Fat-Boy-Slimmin - through the hard times and the good

I've was in two minds about exercise. But I think I've made my mind up what to do now.

Last time I did some moderate weight training and a bit of cardio. It didn't seem to affect my losses either way. I know that I will have to tone up at some point because of losing the weight. I'm also planning to build some muscle after getting to my goal weight, nothing drastic though.

After being told some information from a health and fitness expert and reading a case study about resistance vs aerobic training on an 800 calorie liquid diet, it's clear that weight training is the best choice, as cardio can affect weight loss.

So I will start some moderate weight training at the end of the month. That also gives me time to fit back in to my bottoms, after giving the larger ones away to charity.
you're doing so well hun, very inspirational. I think you're right about being in the right frame of mind, ive read so many diarys on here where people so want to lose the weight but are still majorly controlled by food and therefore end up cheating and have to start all over again to get back into ketosis. I think you have to seriously want to make this decison. the way i look at it is its not like food is going anywhere, im not missing out on my favourite foods as they will still be there when im slim but i can have them in moderation and not feel guilty about it! x
Just wanted to say hello and comment on how focused you are and what a great start.
Not a cd fan follower myself but each to their own and just wanted to give a bit of support to a local lad:D
Not really much too add today. Other than feeling rather cold, everything's going super great.

What happened to the weather? I keep checking the forecast online for the coming 10 days and it constantly changes. It was supposed to be nice from tomorrow for 4 days, but it's changed yet again. I've been waiting to do some work in the garden and have been unable to get on with it for weeks now. It would be good to have 5 nice days some time soon, surely it's not too much to ask in the summer!! :(
I had to say, I've been feeling very jealous of how u seem to be finding the diet such a breeze, but I totally get where you're at with it now. I s'pose its all about the way you approach it. Thanks for the support so far. x
Thanks Spolly. That gives me some inspiration for today’s entry.

I don't mean to make other people feel jealous, so I hope there aren't many people that do feel this way and I also hope that the ones who might do realise that it's not intentional.

I think with any diet, success really is down do being motivated and focused. Let's face it, all diets are difficult and ultimately it's down to us to make sure we stick to whichever one we are on.

Some people here have really good reasons for losing weight. A wedding, a holiday, a partner, their children. To me, those are all really good reasons because these people aren't just thinking about themselves. They are thinking about how their weight affects the lives of people around them. They are doing it for themselves, but also for the people they love. I find that very touching.

It makes me realise how alone I am, as I’m really doing this because I feel like I have to. I have no one to impress, no one to be proud of me, no one to benefit from me losing the weight, there’s just me. My real motivation is that I’m tired of failed attempts. I’ve told myself that if I fail this time I won’t bother again, so this is the last chance for me to turn things around. The only other thing is the naysayers trying to put doubt in my mind, proving them wrong is also part of it.

So here I am on day 13 and so far everything is really good, at least as far as the diet is concerned.
Oh, sorry, maybe I wrote that wrong. Not jealous in a negative way. In a 'he seems to be so focussed and determined to succeed way'. More in an inspirational way!!
No worries Spolly, it's not always easy to understand exactly what is meant when reading someone else's words. I didn't take what you said in a negative way though, my post was because I hope that there aren't people that do feel jealousy in a negative way. That would be upsetting. :(
dude, that makes for some hard reading about not having anyone, but good for you for not feeling sorry for yourself. I have people around me, but like you, i'm doing it for me. They all 'love me as i am' but i don't love me the way i am, hence why i'm so committed.

And while we're on the topic, i'm not sure committed is even the right term. Stubborn as a mule might be a better description! I cannot and will not fail! Grrr! (beats chest and dances around in style of Rocky)
you're doing really well. you do need you head in the game and touching food in my own mind whilst on ss just wasn't going to happen as we pay enough for the diet without cheating ourself of our weight loss.

exercise. i think that you are totally right. i went on my last experience of ss plan and exercise so i just went back to running and i truly did affect my weight loss. it was a lot slower than last time. i was doing 4 runs, 2 gym sessions and 3 classes (2 body pump and a body combat) a week whereas last time it was just 3 runs. it's been a struggle getting to my goal whereas last time it was a breeze.

so some nice weights programme, maybe try body pump as it's a fully body workout in an hours class.

i wouldn't touch cardio until you are on a higher plan over 1000 cals.
I almost forgot about my Diary today. Not that there's much to say. I'm just hoping for a good loss tomorrow.

So we did have a couple of good days in the end, but it sounds like it's going back to being crappy from tomorrow. Hey ho. :(
End of week 2 and I've lost 5lbs this week. One and a half stone in 2 weeks, so I'm very happy with that. It's nice to be back and in full swing. :)

Typical that we were supposed to have rain today and so far it's been dry and sunny. I could have been doing work in the garden if I had known it was going to be nice. :(
:party0049:well done on another fab loss doing so well...weather forecasts are always rubbish lol. hope you have another good week :)
Well done you for racking up another great loss. I love your attitude and approach to CD and I've no doubt that you will see this right through to goal.
Brilliant news! I lost 5lbs this week too - very pleased with myself. Hope next week is good to you as well. Have you started getting any comments about your weightloss yet? I've had a couple and i get really embarrassed and don't know what to say!
I've had a couple which I just smile at, as I don't really know what to say. I can see a big difference already and every now and then, for a moment, it does make me happy, but then I realise how fat I still am and that I still have a long way to go. :(