Cruise PV Feeling heavy :-/


Silver Member
I've eaten a lot more than usual today.
All of the right things but I'm starting to get my appetite back.
At the beginning of the Dukan diet in Attack, I felt so so sick that I could only eat a little and often I guess.

I'm very nervous and sort of guilty about how much I've eaten today and worried that the scale will go up tomorrow.

I've eaten:-

B:- dukan muffin with fried egg (no oil) and smidge of salt and sugar free ketchup
snack:- 2 crab sticks
lunch:- dukan lasagne- with courgettes, veggie mince bolognese and tofu ricotta
snack:- ww vanilla yoghurt (SO GROSS!!!)
Dinner:- cod fillet, broccoli, swede and THREE parsnips (pieces of I guess- not whole, lol!)
Drinks:- 2 cups of tea, 1 can pepsi max, butt loads of water.

Now I've written it down it doesn't actually seem that much, but I do feel really heavy and full :-( Not uncomfortable- normal plus guilt.

Anyone else feel the same on PV days?!
YES! I felt same yesterday, I felt I had done something wrong after a stir fry of chicken and veg, I weighed 1lb heavier this morn until a visit to the loo, I defo could feel the difference in my body from a pp day. PP today and feel better, I am pv again tom and going to try to take dr dukans advice and still have more protien than veg. I guess we just have to get used to the change, was told today may have water retention after a pv day. Stick with it we have to adjust and cruise to lose!
Read my diary entry from Saturday, it was a pv day and i ate a lot, i was ravenous that day, i nearly lost my marbles. I actually lost weight the morning after!

My appetite has definitely come back!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
Well- I don't want anyone else to feel bad like me, but perhaps its part of the process. Maybe the heavy is water?
Guess the scales will know.
Also- Dukans got me this far; I should have a little more faith.
Just don't like how fullness is linked to guilt. I guess its ok to be full after decent Dukan food, different to being stuffed to the brim with crud.
Positive mental attitude much!!!
The scales stayed the same and im absolutely gutted.
I know I should be pleased- they didn't go up afterall.
But I'm not.

I know you'll be feeling gutted but you can do this! Eat a chicken, drink your bodyweight in water and maybe weigh again tomorrow? I weigh every day, always have .... couldn't possibly wait a whole week!!!

Keep the faith :D
P xxx
groan moan whinge whineeee

thanks guysss!!! I'll check again tomorrow. This is the first day in my 10 days of the diet that I didn't lose so...
Well..I can complain and I will! hmph! lol.
My weekly weigh in is officially Friday so fingers crossed..
Been reeeeaaallll good and careful today!!!
heya, its interesting for me to see this thread cuz i had exactly the same problem. I came off attack after the recommended 4 days, having lost 4lbs then i had one pv day and i felt so unbelievably bloated- my trousers literally felt too small and were uncomfortable so i really thought id done something wrong. So the next day i made p day, and again today and i plan to have a p day tomorrow too. then on friday ill have a veg day. ive lost 1lb on cruise so far. so im down from 10.2 to 9.11.

but the main thing i suppose is that you shouldnt let yourself be tricked into thinking that when your bloated you have put on weight because it will disappear as quickly as it comes, whereas fat seems harder to move. i know its hard because it's such an uncomfortable feeling when your bloated but its transient.

I found that fennel tea helps sooth your tummy and reduce bloating. Also, chewing food slowly reduces bloating and gas because you aid digestion. I have started timing myself with a stopwatch on my phone when i eat now just to make sure i spend at least 15-20 mins eating and so I eat consciously!

Keep going though- you're closer to your ideal weight than you may feel. so just power on, dont pay too much attention to how you feel on you pv days, and just keep going!!! :)
thebestme- you are sooo right!!!

you know how I know you're right??

I lost 0.8lbs this morning!!! (and I haven't had an evacuation for 2 days so I can't even blame that- sorry, but its true!)
And seriously I woke up with swollen tum from hell. Don't think all that appleade helped last night.

Shall try this fennel tea. Doesn't sound very tasty though... lol...

Mushrooms, veggie sausage and a healthy dose of chirpiness for brekkie this morning :-D
Well done!!!! yay- now that is an accomplishment- and think, the scales will go down once you've passed that poo too!!!! (sorry, im live in a house with health care professinals so poo talk is standard! lol :) )

fennel tea isnt that bad- keep an eye out for how you feel afterward. you can also get it with nettle (twinnings do it i think), or peppermint tea is known to de-bloat too.

or fennel soup- now THAT, is delish!! one fennel, one red onion, (one potatoe but maybe swap that for....hmm...cornflower, or just leave it out), veg stock cube, and skimmed milk (to make it soupy/creamy), and add some garlic or pepper if you want to season. Meal and de-bloater all in one!

any yummy protein snacks or quick protein meals you can recommend? I asked this in a thread recently and got back a few cool ideas for snacks but none were very high in protein (all jelly, yogart etc.. nice though!!!)
Protein based snacks I have tend to be cooked meat (I'm having grilles thin cut steak now), or failing that sf jelly or total yoghurt. X