Fed up of being a fatty

A pound a week is still a great loss. Keep it up :)
Im happy with any loss so long as Im getting closer to target :D Im currently nearly at the weight I was before I married so think Im slowing down lol
Lol thanks all had a bad couple of days but back on it today so hoping I can still get a loss this week.
Have to say this has been the hardest week so far and my old eating habits are making a reappearance :( but I have 3days to change that till weigh in wish me luck x
You can do it! :)
I know I can hehe. I got given an Easter egg by my boss and that is my treat if I loose with this week it's on top of the shelf just staring at me I hope I have a loss so I get to eat it lol x
Well just got back from wi and put on half quite pleased as silly as it sounds as went out twice and didn't have a choice of where we ate. Back on it as of the morning just eating my Easter egg as a treat not that I deserve it but its my 1st gain in 6 weeks x
that's not bad at all :D my weight as been up & down like a yoyo since my birthday 5 weeks ago and I cant seem to get down to 10st im stuck round the 10st 5lb mark lol Im determined to try and lose the 5lb in 2 weeks for my wedding anniversary :D Im good most of week but then I do something silly like have a cheeky tipple or eat chocolate - its gotta stop :D
I know it's not bad but I have really struggled to get bk into it this week.
I think I have gone way over my syns but only Tuesday will tell how bad when I jump on them scales x
Hi Sammy

I know how you feel but from now on things will change. I go to the gym but I started with a body tone class then kettlecise and then I got on to spin cycling which I really enjoy. I really only do that now but you would perhaps benefit from mixing it up. If you enjoy it you will put you all into it.

I am determined this time not to look like this for much longer and am doing EE and am beginning to have much more energy.

Good luck, this website is amazing if you are doing the weight loss plan alone. I don't have time to go to a class

Faye Cheshire
PS Sammy at the momment I have put weight on despite the fact I look slimmer...I think it is due to having more muscle with the excerise. It has just started to go down by two pounds.

That's wicked I have stopped the gym and I have to admit I am missing not going I feel like I have to go on my own though as when I go with my bf I feel like I am there to prove a point to him and I hate it x
Well another gain tonight not much but it's a gain.
Fresh start tomorrow and back to the gym I do think exercise is a big part of a good weight loss x
Starting to feel down about it just watching the big body squad and I have to say its making me realise I need to lose weight as I don't want to get like that x
Well after the last two gains and not going last week I am pleased to say I have lost another 2 pounds I am one very happy girl half a pound to go and half a stone gone woop woop x
Well done!! I know how proud you must feel, I am exhilarated every week when I get home from weigh-in, especially since I get a secret kick every two weeks or so of wearing something that didn't fit me when I start. Make sure when you go in to have something nice and light on. I'm 3lb heavier with jeans and a jumper on!

I'm doing the 30 day squat and crunch challenge at home starting tomorrow, because I can't get to a gym and I hate getting all sweaty and flushed in public. Pretty much gonna do the crunches in the morning with my toes tucked under the couch to help (my partner used to hold my feet, but after about three crunches, minds wandered :eek: ) and do the squats while I'm waiting on dinner to cook!
Well I finally done it I lost another pound to get my half stone I am over the moon taken longer than I wanted to but I've got it :)
I have lots going on this week /weekend similar need to keep on plan as much as I can x
I am in the same boat

Hi Sammy , I have just read your blog. I am in the same boat and weigh only a few pounds less than you and I feel the same.

The only way either of us can get out of this and be slim again is to do the diet and excerise.

Use the slim people at the gym as a model. They haven't overeaten and they excerise so if we do the same that is how we will look a year down the line. If we don't well it doesn't bear thinking about . So we have no choice just enjoy the lovely food on Extra Easy and watch the weight fall off

I had a week where I did n't lose last week but that is because I had a VERY sociable weekend and ate the wrong foods. I am going to put it right this week. The week before I was good and lost 5lbs. So it is in our hands the way thing s turn out for us so lets make it a success

Faye Cheshire x:D
Well done SammieLou xx Im back up 2lbs from what i was in Feb so not impressed but back now with 8 -10lbs to lose by july 6th lol any more is a bonus but that will take me to my prewedding weight lol
trying to stick to slimming world and have found it pretty easy with the warmer weather :D