure 2.5lb is my current usual), I could hit my goal weight on my birthday.
Would also be just .5lbs away from 2.5stone loss on my birthday also (Would be brilliant to be able to get that last extra half a pound off somewhere before then as well).

Anyway, I'm finished rambling now.
That last little bit was just a bit of optimism and me getting a bit excited.
But hitting goal on my birthday would be the best present ever.

That's me done for now.
Gonna grab something small, perhaps a banana or something (definitely NOT cake eh ladies?!?! haha), before aquafit, as you're not supposed to go swimming on a full stomach.

Adios amigos.

make sure its not cake!!!! lol that was an essay an half but yeah that would be a nice bday present :)
talking of the coin he made u what a lovely personal idea!!!! ahhh bless!!
enjoy ur class catch u later
make sure its not cake!!!! lol that was an essay an half but yeah that would be a nice bday present :)
talking of the coin he made u what a lovely personal idea!!!! ahhh bless!!
enjoy ur class catch u later

Oh yeah... I don't do short messages.
I'm a rambler.
And I did say I ramble in my first post on this diary, so you had your warning ;)
The chicken nuggets looked so nice.
They were real chicken breast ones and I could've easily devoured them all, but 3 nuggets were working out about 5 points.
Not really worth it.

Yeah - willpower machine - until Saturday night with my huge burger. And I could've stopped there, but I went and had a sundae too.
Ah well. That meal was amazing and I can't stop thinking about it.
Already want to go back once I've hit goal.

I didn't really think I had much of a routine, or a problem when it got disrupted, but apparently since starting WW and the gym, I have.

Thanks for the journey well wishes - I obviously got back fine, and got back quite quickly.
Coming home always seems to take less time than going.
I probably shouldn't have come home and logged online though, cuz the carnage I came back to.

But u love us and our carnage! I have a huge update to do on my diary once I have caught up on everyone else's lol x
Bit of a pants day today.

Last night I ended up having 6 points left after leaving my friend's house in Lincoln to come home and knew I had a 6 point WW Chicken Pasta Bake in the freezer, so grabbed that and headed to the boy's house to chill out.
Although I'd last seen him Friday morning, it seemed like an eternity ago and I'd really missed him over the weekend.
When I'd gone to the shop, I'd phoned him and we had a nice hour long chat about absolutely nothing.
I'm not really a huge fan of phone calls, so I usually text, but every now and then it's nice to have a little chat.
(Also, just realised I put I had 500 steps to do before earning yesterday - I missed a zero - was supposed to be 5000)

So we chilled, watched the tele, had food and then went to bed, which I did not want to get out of this morning.
Sooooo tired.

Went to work, and they were preparing for a huge visit from some boss man thing at 5pm today (don't really know to be sure who he was) so were making everything look like the dog's googlies.
This resulted in me doing the crappy jobs - quite literally - I ended up having to wash bird poo off the outside garden patio display.
My jobs also included cleaning flowerpots of dust & water marks, clearing the flower displays of mud (at one point they had me hoovering it up) and sweeping the floor.
I also got told off by a department manager for doing something that someone else had asked me to do.
That, along with still not feeling entirely right in the head (no jokes thanks haha), didn't lead to a particularly good day.
Was so glad to get out of there at 3pm.

Since getting home, had a wee bit of a tidy up (my room was a tip - still is, but didn't have the energy to do much about it - but on friday night before leaving for lincoln, I'd opened all the drawers on one of my sets of drawers unintentionally and the entire thing fell over, chucking my tv, a bunch of toiletries and my favourite 50p on the floor :()

I've also had a bit of a nap and am off to aquafit later.
Well, should be, haven't actually booked onto it yet, but it's a class that doesn't require equipment, so doesn't usually fill up as such.

Just quickly, back to the 50p thing. I'm a bit of a coin enthusiast.
I like collecting interesting coins.
I have the four UK Capital City £1 coins. The Edinburgh one was so hard to find, but my bestie works in the post office, so handles coins every day, and managed to find me one after a few months of searching.
I have the entire Olympics 2012 50p set (and the boy bought me the completer's medallion for Christmas).
For my birthday last year (before we were even together), he made me what is now my favourite 50 pence piece.
He buffed off the pattern on a 50p (not the Queen's head though - that's like treason or something) and etched in a picture of Eeyore (I love donkeys) and 'Emma' & '23' etched into it with 'Happy Birthday Emma' on the side.
There was so much effort put into it. It was amazing. And now it's been flung around my room somewhere, so will need to search for it when I've got a bit more energy.
He's got something else up his sleeve for this birthday. He says it's taken longer to make than he first realised, but once he's got an idea in his head, he has to do it that way, no matter how hard it turns out to be.

Talking of my birthday, it's just 5 weeks this thursday (yep, my birthday is on weigh in day).
And I figured out today, that if I keep up my 2.5lb weight loss per week (a little optimistic, as I'm not sure 2.5lb is my current usual), I could hit my goal weight on my birthday.
Would also be just .5lbs away from 2.5stone loss on my birthday also (Would be brilliant to be able to get that last extra half a pound off somewhere before then as well).

Anyway, I'm finished rambling now.
That last little bit was just a bit of optimism and me getting a bit excited.
But hitting goal on my birthday would be the best present ever.

That's me done for now.
Gonna grab something small, perhaps a banana or something (definitely NOT cake t eh ladies?!?! haha), before aquafit, as you're not supposed to go swimming on a full stomach.
Adios amigos.

My detective work would tell me that your birthday is the 18th July, am I correct?!? I used to have the most awesome £2 coin collection but once times were tough and I had to use it to do my Grocery Shop, gutted. Com :-( x

Found a pic of my coin
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=95331"/>

That's an epic present! X It reminds me that on my 15th Birthday I was a HUGE The Bill Fan and my mum wrote to them and explained now much of a fan I was, they recorded a personal message for me, it was the coolest present ever! X
My detective work would tell me that your birthday is the 18th July, am I correct?!? I used to have the most awesome £2 coin collection but once times were tough and I had to use it to do my Grocery Shop, gutted. Com :-( x

That's an epic present! X It reminds me that on my 15th Birthday I was a HUGE The Bill Fan and my mum wrote to them and explained now much of a fan I was, they recorded a personal message for me, it was the coolest present ever! X

You are correct.
That is my birthday.
However, I'm not so sure you really detectived it because a) it's in my username and b) I explained why my username was my username in a post that I know you posted in ;) Haha.
But yeah, that's when it is.

Really cool that they sent you a personalised message. Do you still have it?

Yeah, I hate spending £2 coins. When I was at the seaside last week, I bought £2 worth of 2ps over the counter, and it wasn't until I walked away that I realised I'd given over a commonwealth £2 coin. So I had to go back and ask if I could sell the 2ps back to them so I could have my £2 coin back haha
That's a lovely coin!

My birthday is on the 4th July :)

You're about to turn 24 aren't you?!
Meaning you are just 2 weeks older than me.
Hey hun. That coins so nice. I think homemade prezies r the best coz more thort goes into them. X

Yeah, I absolutely love homemade presents because of the thought in them.
However, he did really well with my christmas presents as well.
As I said, he gave me a completer's medallion to go with my Olympic 50p collection (just need a display case for them now), a WWF 50p that he knew I was after, a Justin Bieber calendar (love JB haha) and one of his jackets (cuz I nick his all the time).
He is just an absolute gem and he makes me ridiculously happy.
I just worry that the relationship is one sided as he gives me so much and I feel like I barely give anything back in comparison, but he reassures me often enough that he's just as happy as I am.