feeling better+ more focused!

well done on such a great loss lou, you must be feeling great. I love reading how other's are getting on, really inspires me to do well. I've started day 1 today after a 2 month break from ssing but like you Lou I sometimes made up my own rules and found that worked for me. For example I have 1-2 cans of dr pepper zero or coke zero each night and drank 2-3 cups of tea with skimmed milk. Now I'm not saying this is right, but it worked for me and allowed me to SS for 2 months losing 30lbs so I am planning on doing that again. Best wishes for week 2, it's such a rollar coaster of emotions on this crazy diet, but I'm somehow looking forward to it.
was not good yesterday!

Well after loosing 11lb in my first week I was inspired and going great guns......went out with my mum on sat and had a coffee while she was having a jacket potato and salad, no problems, went to a party sat night, there was loads of buffet stuff and sandwiches etc..again no problems!

went to cinema for sons 6th bday yesterday took snack bags for all the kids and for OH and my brother, who came with his daughter and I was more than happy having my water. Got back here and started to cook the pizza and had a real craving for some.... decided to go and test and I was well into ketosis. Which was as I expected but always good to see.

Thats where it all went to pot!!

Started nibbling at the ham on the pizza, that lead to the cheese bit and you know the rest of the story!! I ended up eating some birthday cake and crisps!! I was so annoyed with myself..... why do I do it!!!!!????

Anyway I felt so poorly last night.....all for a bit of cake!! Got straight back on track today and have had packs and water as normal..CDC is coming to me this wed am as I couldnt make it to hers....as I have 3 little ones again, so it will be good to chat with her, I know I can and will do this!

My Wedding dress will fit and will look fab!!!!(just have to keep saying it to myself!!lol)

Hope you have all had a good day and weekend

hugs Lou X
back on track ...wi tomorrow

:) Well after having a blip on sunday afternoon, I have been back on track and 100% with it since monday morning.Hope to be back in ketosis by tomorrow am, never usually takes that long and luckily I dont have any side effects!

I have wi tomorrow lunchtime..cdc coming to me which will make life easier.....dont know 'cos of the blip if I will loose anything...but a pound or so would be good...but having said that I did loose 11lb last week..so I guess I should be gratefull for that!

Anyway off to get more water...have been out and about today so havent drunk half as much as I should have done.....need to make up for it tonight!!

Have a good evening Lou X
just been weighed.........

cdc has just been and I am pleased to say that I lost another 2lb this week! :) I know the loss could have been bigger if I hadnt eaten on sunday....but that takes me to a total of 13lb in just 2 weeks!! SO I am not going to be grumbling about only loosing 2lb!

I am now munching on a toffee bar(CD one of course!!) and having a pint of water before we dash off to our childminding group!

Hvae a good afternoon all!
Well done Lou, you are doing fantastic..

Hope I get good results like you..

Good Luck for tommorrows weigh in. Glad you are feeling perkier today too.

Dizzy x
Chatter box lurking tonight!!!!!!!!

Was just getting boys a biccy out of the tin and chatterbox appeared........go on have one...then you can have some of that really lovely fresh bread that you bought today..that has been lingering under your nose all day.....and some crisps and sweets etc etc.............
I popped the biscuit in my mouth(it was a choc finger left over from xmas) and no sooner than it was in my mouth I spat it out into the bin....bloody CB nearly got the better of me again..........but I am not going to let it happen tonight! left the kitchen there and then!

Put TV on while i settled down for ice cream tetra....and its 'you are what you eat'.....an obese woman, with a similar shape to me(though heavier with loads more health probs than I ahve ever had!)).....so a good wake up call and a kick up the jacksie to CB!!!!!

feeling very good that the biscuit got spat out before the binge began!(shouldnt have ended up in the mouth!! but never mind)

Off to finish the programme!

hugs Lou X
Day 16..going great guns!

Well here we are on day 16 and I am feeling FAB!

I am feeling slimmer, in control, sleeping well and just generally feeling a whole lot better about myself!

I am so glad that I didnt succum to the Chatter Box last night as I know I would be really struggling today to stay out if the kitchen which eventually would mean I would be struggling to get in my dress! After the biscuit incident last night I was so relieved that I had not given in, I know that I would have carried on eating...not just the biscuit in question but some of the rest of the food thats in our house and end up feeling really ill.

So I am really chuffed with myself and very 'with it' and focused today and looking forward to the next wi......ok so its a week away but still....cant wait to see another drop on scales.

I got on my scales this morning and its already showing another 2lb loss....... I am glad my dress has the lacing at the back...as its going to need lots of tightening up and pulling in!!lol :) :p :) :p

Off to have more water....what with CD and weather outside I think I had better start building an ark!!!!!!!

Hugs lou x
How great is that that you have got back on track. You showed that chatterbox with that biscuit. You are so right to feel proud.

Dizzy x
confession time!

Well second time round my resolve is deffo weaker than when I did CD back in april!

After giving in to the pizza last weekend I got back on track and managed to loose 2lb last wednesday. I was over the moon that I beat the CB last wed night......but it was a different situation on thursday...I wasnt even craving any food..I just ate it!

