finally taking control of my body

Day 25

Work Out: 5 mile dvd
5 miles + 12 minutes each = 938 calories

Today is day 26

I woke up, and decided to weigh myself just to see if what i'm doing is helping. Unfortunately, the scale says i gained 2 pounds. This surprises me since most days i work out what i eat, or close to it, or even more and i haven't had something i wasn't suppose to and fit it in my calorie count. It's discouraging, but i'll try not to let it get to me too much. Two more days till weigh in day, so i'll give it my all.

Last night around 11, my sister wanted to go to Steak n' Shake, i'm glad she changed her mind because i've been craving it a bit and trying to stay away.

Today i have to take Rex to the vet at 10 15. It's 8 55 in the morning now, i should probably start getting ready soon but feeling too lazy, due to the cold weather.

I seriously need to get back to drinking more water. Seems like the more cold it is outside, the more i don't want water. Yesterday i only had 4 glasses which isn't much since i drink around 4-5 liters.

I hope i won't feel too lazy for the rest of the day, since i want to get in more exercise the next 2 days, and then have a day off on Saturday. I also have an exam to study for. Next week is the last week of school, then a month long winter break!!!

Since my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, my little brother wants to still get 2 gifts each for my sister and i. So my sister and i decided we'll just get each of us 2 gifts, which leads me to not knowing what to get for my sister since she has everything she wants, but i know what to get for my brother.

The news is on now, saying it's 29 degrees but feels like 20. I have to go pee now.
Miss_Kassy, its Leslie Sansone walk at home 5 mile fat burning walk.


Day 26

Even though its cold, for some reason my allergies flared up and I've been sick all day and slept for the most part.

Breakfast - special k, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1 banana = 245
Snack - orange and banana = 140
Lunch - special k, 1/2 cup skim milk, orange = 205
Dinner - sandwich = 170
Total = 760
I had to force this food down.

Now here's the bad part...I'm a honest person, I am never able to lie. I did lie when I was younger and got in trouble pretty badly and learned my lesson. So since this is my journey, I have to be honest what I write in's goes...

So my mom and I got into a huge argument which I then left the house and went driving around for 2 hours crying, when I noticed that I used up half a tank of gas, I headed back home. Thankfully she was asleep.

So I went to mcdonalds. Yes, you read it right, I went to mcdonalds and bought food. I also went to the gas station and bought myself a 42oz cup of pepsi and a bag of hot cheetos.

I did only drink half of the pepsi, had half of the chips. I probably had around 2000 calories. I did tell my sister this. An hour later I sent her a text to make sure I never do this again, not because I feel guilty (which I do not), but because I am sick to my stomach since I'm not use to fatty, greasy food anymore.

I have to let it go now. Did not work out either. Hopefully I'll be feeling better and can manage to eat without wanting to throw up, and get some work outs done too.

I did check the scale before going to mcdonalds, it said I'm at 255.

I have a math exam today, I did not study for it either. I talked to my dad about school, told him it wasn't for me. I can't decide what I want to do with my life, and I've been in college for 4 years now and spent well over $10,000 and have nothing to show for it. So if by summer 2012, if I haven't decided what I want to be then I will be joining the Marines.

I feel like crying again some more. Today just wasn't my day at all.
Day 27

Well I took my exam, first time I ever failed an exam in college. Got a 48.5 out of 100. I have a final one next Friday worth 200 points, I need 120 to pass the class with a 75 C which I know I will do great on.

Breakfast - special k, 1/2 cup skim milk = 155
Dinner - special k, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1 banana, 1 slim jim = 285
Snack - 1 piece of chocolate, 1 chocolate cookie ice cream, hand full of nuts = 440
Total = 880 total calories

I'm not sure if I left anything out. But as you can tell, not much healthy food at all and my calorie count is way TOO low. But I know day 28 will be so much better since for the past 2 days, all I've been doing is sleeping.

I did manage to work out though. I woke up after that another nap, it was around 10 53pm and I told myself I'm working out at 11pm no matter what. Turn the dvd on, and just went at it. This dvd is much harder then the rest even if I don't lose as much calories, but I know for a fact I'm toning my body with it. I was sweating so much. After mile 2, I wanted to quit. But the voice inside my head said just one more. One more turned into finishing all 5 miles.

My body is feeling amazing right now, I can't really describe it besides saying that it feels like my body got a work out and now its wanting more if that makes any sense.

Work Out: 5 mile dvd
4 miles + 14 minutes each = 612.5
1 mile + 12 minutes = 188
Total = 800.5

Right now it is day 28 and its 3 04 in the morning and I have to be up at 6 30 for class to start at 8. I love my history class though. Now off to sleep I go, and I'll finish writing about day 28 later in the day.

Day 28

Its 8 57 in the morning, and I'm pretty upset. I woke up just a few minutes, which resulted to me over-sleeping and there's no point to driving 25 minutes, only for class to probably being dismissed. ):

I weighed myself. I was 258, now 253 = lost 5lbs.

