First day on Cambridge after doing lipotrim and returning from holidays!

Oh God Ive gone mad!!
Seriously I had a BBQ on sunday and ate and then didnt stop eating! I tried to pull myself back yesterday but it still wasnt perfect. I weighed myself this morning and seem to have put on 3 or 4 lbs! I cant believe it?? Im really scared now that the weight flies on so quickly expecially cos Im going away next week. And to top it off Ive left my bloomin shakes at home today.

I really am so scared. I think ill try a 790 on hols more so than a 1000. Will that help??

Any suggestions??
Morning everyone,

Laney, don't panic yourself sweetheart! You may think you have gained 3 or 4 lbs but it could be due to water retention. Just try and get right back on it. As for not having a shake, do you have a boots the chemist near your work that does food? They do great little salads and I'm sure there is a chicken one that would fit into your Cambridge plan fine. They are only about 110 calories which is actually less than your shake! I think there is a plain garden salad one too. If not then you may be able to pick up a wee salad elsewhere?

Hi Ninababes, its great to chat to you all again! I am thinking that I will go for a higher plan. You are losing loads of steady weight and I am happy with that. Perhaps I'll see how the 790 goes and if not then I'll go for the 1200 because the results will still be good. On ss plan I didn't exercise at all (partly cos I felt so week and partly because I damaged my leg). So I am looking forward to exercise. I am going for a swim after work and walking to and from the train. Surely eating a little more but doing exercise will end up in the same results? I need to train myself to exercise more and control my eating habits. That way it will last for life. You sound like you are doing great after your wee blip at Silverstone. Well done because I know how hard it is to get back into it! xxx
Hi Lucy,

I hope to god its just water. Isnt it gas how quickly it affects the scales! Ill weigh myself on fri morning before I go away and give myself the couple of days to undo any damage hopefully. Im just really scared now of the long term and when I do finish on the shakes how quickly it goes back on! I too need to learn a bit of control! I think Ill hang on and see how I got for the day. Not getting home till 7 tonight and I have chicken out to cook for my dinner so if I can manage on water and tea today I will.

Its great to have you back. I think theres generally only yourself, donna, nina and me on this thread so it does get a bit quiet at times.
How are you coping getting back into the swing of things? The only drawback I found on the 790 is that your hungrier cos your eating!
Oh no! Don't say that! I can't cope feeling hungry all the time. I reckon I'll try it and see how I go. I think because I am adding exercise then I should still lose. I weighed myself this morning and its creeped down a wee bit but I ate yummy fishcakes and brocolli and cheese from M&S last night! h2b was having it and couldn't resist. Grrrrr! Naughty me! Had shake this morning and having little salad for lunch. Going to head along to Holland and Barrett at lunch cos a girl at my work said there's a supplement I can take that makes my hair and nails grow faster for the wedding. She's used it and it worked. Guess that would mean I need my roots touched up more often though!

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be amazed ow quickly your weight goes back to what it was or less! xxxx

It is really quiet on here. Glad you pop on during the day or I'd be lonely! xx
Im generally always on. Im lurking all day. I even log on when I get addicted to minimins!
Cool, I am on here all the time during the day at work. Rarely on at night or weekends though. Where's everyone else gone?! :sign0163:

I am STARVING!!!!! You must be so hungry too. We need to keep glugging water.

What day is it you go on holiday? Bet you can't wait. :)
Im flying off on friday! Im soo excited. Like a child at christmas.
Ive only 3 more sleeps and then Im going!!

I was starving but its starting to wear off thank god. I just keep thinkin of the lovely chicken and brocolli Ill be havin later. Ill have a choc tetra while im cooking and have a bar and tea later on tonight. I think I should be sorted then.

Dont know where everyone is?? I post on the other thread a lot cos this does be fairly quiet.

