finally taking control of my body

Day 67

I ate a lot, no idea how much calories. Probably over a pound. But this isn't a diet anymore, its for the rest of my life so I'll never be perfect with food and I'll just take it a day at a time.


That's exactly the way to be looking at things, with an attitude like that you'll deffinitely succeed!

Best wishes.
Day 70

12 44 in the morning. Its Saturday, which means weigh in day and I weigh in the morning. I do expect a gain. Thinking about it, 70 days and only 21 pounds? I'm a slacker.

Hrm, I'll try damn hard this week, actually from now on. If I think about it, its not hard at all. I just become lazy counting that's pretty lazy. So none of that. I did the math of how much it would take to lose 5lbs a week. Mainly lose 2000 calories a day and eat 1000 lol I think. I have to push myself to do cardio everyday, there is no excuse.

Hung out with my sister and cousin today. That night when us 4 went out for coffee, she saw me and how much of a difference 21lbs made in my face and body that at that second she decided to go on a diet lol.

Sigh, I don't know why I'm not feeling too happy right now. Oh well, I'll get over it. I'm kinda scared to step on the scale today.

Good night, all.
I stayed the same. Woot no gain!
It made me smile that I didn't gain haha

I'm trying to get motivated to go workout and so far no luck but I'm going downstairs now and once I start doing something, my motivation will be there. :)
If you're in a positive mood, please do not read this. I do not want my negativity to unmotivate others.

Day 74

Why do I continue to count if I'm not eating correctly.

I'm not happy. I haven't been for the past few days. I'm struggling to find happiness, and don't see it in my future anytime soon. Can the next 3 days fix my f*uck ups for the past 4 days? It can just a little, but won't show a loss this week. I'm getting depressed and it sucks.

I am still working out, but my food intake is much higher which is not good at all. I need to rethink and remember why I'm doing this. I started dancing, too. I lost an inch in 1 day so far around my waist.

I also do not want to be in a relationship any more. I'm not sure if I'm still in love with him. I've changed.

So for the next 3 days, I have to be extra good just to lose all what I've gained, which I'm sure is like 5lbs or so.

3 27 in the morning and I can't sleep. Blah.
Hi Elm

Rite, some tough love... STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF. For one, you are certianly not a slacker. 21lbs is a huge loss. You always tell me how well you think I have done and I have lost about the same as you, in the same amount of time. Plus, you are doing it properly so you have more chance of keeping the weight off. You are doing bloody amazing and dont you ever forget that.

Why do you think its going wrong with your boyfriend? You have to do what makes you happy Elm and focus on number one!

I really hope you are OK. I wish you could sleep better too as I know lack of sleep really dosent help with the whole dieting situation.

We are all thinking of you and sending you big squeezy hugs. Speak to you soon and keep fighting through it. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!

Hi x
I agree with Miss K, Don't be so hard on yourself sweetheart Look at what you have achieved so far :D
You have to do whats right for you regarding the relationship x
Sending you hugs too xxxxxxx
Thank you both for your replies.

I know I'm being hard on myself, but the fact that I know I can do better but being lazy about it is what's making me mad. I know I need to focus on myself the most, and I'm trying. I had a job interview on two days ago and it went well. But there was a lot of people there applying for it (over 50 people there and they have on average 400 people applying there a day) so I'm just waiting to find out if I get the job or not. I know if I get it, I'll be much happier about life.

Edit----just deleted a lot of things.

I am in such a shitty mood and can't shake it off. Its 7 12 in the morning now. I'm going to workout for as long as my body wants to. I know it won't make me feel better after, but atleast I'll be doing something instead of just sitting on my butt.
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Still day 74

9 18 in the evening.

Today was a good food day. Stayed under 1200 and now feel better about myself for it. I also applied to many jobs, lost count lol. Hopefully I get a call back from someone soon.

8 in the morning I'll be taking care of my baby cousin again till 4. Not excited about that one bit since I'm still feeling down but atleast I'll get paid for it.