I can't even be happy about how much I lost due to me being upset about waking up late. I really hope this whole day doesn't suck.

Off to make myself some breakfast now.
Day 28

Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs, 1 cub of cheese, 4 turkey bacon, 1 toasted bread = 311
Snack - 1 health bar, 1 pear = 180
Lunch - Special K, 1/2 cup skim milk, i banana = 245
Dinner - 4 fish (it was amazing and only 93 calories for 4!!!) and 2 bowls of veggies = 400
Total = 1136

Work Out: bike, slow speed
3.79 miles + 215 calories = 30 minutes

I sometimes read peoples diaries while eating, so if you're one of those people like me, i advise you to not continue reading because it will get nasty lol. So today hasn't been such a bad day. I finally had 4 liters of water, i was peeing about 5-7 times in an hour so i made sure to not go much anywhere. I also had diarrhea, pretty badly actually. My sister even made the joke that i probably poo-ed 5lbs out today. I'm just being honest about my day.

Tomorrow, i will continue drinking another 4 liters, and also do a work out video. My goal is by week 8 to lose 23 pounds which would bring my total to 40 pounds. It still has not hit me that i have lost 17 pounds. I can't really tell much, besides seeing my tummy getting smaller. I told my guy how much i've lost so far, he said i've been doing pretty good and lost a lot so far and i'm on my way.:D

Speaking of my guy, he will be here in 9 weeks! Yes, i am still dreading it because i haven't lost enough in my opinion and still won't be comfortable around him. I tell him sometimes that he's too good looking for my liking when i stand next to him.:rolleyes:

So remember a while ago i wrote in here how my dad was joking around when i lose 25lbs, i'll get $1,000 and then we turned it into a real bet? Yes, so i brought that to his attention. 8 more pounds and i will be getting that money. He asked what i will do with it? HA! That's an easy one, save and buy clothes for every 25 or 50lbs i lose.

Sorry, i don't have much else to talk about really. My 12 year old brother is playing Black Ops on xbox live, and he's pretty good at it so i'm going to continue watching him play.

Good night, all.
Day 29

Good afternoon, all.

I woke up at 11 18 in the morning. My dad made chicken so I ate that for breakfast, with bosnian bread my mom made and ketchup. Not sure how many calories that was, but I'll just say 500 which will leave me to 700 left.

It snowed a lot last night, and its still snowing. I won't be going out much, or maybe not at all. My goal for today - every 2 hours to go downstairs and go on the bike for 30 minutes on speed slow. So hopefully I'll lose an extra 600 calories or more just by doing that and then also a work out dvd as well.

I'm feeling pretty lazy due to the cold but I'll push myself to not take so many naps. Not sure if I'll drink enough water, but atleast I'll have some, right?

As I'm typing this on my phone and laying in bed, I hear the wind outside and its blowing pretty hard. For some reason, I have a strong feeling that I'll lose more than 5lbs this week. I hope so. On another thread, I signed up for losing 25 pounds 2 weeks ago for a december challenge, I've lost 11 pounds so far and have 14lbs left to achieve in 2 weeks. Can I do it? I will try my hardest.

Its never a bad thing to set too many goals is it? I mean, if I don't reach that goal, there's many others. I just have to keep pushing myself. I want to get out of the 200 weight already but it takes time, and I'm willing to put in the effort.
Day 29

Workout - bike, speed slow

9.07 miles + 515 calories = 1 hour and 12 minutes
About 20 minutes of working out my arms.

I was going to workout more but I took a nap and also ended up going with my parents to my aunts.

Breakfast - 500 calories (just guessing since I'm not sure)
Lunch - 1 sandwich, 2 oranges, and 1 banana = 360
Dinner - 3/4 cup special k, 1/4 cup skim milk, and 1 cup of grapes = 232.5
Total = 1092.5 calories

As you can tell, I couldn't stomach much food. And I did take a nap even when I tried not to. For dinner, I was craving special k pretty badly so I had some.

I couldn't do the dvd since my parents stayed up late so instead I worked out on my arms, which I'm glad I did.

I had about 3 liters of water today. Want to know how often I was going to the bathroom? I was talking to my guy before he went to sleep. For 37 minutes, I went to pee 4 times! He had himself a great laugh hearing it. Yes, I'm comfortable with him hearing me pee. I also had a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.

Planning on working out again on the bike tomorrow and for sure doing a dvd workout.

Sweet dreams, all.
^^Agree with the above, and hey 30 days !!!! You got through the toughest part! Congratulations!
Day 30

I had to edit everything I wrote because being negative will not get me anywhere.

Good night.
Last edited:
Day 31

I'm better today, thank you for asking!

Last night I went downstairs and worked on my arms again for about 20 minutes. I noticed that working out on my arms makes me feel good, like my body craves it.