Donna are you alright chick? havent heard from you in a while.
What about you Nina??
Sorry guys..
Welcome back lucy.
Im here lurking, but im ashamed to say i havent got back in2 s/s 100% yet :eek: abd my weigh in is thursday evening :eek:
Think im gonna have a gain :cry:
I just dont know whats wrong with me :sigh: i just keep messing up, it's got me really down.. :(
I think thats the problem at the moment cause im feeling so low, im turning to food, but it's a vicious circle init!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Arghhhhh im so angry at myself!!
Think im gonna stay on here for a bit read loads of inspirational threads!!
I know i need to snap out of it but i just dont do it???
Am i crazy???
Nope not crazy at all. I was like that last week. I had a look at the inspiration slide show or went onto success stories. Theres a before an after photo thread in there.

To be honest though I think you really need to have your head in the right place. I had 2 really bad days this week but had to remind myself why Im doing this. Before I would have just said yeah yeah I know why...but this time I really know you know what I mean??

I forgot my shakes today so Im proud to say not a morsel has passed my lips! Ive had 3 cups of tea and only 2 litres of water but no food yet!!
Thanks louise.
Well done you, you must be in the right place now to do what you did 2day. :)

I know what you mean yes... im gonna take a look at the success thread in a bit, not seen that one before.. ta..

Im gonna give it my all again 2moro for sure, i know i can do this and i know it works... so im gonna do it :girlpower:
Thanks so much for understanding, i did feel alone in this, like im the only person on here who is or has been :banghead: lol
Also... forgot to add... how do you put a picture of yourself like you have on here? Sorry im pretty new to all this pc stuff :giggle:
Evening girls....sorry i havent been on earlier but i was on my induction day again and then had to pick up my friend and we went to the trafford centre for our wedding make up trial at Boots (for free might i add) so i've only just got home bout 30mins ago.

Lucy i think that the exercise combined with the extra healthy kcals should give you similar results the only thing may be that you may lose weight but gain muscle so there may be a time when the scales say u havent lost weight but it's still good :)

Well another great day....had my 2 shakes but only 3 litres of water today but had chicken and lettuce for lunch and fajhitas with chicken for tea and 2 hours walking round the trafford centre and im gonig to the gym tomorrow after the induction hehe had a bit of an unexpected blow a letter from the nursing and midwifery council to say i've gotta pay £76 to register my pin number before i can be paid as a qualified nurse the money grabbing meanies grrr grr grrr

Laney as long as you get back on the plan you should be fine and the weight gain will be water retention....they reckon that initially when you go to maintenence plan you will gain weight but it'll be the exra carbs you're having in your diet but it'll settle down and the weight will come off again it's only if you go crazy back to eating the same bad old habits that the weight will go back on!!!!

Donna sorry you're finding it difficult to get back on track...can you think of anything that's triggered this blip and maybe do yourself a new list of reasons why you want this? Cant help you on the pic front coz it wont let me do it lolol
Hiya nina hun...
Thanks, i have started writing things down yes, so hopefully it will soon happen!
Woke up this morning feeling c**p! Got sore throat, ear ache, ache all over.. and my head feels so heavy i can hardly hold it up! :(. But im still starting (again) today!, shouldn't be a problem cause right now food is the last thing i want!
Glad your doing so well nina, really pleased for you, its lovely reading how well people are doing after they've had bad days / blips... gives me hope!! lol
Well im gonna go drink some more water and have a lie down as im struggling sat here typing this, glad im home today.. work 2moro though!
Be back later, hope you all have a great day :)
Morning girlies,

Looks like we all go through 'bad' patches but we all have managed to get back to it so anyone worrying then don't. You can do it! Keep thinking of your goal. Well, remember I had the panic when I weighed myself after my hol? I weighed myself this morning and have lost 2lbs! H2b was the same. Must be flying that makes you gain.

Laney, don't worry about piling it back on cos you won't. Firstly, you are going to do great on this diet. We all have blips. Also, I was amazed because although I wasn't very bad on holiday i didn't really hold back either! I drank alcohol and ate icecream and pasta and even a Macdonalds and a chinese! (not very Cypriot I know!). You know what? My weight has stayed exactly the same. Water retention is a bugger and is what I guess your weight gain is. What we have to do is just train ourselves to think differently and that is really what this diet is all about. When we finish Cambridge and are bootilicious babes we will stay that way. We just have to remember to eat sensible, smaller portions and exercise. We are allowed the odd treat but not everyday! Its a whole new way off thinking. As long as we don't slip into old habits then we'll do great!

