Finger nails...anyone noticed improvements


Back on the wagon!
HI there...ok I know you must be thinking - shes boring!! but I have just noticed this morning that my nails are looking really healthy and long. I had previously dry brittle nails that never grow beyond 2mms without splitting and they are looking ready strong and growing!! I am so impressed!! :rolleyes: It has to be down to all the vits in LT and the water...
SNAP.......mine were brittle and flaky too, and now they are the longest and strongest they have ever been.
Oooh Bea, just goes to show how good LT is for you, doesnt it?!?

I havent seen a change but then my nails have always been really strong lol.
I hadnt but I just looked at them as im sure we all did as we read this and actually they do look alot better. mY main problem with my nail is that they are weak but they do seem a bit stronger although I wont be opening any cans of coke with just my nail!! That ad used to freak me out!!