After that I knew we were having family for the weekend and I was cooking sat night and sun and so I just decided to join in with it all!(back in april I would have stuck to my guns and followed CD to the letter!:rolleyes: )

Anyway here we are now monday am and I am about 5lb heavier(I know thats the glycogen too) but am dissapointed with myself and now stressing as its another week closer to the wedding!!

But from the other side...the practicle side....I still have another 9 weeks till the wedding and I know I can still get to where I want to be. I have gone back to CD today and glugged the water and I have nothing else going on at the week ends for a while so I am determmind to get this excess weight off.

Off to try a choc milkshake hot..normally do it cold but considering the weather.thought I would try a warm one!

Have a good day and thanks for reading my ramblings!!

Lou X
Just nearing the end of a good day, but just wondering to myself why it is I can be fab all week and not really be that bothered about food and then I get to the weekend and just go to pot! I had a bit of a bad weekend ...food wise..but have got back on CD today and feel fine in control and not really that interested in eating.

I just cut up a whole pineapple........ok so I was salavating:eek: I just love fresh pineapple.......but was quiet happy to chop it all up and not have one tiny bit!

I know if I can stick to SS-ing next few weekends then the weight loss will be alot better as well as not kicking me out of ketosis.........therefor putting me back to the situation where I have to go through the first couple of days again(I am lucky though and have no side effects at all........maybe I should suffer and then I wouldnt be so glib about going in and out of K!!!)Going to get throught his weekend ss-ing only...........I have only got 9 weeks left and I have got to be in my dress!

Does anyone else find the weekends a huge struggle???

Off to bath the boys and then put them to bed soon........
Lou X
counting the days!

well here we are on the second day after blip on restart! I am feeling good, as usual no headaches........not hungry at all and drinking lots of water and black coffee.

I did try yesterday to have a choc shake hot....haven't tried a hot one since I first started CD and I had the cappaccino one and nearly threw up.........will it was pretty much the same yesterday and have decided that apart from the soups I am not going to waste any more packs by having them hot!!" I even tried putting some coffee in....but hot shakes are a deffinate NO No for me!!

Anyway had a good day back on track yesterday, Had the warm choc for brekkie:( and the toffee+walnut muffin for lunch and a tetra for tea.

just got to keep focused on the dress now and keep at it including the weekends and I will be well on the way to goal.

I bought some wedding boots at the weekend and they arrived today...I have always wanted boots for my wedding shoes and I am really starting to get excited now....BIL+SIL came up on weekend and hes being Best Man so we went through all the details and running on the day and suddenly it really hit home That I AM GETTING MARRIED IN 9 WEEKS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :p


as you can see i am really starting to look forward to it!:)

anyway off to get little ones lunch before nap time........oh happy days!!!

hugs Lou X
I love the shakes hot - but if they don't do it for you - stick with what you like!

Well done for getting back on it - yes weekends and evenings are my hardest times - and as a serial restarter - I wish i'd been sensible forst time around. But you aren't a "quitter" until you quit - so well done for preservering and really hope you have a good week and weekend!
hey well done on your restart... you will look fan-dabi-dosie on your wedding day!!!


Gen xxx
Ahhh NooNoo you sounds so similar to me!! I lost 3 stones on cambridge last year and brought my wedding dress at my skinnest....no regained all the weight and more!! I am on day 2 of my diet and going really good!! I am getting married on 2nd June this year and am determind to get back in that dress!!!

Keep up all your good work....I know exactly how you feel!!:p

Well I went for my wi today...I was expecting a STS but I managed to loose 2lb......which considering I had the weekend off, and ate normal food for 2 days, I was over the moon about! This takes me to 15lb lost in three weeks, which I am more than happy with!

Just need to stay focused now and continue to loose weight. CDC is going away week sat, so will get 2x packs next thursday, I can also weigh myself at home.........wedding is getting nearer by the day(obviously!!!:rolleyes: lol) and i really mustnt loose anymore days of dieting to the CB!

Off to tidy up the kitchen and then shower and PJ time!!!

hugs to all Lou X
well had next wi today(think its the 4th one)(was a day early as cdc came to me) and I have lost another 2lb. Obviously I am happy with this cos at the end of the day its a loss, but I need to try harder and focus and ss 100% now! I have been having one day off a week and eaten and I have been nibbling at little bits, which I know all add up and effects the working of VLCD.

I am to happy to have now lost 17lb, but know if I focus a bit more the losses will be greater. I am going to try my dress on this weekend:rolleyes: hoping that it will fit ok, but also will spur me on to loose the other stone I want to get off before the wedding.

I now havent got another wi for 2 weeks and being 12.7 now I really want to get to 12st(or under!) by the time I weigh next!

Going to have 2 days at the weekend where I am at my mums and I am going to have AAM(would be due this now anyway) but just want to do it at the weekend and then ss the rest of the time, allows me to join in with 'sunday dinner' but I will just have green and white veg and chicken.

Anyway off to get boys sorted for bed.

hugs to all

Lou X