First ever VLCD

Love the challenge. Those 88 days will pass in the blink of an eye!!!

I'm betting on you loosing at least 3stone xxx

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Good luck!! But no weighin... Without weighing I wouldn't see the reward From no eating..
I'm in for the 88 day challenge :) you should start a thread x
I'm loving this plan but ..........wouldn't treating yourself with a cadburys cream egg be the same behaviour that got you where you are !!

Sorry to be a grinch!! You know im only looking out for you...:)

I get what you're saying but my attitude about food now has changed. The only reason I'm treating myself with food is because its Easter and I am only planning on having one. I'm planning on switching to ww or sw from them so could count it as a syn ;)

Good luck!! But no weighin... Without weighing I wouldn't see the reward From no eating..

I used to weigh ALL the time and my roomie is the same so she'll weigh once a week but I find I stay on plan better when I don't. We'll see how it goes. Day 2 is well under way and going well.

Day 2 is going well. Had 2 shakes and mac and cheese with a bit of cucumber. Gonna have chicken with some spinach and mange tout later, I've decided to do one day 4 packs, one day 3 with a protein mainly because I don't have enough flavours that I like to last til pay day.

How's everyone else getting on?

Decided to do 3x 10 min spurts on the stepper. First one done, 5 min rest then I'm back on it again. It's harder when you have a chest infection!! Hope this determination stays!

Don't work yourself into the ground if you're ill. :-( have you been to dr? I got the Julian michaels bumper pack from amazon and am papping self about opening it!!!
4 DVDs for £15 ish! Amazing and scary- all off amazon!
4 DVDs for £15 ish! Amazing and scary- all off amazon!

Just googled her. She's off America's Biggest Loser!! Oh I bet that is good!! Hard work though!

Im planning on doing a bit of stepping every night. Apparently 15 mins burns 100 calories so if I do it in 3 10 mins spurts every night that's an extra 200 calories gone and I can maybe build up to 4 15 min spurts. I'll see what happens. Got another 86 days before I can weigh and see if it works! It's keeping me motivated at the min, I know it's early doors I'm just hoping I stick at it this time. I feel more determined because I've set so many goals for "when I'm thin" plus I wanna look hot in a bikini on holiday is year!
Just googled her. She's off America's Biggest Loser!! Oh I bet that is good!! Hard work though!

Im planning on doing a bit of stepping every night. Apparently 15 mins burns 100 calories so if I do it in 3 10 mins spurts every night that's an extra 200 calories gone and I can maybe build up to 4 15 min spurts. I'll see what happens. Got another 86 days before I can weigh and see if it works! It's keeping me motivated at the min, I know it's early doors I'm just hoping I stick at it this time. I feel more determined because I've set so many goals for "when I'm thin" plus I wanna look hot in a bikini on holiday is year!

Good on you. What about writing your 'when I am thin' list and keeping a copy next to the mirror you look in in the morning, on the fridge and in your purse for motivation.

Are you up for no weighing too? I think it would be good to find out who loses what. I'll start one as soon as I remember how to do it haha xx

No I need to weigh, crazy daily weigher over here... I think it's because the doctor has given me a weight target... Damn her!!
Katie I weigh Dailey too, try not to but only on day 4 and the results are amazing this time round! But I think I weigh because I have a docs appt beginning of feb and need my weight down lol xxx
Katie I weigh Dailey too, try not to but only on day 4 and the results are amazing this time round! But I think I weigh because I have a docs appt beginning of feb and need my weight down lol xxx

Glad I'm not the only one... Official weigh in tomorrow I am impressed with myself this week :) I can't book a hospital appointment until I am as certain weight could of been there months ago but I've been faffing around... Good luck for yours
I used to be a weigh-a-dayer but found that when I had a sts or not a big enough number I'd get downhearted and cheat. I'm hoping doing it this way will stop me. My scales are hidden now anyway so couldn't weigh if I wanted to haha x
Day 3/88 - DONE!

2 shakes, 1 salmon and prawn salad (spinach, cucumber, celery and spring onions) and finished with my fave, mac and cheese with mange tout.

Don't think I've drank enough today though because I've been feeling the hunger more. It's so hard at work because I can't keep running to the loo all the time!

Resisted yet another subway (to be honest this is going to be a daily occurrence), sour cream Pringles (my favourite), mini brownies (another fave) and two pieces of mint chocolate that came with a coffee I bought! I actually gave them away! I actually feel miles better for doing it, don't feel depraved at all, just feel like I'm doing the right thing and I'm in the right track. It's a revolution!!

Hope everyone had a great day!
