Fear of a (please don't let me be a) fat bridesmaid!

You can resist the bacon! That's a really long day! Hope all goes well x
Have really enjoyed reading your diary Emma keep up the good work.
Having my first one of these in bed
It's actually nice, I only ordered one to try but it's been a pleasant surprise like the lemon one!

I haven't ordered anything bad and although I've spent the day in my room doing nothing and sulking I've successfully got through the bank holiday Easter weekend without cheating!
Might order one of those next time.
Hi five for getting through the Easter weekend!
Honestly can't believe how nice it is!

Next question - has anyone tried this?? I need some toilet help. Sorry for too much info!!
No not tried it. When I did cwp the only thing that helped was gylserin suppository (might not have spelt that right). Pretty grim but it was horrific. I do think having the meals in has helped this time round. Will it knock you out of ketosis?
You could try adding psyllium husks or Benefibre to your shakes. Not sure if either would take you out of ketosis however. I bought some Benefibre when I started the diet in case I needed toilet help. Touch wood, so far I haven't needed to use it but if the need arises I will just add the Benefibre to my morning shake. As MrsN says, I think having the meals helps a lot.
I just cannot stomach the meals at all, even the thought makes me feel sick! If anyone would like to buy any I've got lots sat in the cupboard!
I didn't get to the shop today manic!
I resisted the bacon sarnie at 6.15am meeting! I then used a hand shaker at work about 9.30 for the first time it was ok but wasn't cold and I definitely need it freezing!

Had a bar about 2, caramel crunch total favourite.

Had my client app at 6 was very intense guy asked a million questions that were all to show him being clever but he was wrong.

I got home for 8.45 long long day out of the house. House was freezing had my first hot almond milk and vanilla shake, it smelt amazing like cherry bake well.... Alas it just tasted like vanilla to me.

But another full day done!
Well done. Maybe give the meals another go? Your taste buds change on this diet.
Soooo TMI again but managed a toilet last night and couldn't resist getting weighed this morning gross gross gross I know but my tummy feels so much better!

You'll never blumming guess what!!!!!!


1 stone 8lbs lost in a month and 1 day and even better I'm in the 15s!!!!!!! So I've been in 17s then 16s and now 15s!!! I'm over the flipping moon!!! Aghhhhhhhh!!!!!
Well done Emma :)
Literally dancing about! 15s 15s 15s!!!
I know it's only just but still!! 6lbs and I'll be at 2 stone.

I have an issue this weekend. Short version is we're going to see my bfs son (it's complicated but it's very very difficult for me although the little boy is lovely)

7 hours in the car on Friday to get there, Friday night in hotel and Saturday night in hotel then 7 hours in the car Sunday.

I'm hoping shake in the stupid hand shaker on Friday morning in the car then a bar for lunch in the car then a meal on the evening. Same Saturday and Sunday. However it'll be very emotional time so just have to see what I can do. Concerned about water intake as can't be running to the loo every half hour when I'm in the car lol
Try to stay strong Emma. The plan is good and a protein/salad food choice in the evening will work. You've been making good food choices so far :)
Wooo look at that!! Go you!!

Hope all goes well this weekend.
Thanks everyone I'm so happy!!!
Made me determined to be as good as possible while I'm away!

Weekend after I'm seeing little mix and having a night out in Newcastle so that's my treat night! X
Found an old diary from when I started Cambridge 1st April 2012! Literally 4 years ago. I started at 15st 7 and was pretty much hysterical finding out that's what I weighed... Now I'm 4 years on and when I get down to that weight I'll of lost 2 stone! It's madness isn't it.

Feel like my entire life is loosing weight being happy and putting it and more back on. I often wish I was someone who could eat what they want and get jealous but then I remember that may be the only good part of their life. I've got lots to be thankful for and you can lose weight you can't change some things.

Another day done, got home about 9pm from work tonight so another long day.
Tomorrows looking to be the same but it keeps me busy j suppose

Night night you lovely lot xx