Everyone's top tip

The tip which rolls easiest off the tongue is "Before you bite it, write it!!"

But The key thing is to actually STICK TO THE PLAN!!

Slimming World works, just let it do it's stuff. You might get some low loss weeks, some higher loss weeks but ak yourself whether the weight went on uniformly or randomly?? And did it go on overnight? Nope.

Allow it time to work, trust it, prioritise it ahead of nights out, and other times you lose control of the situation. If you aren't happy going out to eat and sticking to plan then stay in!!

That one night you miss can be more than made up for in the 15 extra years or so you will add to your life!

Oops, that is more than one. Epic fail lol
My top tip is to eat your favourite foods! No point forcing down broccoli and couscous if they're not your thing. Eat your fave meals and make them SW friendly. I use normal cook books and web sites (not slimming ones) and just make a few tweaks to make the recipe SW friendly.

Another tip is to make a big pot of something, like a soup, roast chicken, roast veggies or casserole that you can reach for on days when you're too tired or hungry to cook a full meal from scratch. Do not underestimate the power or deliciousness of leftovers! :D
Before you put anything in your mouth ask yourself;
"Do you really need it?"
"Do you really want it?"
"Can I 'afford' to have it?" (syn wise)

Generally the answer's no to all, lol.

Also batch cook! Not as hard as it sounds. Whenever we make a curry or chilli we just double the recipe so generally we find 6 portions (4 from the double up and 2 portions (half) of what we were going to make anyway) go into the freezer for lazy days!! :)
Good thread Sticky :)

My tip:

Don't scrimp on food
. Make sure you eat your syns and don't cut back thinking you'll lose faster. Lots of us have tried and tested this and failed! If you don't eat enough, you won't lose. It's a weird concept to get your head around but it's true! Guaranteed if I am too good, I don't lose weight but if I eat all my syns and normal portion sizes...decent losses!
And regarding portion size - if you're hungry...eat more. Eat to your appetite (not beyond) and fill up on free foods that will satisfy your appetite with a relatively low amount of calories/fat.
My top tip, and it really does work for me, but maybe not for everyone... eat only when and whenever you are hungry and not sticking to the traditional 3 meals a day.
I have had far more weight loss doing it this way.
If I don't feel like breakfast, which is most of the time, I don't eat it. Same goes for lunch. I normally have my main meal in the evening, as I am hungry by then.
If I am hungry at any time during the day I eat fruit, mullerlights, couscous cake or whatever free food I have at hand.
This way I am never hungry and also never stuffed!
If I am meeting friends for coffee in a cafe, I always take an Alpen bar or chocolatey Oaty bar to munch on whilst they eat their danish pastries etc. Stops me being tempted .
Wow some great tips which I fully agree with, apart from all of those mine would be to try and find a buddy....whether it's someone here or at class the contact during the week really helps to keep focus. My 13 year ond son comes with me, he doesn't have much to loose now but loves that he has made wise choices for himself and we both inspire each other to eat healthly and not diet!
And plan plan plan, I keep my food diary's on a spreadsheet so I can not only plan my days ahead but also look back on previous days / weeks. If I havent got much time to plan I can simply pick a few of my previous favorite days and follow those.
Only been on SW for 4 weeks but loving it and my food diary is getting bigger and better day by day.

After my experience with a KFC salad 17 Syns, plan,plan and plan some more
Lots of great tips on here. The best tip I was ever given was to eat all of my HE's! I sometimes find I'll have a HE B to use but am not hungry for it, often find myself just eating it because I have to - it sounds odd but I'm always scared that if I didn't eat it then I wouldn't lose lol.
Don't lie to yourself!
By that I mean don't cheat by not writing some things down or thinking that little bit won't matter. It does! And your body knows about all these little things that you may turn a blind eye to! And the scales do too!!
Draw a line when you fall of the wagon and get straight back on it ASAP - don't say you'll miss class this week and go again next week because you can't bear what the scales will say, trust me you won't ever go back!! xxx
Urgh, another one learnt today, check your measurements, just scoffed 2tbsp of pumpkin seeds as a HEB, thinking tbsp and dessert spoons are the same. They're not, a dessert spoon is 2 tsp, a tablespoon is 3tsp, so I've had an extra dessert spoonful, 3 extra syns, I didn't need, nor actually want to eat!
Set a realistic target for yourself which you feel you can achieve within 1 month and celebrate victories with a new addition to your wardrobe (your new size- after a month)