Hm, hopefully from now things will start looking up. I wish it was warmer and this snow and cold went away so I can go walking outside. I hate being in the house this much.

I guess I'll go lurk around here for a bit and try to get sleep since I have to be up early.
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Hiya Elm, thats the spirit - stay positive and take each day as it comes. Good luck on the job front. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm looking for a new job too as the temp job I do is really low pay and I cant afford to do anything as all my money goes on bills. That gets me down and leads to binges and drinking sessions.

I know how you feel about feeling you could have done better too, as I'm the same, but at the end of the day we have still lost a great deal. We'll both get our finger out from now on and spur each other on!

Hey elm, just been catching up on ur diary and yay, ur feeling good now. I just want to say life can be hard sometimes but you never really whats around the corner for you....Good luck on the job hunt :)
Ugh I'm forgetting how to count apparently lol so day...75? lol don't know wise was going good until I had mcdonalds, but still, today came out good food wise. No workout. Just took care of the baby for 8 hours.

While I was babysiting, I kept getting emails from the companies that I applied for saying they looked over my resume and want to get an interview going. Then, my phone starts going crazy. While the baby was asleep, I was on the phone with 4 different job places and they were all impressed by my resume.

Basemedia---the company I have an interview with tomorrow at 10 am. I have a strong feeling I'll get this job. The lady had my resume right on her screen while talking to me, she loved my experience and wants to talk tomorrow and then if I get it, I'll most start Monday. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so excited lol but traffic is probably gonna be 2 hours long again

I have an interview at 12 30 too, but to that one I'm most likely not go to.

11 40 in the evening right now, might go watch Jersey Shore.

Good night, all.
Day 77

8 49 in the morning.

I actually slept almost 12 hours, I wish I could sleep more.

Weigh in results = stayed the same but losing inches. :)
Day 78

Yesterday, food wise went pretty good. Also did work out and danced.

Edit***nevermind the rest lol
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Day 80

4 20 in the morning.

Yesterday food wise went pretty well. No excerise, but did take care of my baby cousin again.

Hm, today is suppose to be an anniversary of being together but instead its 1 week exactly of us being broken up. We don't talk anymore either, it was my decision and I'm glad I made it.

Hmmm what else...oh, so for the next few days we're suppose to have a huge snow storm. Yesterday it rained all day and turned into ice. Its funny seeing all the cars with ice on it and you can't even open your door. We're suppose to get 16 inches of snow today, followed by more rain and ice. They report that we haven't had one this bad in more than 30 years I think. Over 100 million americans will be affected by this, and suppose to lose power! I'M EXCITED! Hahaha

Today I'm planning on working out, and I'm excited for that, too! I really hope the scale moves this week.
hi Elm im new on this forum and in a simier way have had alot going on in my life, (hubby and youngest daughter suffer with depression) I have bad health so cant do much in exercise, so have felt very down as all my energy have been on other. So have decided this year is for me to do things for me and one was to get this weight off, (im heavier than i was when i was was pregnant). I find sometimes that when i fell about to crack i put music on and dance my socks off (dont care what i look like) so exercise and get the mood to change in one :D So all the best in job interview. lots of hugs coming your way:hug99:
irishlady said:
hi Elm im new on this forum and in a simier way have had alot going on in my life, (hubby and youngest daughter suffer with depression) I have bad health so cant do much in exercise, so have felt very down as all my energy have been on other. So have decided this year is for me to do things for me and one was to get this weight off, (im heavier than i was when i was was pregnant). I find sometimes that when i fell about to crack i put music on and dance my socks off (dont care what i look like) so exercise and get the mood to change in one :D So all the best in job interview. lots of hugs coming your way:hug99:

Thank you for your post :)

This is your year and I wish you luck! I hope everything gets better for you and your family.
Hiya Elm

Thought I would drop in quickly to say hey. Your doing well. Have you heard anything else from any jobs?

Crikey, that snow storm sounds fierce. Where abouts in America are you? Do you like the snowey weather? I am much more a spring and summer person myself.

Speak soon xxx