First ever VLCD

Thanks. It's only part time but that's all I want after a summer of 100 hour weeks. Hope it goes well.

Missing Mackintosh, he's the only cat I've ever seen jump up and open a front door. Bless him xx
Just picked my dress up from my mums and it b-e-a-utiful!! Can't wait to be able to wear it. And the £25 lipstick I decided to treat myself with is uh-mazing.

Just watching children in need with a shake, cuddling my pillow because my gorgeous pussycat is in the stars now and his brother is in a cage getting better xx


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Having a chicken and veg stir fry for tea with a shake for dessert. Thought I'd try and mix it up a bit.

I've decided to start putting £5 into my "pug fund" for every pound I lose. By the time I hit target I'll have half the money I need and as a present to myself for getting there I'll put the other in half and buy my beautiful pug. Really can't wait to hit target now!!
Aww so sorry to hear about your kitty hun, hope your other one OS On the mend fast

Your doing ace hun :))

Pug fund and new dresses great motivation!! Ive got myself some tiny jeans for Xmas... I will get in them LOL

Aww so sorry to hear about your kitty hun, hope your other one OS On the mend fast

Your doing ace hun :))

Pug fund and new dresses great motivation!! Ive got myself some tiny jeans for Xmas... I will get in them LOL


He's on the mend bless him, starting to put weight on his back legs a bit now but still lying down a lot.

I've got the dress downstairs so when I think I want chocolate I look at it and think no, I want to get in my dress haha.

Tiny jeans sound like a good idea! If I get this job then I'll be wearing jeans a lot and all mine down fit me anymore so it's another excuse to buy more. Might treat myself to a tiny pair myself and hope to get into them by the new year. Never bought tiny clothes in my life!! Haha

My kidneys are killing me today! I've been drinking loads of water so I'm hoping I just slept funny.

My pussycat is up and walking, well wobbling, about today so he's allowed out of his cage although he did try getting up the stairs so had to pick him up quick before he caused any damage. He's snuggled up on the couch now, think he's missed being here. So glad he's getting better.

Was supposed to be weighing tomorrow but decided to wait until Thursday/Friday in the hope of seeing a bigger number. I've been sticking 100% and don't want to be disheartened by a 2-3lbs loss. I've found I stick to plan better when I don't weigh as often. I've gone from a serial weigher to not wanting to weigh at all. Hopefully a good thing.

Im going down to Southampton next weekend for my friends birthday. She's not seen me since we were travelling and I was over 15 stone. She knows I've been losing weight but I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction.

How's everyone's weekend been?

I think stating off the scales if you can is the best thing. Any minor fluctuation would have me in a bad mood, not worth it!!

Sure the scales will surprise you when you do weigh in :)

Good news on the kitty being up

I think stating off the scales if you can is the best thing. Any minor fluctuation would have me in a bad mood, not worth it!!

Sure the scales will surprise you when you do weigh in :)

Good news on the kitty being up


You're so right it puts me in a foul mood! At least I've never seen a gain on weigh in, I'm just an impatient person and kick myself when I think I could be 3 stone down by now if I'd have stuck 100%. But, I'm getting there and everyone is noticing, I feel slimmer and miles more confident so gonna keep plodding along.

I see you've only got 10lbs to go, you must feel so excited to be so close to your goal! When you've had your op you'll probs be another 10lbs lighter! Not long to wait now, how exciting!

It's so demotivating even if the loss is,less than you want. Long as your 100% you can't fail .. no need for too much scale torture LOL

Hopefully the surgeon will remove 10-14lb during the op. I'm hoping to be at goal by my op.. now postponed an extra week

Hope you have a good evenin x
Mac and cheese with cucumber for tea. Can't be bothered steaming other veg plus I don't wanna miss X Factor! Plus I want to win the Asos on XF competition. Need a new wardrobe as it is so getting some free clothes would be a-mazing! Fingers, toes, legs, eyes crossed I win. I never win anything!

Are there any decent men in this world. I'm sick of arseholes! Got a guy that a went on a date with once a couple of years ago inviting me round for "ice cream" at his new house... That him and his fiancé have just moved into.

