First ever VLCD

Of course!! Shoulda guessed!!!! x

Don't worry about it, it took me at least 2 months to find out what OH meant haha xx

Good luck Amy! Aaagh I want wine n crisps etc help me! Xx

Thanks hun! Don't have crisps, if you have a soup packet make that into crisps instead! And wine. Well. You must have seen my previous posts about alcohol... Don't do it!!! Haha xx

Hi hun, wow you're doing brilliantly, well done. How's the room going? X

Thanks bab, how are you getting on? The room is pretty much empty now, had a few trips to the skip. Who even has a filing cabinet in their room?! That was a workout in itself getting it downstairs! Ha. I've stripped two walls so far, gonna crack on with the other 2 once I've had my last pack. My new bed has arrived!!! But my mattress was sent to the wrong depot so not getting that till Thursday now, grr xx

How's everyone else doing today?

Ok so I've made a HUGE mistake re guy at work. He won't leave me aloneeeee!!

I mean, I know I'm fit and everything but seriously?! Haha.

Lord help me.

Haha have we got a stalker?

I'm struggling today with wanting a bloody drink, in a pretty foul mood, sometimes there aren't enough curse words!! Haha!

I'm gonna stay firm though and not give in no matter how much morons enrage me! Grrrrr

Feels like it! And there's no getting away from him.

Dont drink. Baaaad things happen when you drink. Take my mistake as an example haha xx
Day 28 and 4 weeks of 100%!!!

I'm about a third of the way through my Easter Challenge, only 2 months to go!

Feeling good today, managed to get my room stripped last night but a bit gutted I'd have to have every wall plastered if I just wanted to paint the walls. Decided to get some textured wallpaper and paint over that to keep costs down. Obviously I'm not the one wallpapering, I've sweet talked my stepdad into that but I'll be doing all the painting etc. Just can't wait to get it done!!

I've come into work today as well, so far it's not too bad but thats because there's not a lot of us in at the minute. Apparently the reason I was off yesterday was morning sickness, I'd be amazed at anyone who could get preggo so quickly! The rest of this weel is not going to be fun.... ROLL ON THE WEEKEND!!

Been shopping tonight with one pack left to go and so chuffed that I only got eggs, veg, chicken, seafood and salmon. I picked up some mackerel too as I quite fancy trying it, I've never really been a fan if fish but love salmon now so might as well. Does anyone know if we're allowed to have it before I bung it in the oven?

I know it's late to eat but not long finished work.

Ive been invited to an interview for another job. It's a sales rep job, basic £13k with OTE £30k. I get a company car, a tablet and a phone bill and broadband allowance. Fingers, toes, eyes crossed for me!!

How's everyone got on today?

Ooh job sounds exciting! Good luck! Not sure if mackerel allowed but I hope it is for u as it's yum ESP smoked. :)
Thanks hunny! How are you getting on? xx

Congratz on your 28 100%! I started back again on monday because my dad wasnt happy my recipies for the bakery were rank because i couldnt taste them! Dead proud of you girl!

love sarah xxx
Congratz on your 28 100%! I started back again on monday because my dad wasnt happy my recipies for the bakery were rank because i couldnt taste them! Dead proud of you girl!

love sarah xxx

Thanks hunny! Glad you're back! Seems like a few people are disappearing so nice to see a friendly face back again. How's your bakery going? I can't believe how quick it's come round. You must be well chuffed!

Thanks hunny! Glad you're back! Seems like a few people are disappearing so nice to see a friendly face back again. How's your bakery going? I can't believe how quick it's come round. You must be well chuffed!


I know its effing scary! Lol only 1 month to go now as the date has been brought forward eeeep. Discussing lease terms atm then its all good. Its just all paperwork at this stage and we have come in 4k under budget which is always nice.

We really dont have too much left to do tbh. The business plan is all done verified.
Once lease terms are sorted and money is transferred its all ours :)

love sarah xxx
I know its effing scary! Lol only 1 month to go now as the date has been brought forward eeeep. Discussing lease terms atm then its all good. Its just all paperwork at this stage and we have come in 4k under budget which is always nice.

We really dont have too much left to do tbh. The business plan is all done verified.
Once lease terms are sorted and money is transferred its all ours :)

love sarah xxx

Omg sounds brilliant! Glad it's working out so well for you, don't think it could have worked out any better could it!

Feel free to send free samples once you're up and running! Haha. Do they do carb/calorie free cakes? Someone should invent them...

Omg sounds brilliant! Glad it's working out so well for you, don't think it could have worked out any better could it!

Feel free to send free samples once you're up and running! Haha. Do they do carb/calorie free cakes? Someone should invent them...


Well you can make vegan dairy gluten free cake which is almonds and pear juice plus rasing agents. Not too carby but super high in cals lol so no you dont get cake because its not keto friendly. But if you dont get it neither do i and its worse for me ;) how is the decorating going? Giggled to myself about your stalker. Enjoy the male attention!

love sarah xxx
Thanks hunny! How are you getting on? xx

Quite an eye opener MFP actually! Have already learned that what I thought was about 50g of cereal was actually 200g! And what I thought was 150ml milk is actually 300ml!!! Hmmm chocolate binges aside I think I can already see where I'm going wrong!! :)
Well you can make vegan dairy gluten free cake which is almonds and pear juice plus rasing agents. Not too carby but super high in cals lol so no you dont get cake because its not keto friendly. But if you dont get it neither do i and its worse for me ;) how is the decorating going? Giggled to myself about your stalker. Enjoy the male attention!

love sarah xxx

I wouldn't want to around all those yummy cakes every day, I wouldn't be able to resist! You've got some serious willpower lady!

Decorating is going quite well, front room is done, my room should be done by the weekend (I'm sleeping on my new mattress on the front room floor at the minute haha) and then getting cracking with the kitchen. Soooo, all being well, it should all be done by the end of Feb.

I'm definitely not enjoying THIS male attention, doing my head right in! Treat them mean, keep them keen isn't it, is there anyway to treat them mean and make them go away? Haha.

Quite an eye opener MFP actually! Have already learned that what I thought was about 50g of cereal was actually 200g! And what I thought was 150ml milk is actually 300ml!!! Hmmm chocolate binges aside I think I can already see where I'm going wrong!! :)

It's brilliant MFP isn't it! It really makes you think twice about sticking something in your mouth. Once I'm done with s&s I'll be using it all the time again. I watched a TV programme about chocolate and apparently one large bar of chocolate has the same amount of saturated fat as SEVEN cheeseburgers! Put me right off!!

It's brilliant MFP isn't it! It really makes you think twice about sticking something in your mouth.


Same goes for stalker male colleagues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
It's brilliant MFP isn't it! It really makes you think twice about sticking something in your mouth. Once I'm done with s&s I'll be using it all the time again. I watched a TV programme about chocolate and apparently one large bar of chocolate has the same amount of saturated fat as SEVEN cheeseburgers! Put me right off!!


SEVEN!! Oh my god! No wonder I'm the way that I am, I could of easily polished one of them off. I love MFP, it's so handy!
Hope you get the job chick, sounds amazing, can't believe you'd get a car and Internet!!!