Fear of a (please don't let me be a) fat bridesmaid!

Thanks fay I'm really trying! I find it much easier when I'm working and don't have plans lol as I usually never have any it would've been fine but I've got loads coming up so just have to be good where possible.

I just think weight wise unless you've ever struggled with your weight you can't understand.
Guess that's the good thing about this forum...most people are in either the same or similar boat.

April is a bit manic for me also: every weekend is booked up until the second week of May. And then back to the UK for a few weeks at the end of May for a wedding (hoping to be a 16 for that - or at least 12 to 12 and a half stone). Busy busy!!
I agree, Emma. Unless people struggle with weight they usually don't understand.
All of my friends bar one are naturally very skinny and eat ****, they of course winge about being fat or feeling uncomfortable in things which is hard to listen to but my other friend that got fat said to me you have to remember that everyone has insecurities no matter what their size and it's true. Just hard when they're a blumming size 8 eating everything off a takeaway menu complaining about the imaginary belly in a frigging Lycra dress lol x
I know what you mean. Most of my friends are healthy thin at 10 or 12, but I have a few friends who are so skinny! Not sure what size they are but I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't a 4 or 6. I hate it when they complain and moan at how fat they get if they eat what to me is normal food! I have been so close to arguing with them about them not knowing what being fat is about it, upsets me so much. But my OH stops me from getting mad, tells me they are not worth the hassle.
That's nice of him, what a cutie.
It's just so frustrating isn't it, feel like i want to scream you're not fat! The HM is my height and a size ten, she's literally a walking talking example of what I could look like! She's around the 10 stone mark which is a couple of stone below my target weight lol what a kick in the face ahy x
Sooo I ran into tesco to grab some jeans that will stay up they had a sale rail and I got a 16 hoping they'd fit and a 14 for later... Get home and the 16 go no where near me but the 14 fit?!?! I know shops differ but it's the same shop lol

Feels odd wearing a 14 and looking forward to the 16s fitting. Must be something strange cos I can't get into 16 tailored trousers never mind a blummin 14! X
Also getting very nervous for the weekend. We're setting off at 6am in the morning. Don't know what my shake will be like cos not only will there be no blended ice but it'll be warm water by the time I have it about 9!

I'm sick with worry about the events of the weekend and need to try to focus on getting through it.
Good luck this weekend!
Off we go xx
Good luck xx
Good luck, Hun. You will be great :)
Good luck this weekend x
Thanks lovelies!!!!
We're about hour n half away.
He's had 2!!!! Sausage and bacon sandwiches in the car.... I had a shake that was way too watery lol but hey ho good start.

Also just found out I passed my last exam so I'm now 1/4 chartered! (It's a big deal) x
Congratulations on passing your exam! X
Congrats on passing :)
Thank you!
So I had a bar earlier being very good! The bf then left me in a soft player with little one while we went and got food, I got back in the car now at 6 starving which is strange considering I don't normally have my third pack till 9 ish but I have been up hours earlier than normal.... I was wild and ate some cooked chicken he'd got.... Hoping that's ok as I took the skin off and it was only a small bit.

Going into cinema now Kung fo panda 3...
Must stay strong! I always have salted popcorn and Pepsi max at the cinema, must not get cinema treats!!!! X
You can do it!!!