Exante Exercisers

I always feel great too after exercise.
Im off kilter today because I didnt :(
I did have a short walk earlier, but it wasn't enough.
Tomorrow will be different :D
Tomorrow is my rest day...other than walking Dougal which I do twice a day for a good 20-30 minutes each time. Its good exercise as its quite a hilly walk. My bum gets a good work out lol.
Day 2, Week 3 of Couch to 5k today. The last minute of the plan is the longest minute in the world lol. Also did BodyCombat.

Looking forward to Balance tomorrow night.
Yesterdays exercise was Powerplate and Zumba and today was Powerhoop so burned off 1000 calories between the two days. Tomorrow is bodysculpt.
Mere x
Not updated for a few days. So...

Thursday - Balance
Friday - C25K, w3 r3 (yay!!)
Sunday - Attack (Combat cancelled :-()

Plus walking Dougal twice a day.
Well done Debbie. Sounds energetic. :D
Mere x
Looking for advice I am very over weight 20+ st and am the laziest more unfit person I know.... Where should I start gym is a no no thanks guys
Hi Larjar
You have started in the right place. There is all the support you could ask for on this forum. Everyone understands the difficult journey it is to lose weight whether it is a large amount or a smaller amount the first step is the hardest. Good luck.
Mere x
Mucked out the horses, so spent a good 30 mins digging out their mess from last night (a job I do every morning). I am sure all the walking and digging will do me good. I can feel it if I have not done it or a few days in my muscles. Then ride one of the horses for an our with my daughter on hers.

this evening back bringing them in and digging beds for the evening. All the walking to and from fields must be good or me!

same again tomorrow with a 3 mile run thrown into my day.

Wow, Shrimp! you're certainly going for it. :)

The gas is still switched off by the mains so I was kind of forced to go to the gym yesterday - just so I could have a hot shower... I did 30mins on the crosstrainer on a lower level and then went on a few machines. I resisted overdoing it and today I can say I'm not even aching (yet). It felt good to be back at the gym after many months of absence. Also, being back at the gym will help me make the transition from diet to exercise to help with weight loss and maintenance. When I lost weight before I had one meal a day in the evening, my favorite of all a Quorn burger with lettuce and gherkins on a bagel and some salad on the side. Yum. I have been craving it lately and I have decided to use up the packs I've got and then start eating my evening meals again whilst going to the gym. I'm totally motivated now to keep going to the gym - just so I can have a burger...silly but true. :)
Exercise versus burger is a reasonable trade off. You should lose steadily with that regime.
Mere x
Thanks, Mere, I hope so as it worked 2/3 years ago. I guess I have been thinking more about food recently as a) I've felt really hungry and b) I'm thinking about my upcoming trip to Germany and how I'm gonna manage with my diet/weight loss. Like you, I'm not really in ketosis, at least that's what the pee-sticks tell me, but as I have been losing weight I think I am okay to eat stuff as long as I keep it to 600 to 800 calories a day. Decided not to worry too much about but I do realize that it would be so much easier for me to have my packs and continue throughout the vacation if it weren't for those curious questions and judging looks and comments of friends and family...
Hi, all, as I worked up a bit of a sweat at the gym a couple days ago and didn't fancy getting all achy from it I went swimming yesterday. Much to my relief it seems to have done the trick becauce I'm not feeling it too much. :) I did a bit over 1000m breast-stroke yesterday. Does anyone know how many calories that equates to? I'm just after a rough figure, I know there are a lot of variables such as height and weight, speed and intensity... Thanks! :)
It depends on how fast you went but 30 mins breast stroke = 360 calories

I have done a 3 mile run today
Hi, Shrimp,

really? 360kcal? I found some info on bing and it was about 260 - 280 for 30mins, so with your 360kcals I've my ballpark estimate. Thanks. :)

Went to the gym after work, realized I had packed everything by my sweat pants and nearly went home again. But as I was already in my sports bra and sweater I plucked up the courage and went in anyway - wearing my black work pants. But they're a bit stretchy so it was fine. And I didn't notice too many odd stares. ;)

I think you'd have to pay me an awful lot of money before I would even consider a 3 mile run. Well done, Shrimp!!
Hi folks

Busy day today. I'm doing the C25K, but I've not done any for nearly two weeks. Repeating week 4. So I did Week 4 Run 1 today, walked the dog (just the once), OH did the rest and went to BodyCombat. Probably wont be able to walk tomorrow lol.

How's everyone else doing?

Debbi x
I love body combat but they stopped doing it at my gym. Know what you mean about not being able to walk tomorrow. You will probably not be able to move. :D
Mere x
I'm so cross about our local authority gym. I've paid for an annual membership in advance and then have cancelled loads of classes! I had to go to the other side of the county last night to go to a different gym. Grrrr.

Anyway, my hamstrings are a bit sore today, but actually I'm ok. Unless I feel it tomorrow of course lol x
I went to Zumba today which was great.
Mere x