What a prick.
sounds like sh'es a lucky girl ;) shame you missed out on that great catch! hehe!
Im sick of attracting idiots. They think because they're good looking they can have what they want when they want, stuff the consequences. Just want a decent guy.

When I was slim I used to date the most gorgeous idiots. I'm lucky I found a diamond in among all the glass stones!

You will find a good one! like they say you gotta kiss alot of frogs!
When I was slim I used to date the most gorgeous idiots. I'm lucky I found a diamond in among all the glass stones!

You will find a good one! like they say you gotta kiss alot of frogs!

True! I'm not even sure I want a relationship, I love being single! But sick of grabbing the attention of complete tools and if a guy I like does come along then I'm open to it, just don't see that happening!

And as if he offered ice cream. Like I'd want that! I'm on a diet for frigs sake!! Haha.
Woke up in a foul mood this morning. I'm stuck on a broken single bed because when I was travelling my 33 year Los sister decided to move back home, into MY room, got rid of EVERYTHING and redecorated. So she's now on a kingsize bed the memory foam mattress whilst I'm struggling to sleep at night. I'm so angry.
Really struggling today. Can't be bothered eating. I've had this shake for nearly an hour so it's lost it's nutritional value anyway and trying to force it down is making me feel like I'm about to explode. Why am I finding it so hard? It's not like I want to eat anything else I just don't want to eat. Anyone else ever get like this?
hello lovely! a bad bed is horrible! me and OH slept in a single bed (lucky he was thin then, i was huge though!) for 3 months and it was horrible!

I'm feeling a bit like that today had a sweet porridge which was gross, so I'm kinda not wanting anything else except my *real meal* but know I've gotta have it. Other than that normally by now I'd be craving stuff, but I just don't really want anything.

Hopefully you will find some hunger soon lovely. I know your having a tough time, but try and keep your chin up <3
MissAmyMarie said:
Really struggling today. Can't be bothered eating. I've had this shake for nearly an hour so it's lost it's nutritional value anyway and trying to force it down is making me feel like I'm about to explode. Why am I finding it so hard? It's not like I want to eat anything else I just don't want to eat. Anyone else ever get like this?

I used to get like that on Atkins,couldn't even look at food,wasn't hungry in the slightest,I Defo think its to do with protein/ketosis,luckily I haven't got like that on this,but A few times on Atkins I did and I had to stop,I literally was struggling to eat the tiniest of things,I know its hard but just keep doing your best,maybe have your shakes hot?I have the cafe latte one made with boiling water,sweeteners,a little milk and extra coffee and then it really is more a coffee as apposed to a meal? Goodluck xx
hello lovely! a bad bed is horrible! me and OH slept in a single bed (lucky he was thin then, i was huge though!) for 3 months and it was horrible!

I'm feeling a bit like that today had a sweet porridge which was gross, so I'm kinda not wanting anything else except my *real meal* but know I've gotta have it. Other than that normally by now I'd be craving stuff, but I just don't really want anything.

Hopefully you will find some hunger soon lovely. I know your having a tough time, but try and keep your chin up <3

It's the fact I shouldn't be in this situation that makes me feel worse but what can I do?

Glad I'm not the only one who gets like this then, thought I was going mental!!


I used to get like that on Atkins,couldn't even look at food,wasn't hungry in the slightest,I Defo think its to do with protein/ketosis,luckily I haven't got like that on this,but A few times on Atkins I did and I had to stop,I literally was struggling to eat the tiniest of things,I know its hard but just keep doing your best,maybe have your shakes hot?I have the cafe latte one made with boiling water,sweeteners,a little milk and extra coffee and then it really is more a coffee as apposed to a meal? Goodluck xx

How did you manage to start eating again? I've been like this for a while now and some days end up only having one or two packs. I think it might be a mixture of stress and not feeling great about my whole situation. It's got to a point now though where I feel guilty if I eat a single cherry tomato and if I go out with friends to eat I'll only eat chicken with zero sides or even veg and check the calorie content when I get home. It's so weird.

Tried having the shakes hot, I do like them that way although the cafe one even with an extra spoon of coffee tastes vile. And the vanilla one definitely smells and tastes like playdo haha.

Gonna cook some salmon for my tea, maybe making proper food will make me feel hungry again.

Thanks for the support girls!
