finally taking control of my body

tweekedgirl said:
Hiya Elm, nice to meet you!

How did the Biggest Loser challenge at work go? x

Joshua ended up winning. He lost 24lbs just be working out and eating extremely healthy. His lunch looked amazing every day lol.
Well, stupid me fell off track. I'm now my heaviest I've ever been. I should get on my labtop and update my real weight. But here goes to day 1 (again) and its Saturday, October 13. Sigh.

Edit. I was confused why I couldn't post on some threads until I just read their updates lol I forget everything after being gone for so long.
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I can't change my stats on my phone. 2.2 lbs lost. So I'm at 284.0 lbs...I'm getting there, but slowly and I'm ok with that.
I ate like **** today but that's ok. My allergies are horrible today. I've been drugging myself with medicine lol
I'm starting training tomorrow, which is Tuesday, and getting myself prepared for walking a marathon. It's going to be tough, but I'm determined. I also need to find comfortable shoes. I hate that I have to copy and paste in here.

I hate that this isn't fixed yet and have to copy and paste.

Days 2 complete since day 1 was a rest day.

Day 3. I couldn't complete two miles because the balls on my feet hurt too much. I need new shoes.

Day 4. Bought myself new shoes and my feet don't hurt!!! So worth the money!!!


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Nice to see you emm!



Day 6!!!!!!!! Did my 4 miles even though it took 95 minutes, I'm ok with that. Tomorrow is Monday which means its a rest day and the start of week 2!!!!!! :)
Hello, week 2. Today was rest day so I just worked out my arms. I'm proud that I made it this far, doesn't seem much, but it kicked my ass.

Week 2 day 2

Happy thanksgiving!

6.27 miles today :)


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Hello week three.
After all that working out, I didn't lose anything. Im so stupid. I kept eating junk food so all my hard work went to waste. So disappointed in my self.