I wore my green jacket this morning while driving my mom to work and noticed it felt a bit too big. I checked in the mirror, and my jacket isn't tight anymore for my fat to be seen which makes me feel good. To be honest with myself, I'm starting to not care what the scale says anymore. I'm starting to care about seeing my body get toned. I'm even seeing MUSCLES on my arms! I'm in love with my legs. I have muscle there and I always get compliments on it.

Since I went way over my limit with calories yesterday, I was going to only eat a tiny bit today to make up for it but then realized yesterday is over with. What happened, happened. I need to let it go and continue eating healthy.

I do plan on going downstairs today on the bike, and do my arms as well.

My little brother slipped on water yesterday at school and twisted his ankle pretty badly. Poor guy, has been sleeping and taking advil. He's only 12, so I'm always worried about him. He didn't go to school today since he can't even walk. I'll take care of him, like I always do. :) My sister, who is 20 (15 months younger than me, I love being the oldest) and I decided on Sunday that we wanted to surprise my brother by taking him to the zoo during evening time because they decorated it with christmas lights, and have been hearing from many people that its beautiful.

Since he's not healed yet, we shall hold it off until he's feeling better.

Its only 8 52 in the morning. Breakfast was special k and 1/4 cup skim milk = 125 calories
well done, i think working out in general makes you feel good about yourself. also when i get the urge to run to the biscuit tin i run up an down the stairs for 10 minutes, that puts the picking at bay. good luck girls xxx
Hiya Elm, thats the spirit! Keep it up. I have eventually started working out too and it does make a huge diffrence. I hope your little bro is better soon. Bless him xx
Day 31

Wow already 31? Hm let's see...

I had 1,202.5 calories today. (I think)

My guy and I had a bit of a disagreement on Monday so we haven't talk for over 24 hours because of it. when I was about to lay down and get some sleep, he called to tell me that he misses me, loves me, and is sorry. We ended up talking for 2 hours, until I forced him to go to sleep since he has work in the morning. He's pretty stressed right now, since he has Corporals course soon. We talked about if he will re-enlist for another 4 years after 2012, he decided not to since he doesn't want to go overseas again and wanted to finish college.

Hm, I was feeling pretty lazy today but actually worked out.

Workout: bike, speed slow

7.33 miles + 418.6 calories burned = 60 minutes

Also, spent about 25 minutes working out on my arms again.

Finally, I found an old dvd from about 5-6 years ago called 'Flat in 5 workout video' and basically there is 3 parts to it, each 5 minutes and it works out the abs. With that dvd, it came along with a workout equipment I'm not sure how to really explain it but you sit in a chair and just work with that piece of equipment and it works out your arms and abs. Since its only 15 minutes long, I'll do that twice a day.

I HAVE to make myself do one of the 5 mile work out dvd for day 32. Also, eat around 900-1000 calories since I kept going over.

I had about 3 liters of water today but haven't been peeing much. Also have been constipated for 2 days so I'm going out in the morning to get some fiber pills to help.

I was suppose to get my period today, since my birth control pills told me that. But still no sign. Maybe tomorrow? And before anyone starts thinking anything, I am not pregnant trust me lol.

I need sleep now. I'm excited to workout though!

Edit, I just noticed how I put my business out about the bathroom too much lol
hey Elm,

well done on your loss your doing so well. i went on lipotrim 2 years ago and went from 21 stone (294lbs) to 11 stone so i lost 10 stone (140lbs) in 7 months, i felt amazing, then i paid for a tummy tuck and had 11 pounds of skin removed. then i split with my long term partner after he told me after everything i had done to make myself feel and look better that i wasnt good enough for him and he can do better, then he left me, we lived together. i was so heartbroken at first i didnt eat and i went down to 10 stone, (140lbs) then i kinda looked at food as a comfort and started over eating and hense why im now 16 stone 10 (234lbs) pound and i am so gutted. so now i am making a real effort to get back to what i was, even 12 stone would be nice. its worth all the hard work hun. on you on any particular diet or just healthy eating? x
pinklyns25 said:
hey Elm,

well done on your loss your doing so well. i went on lipotrim 2 years ago and went from 21 stone (294lbs) to 11 stone so i lost 10 stone (140lbs) in 7 months, i felt amazing, then i paid for a tummy tuck and had 11 pounds of skin removed. then i split with my long term partner after he told me after everything i had done to make myself feel and look better that i wasnt good enough for him and he can do better, then he left me, we lived together. i was so heartbroken at first i didnt eat and i went down to 10 stone, (140lbs) then i kinda looked at food as a comfort and started over eating and hense why im now 16 stone 10 (234lbs) pound and i am so gutted. so now i am making a real effort to get back to what i was, even 12 stone would be nice. its worth all the hard work hun. on you on any particular diet or just healthy eating? x

Oh wow, you went through so much. I'm sorry to hear that. :/ you did it before, you can do it again and this time keep it off!! That's a pretty good amount of weight you had lost in only 7 months. I am just eating healthy and try to stay around 1200 calories.
i know Elm, its so hard to lose theres no point to keep putting it on, soo annoyed with myself. well i have started weight watchers so i guess i should lose :) xx