Left work yesterday and had a real battle going on in my head. To swim or not to swim?! One minute I had convinced myself 100% not to go, the next I was definitely going. I went and thoroughly enjoyed it. The walk up hill home afterwars was murder but I felt good for it.

I have started keeping a diary to keep me motivated. Everday I plan to write down everything I eat and drink and my exercise. I will also right down all my feelings. I find it helps me keep track.

Have a good day everyone.

Donna I hope you feel better soon. xxx
Morning girls,

Sorry Im so late to log on but Im just manic in work today. How is everyone then??

Nina I cant believe you have to pay to register! Thats terrible! God your great on the exercise...Im completely crap! need a bit of a kick up the bum there :D are you today then? Dont worry about the blips...just draw a line under them and start afresh.

Lucy :D I told ya that it would be weight from the flight didnt I!! I weighed myself this morning and ive re-lost 2 of the lbs i put back on so all going well I should be back to 14st 10lbs by friday before I go away. Ive been an angel this week....honest :angeldevil:!!

I dont know what Im going to do without you guys when Im away!
you'll maybe be less than 14.10st by Friday! You'll do fine while you are away. You can always sneak into an internet cafe if need be! I reckon you'll be having so much fun that needing diet support won't cross your mind. xxx
OMG! Its our Account Manager's birthday and our boss bought champagne and cakes at lunchtime! They do that for everybodies birthday and they don't like people turning it down! xxx
Evening ladies :)

Laney i'm so proud of you and Lucy's right you'll be fine on holiday with all the walking you'll be doing just do stuff to keep yourself busy but dont deny yourself of anything its your holiday!!!!!!!

Donna glad to hear things seem to be getting better it's so hard sticking to any diet nevermind this crazy one and writing things down really helps, hope today's been even easier for you and although you're feeling doubly crappy with restarting SS and being full of a cold you should be really proud of yourself for having the strength to say yes i will and can do this!!!!

Lucy great news about the weight loss....what did we tell you hehe and bet you're so glad you decided to go for a swim!!!

Well i've had another great day drank 5litres of water and had my 2 shakes gonna have a chicken salad when ive writtn this and went to the gym again only did 450kcals today my leg was really sore but then i spent 25mins in the hydrotherapy pool to relax my aching muscles but its a nice satisfying feeling that i've done some hard slog hehe im just praying my motivation keeps up as strong as it is doing coz tonight my mum n dad have come home from Wales and offered e an indian takeaway for tea and i didnt even have to think twice when i declined...i wasnt even tempted!!!!

Talking of temptation Lucy did you manage to refuse the cakes?
Oh dear, is no-one about today? :sign0163:

I am feeling so much better about things today. After my holiday I reached a slump. Couldn't get my concentration back at work and the thought of dieting was horrible. Well, today I feel great! I am loving being on a different diet plan. I feel healthy and energised and NEVER hungry. I am really looking forward to my swim after work rather than my usual habit of weighing up the pros and cons! I have managed to buckle down and get a lot of work done this morning too. Phew! I suppose what I am eating now isn't technically the Cambridge diet but it uses all the same principals. Do you guys mind me still mooching about here? I'd really miss you guys! I will probably grow jealous of how much faster you all lose weight but I think I'm now happy with steady but surely. :)

Laney, I hope I manage to catch you before you leave to say I hope you have an absolutely fantastic holiday. Don't go crazy but also remember its your holiday so don't deprive yourself either. ENJOY and forget about Cambridge until you get back!!\

Donna, you feeling better today sweetheart?

Ninababes, you are doing sooo fantastic now, the weight is going to be dropping off! xxxxxx
P.s I ate a doughnut yesterday when my work offered the cakes!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't resist but all I had the rest of the day was an apple and pear, a small egg salad for lunch and small prawn salad for tea. So I didn't let it make me go crazy! xxx