First few days and really upset


New Member
I started Exante Friday - so just completed day 2. I have been hungry, headachey and yuk. Just had shakes, and 2 bars (one each day) and plenty of water, and added coke zero and a cup of bouillion today. As im feeling so crap I thought id weigh myself to show myself its worth it - and i've gone up 2lbs!!!! :(:(:(

Please tell me this is normal! Im now so upset!
If you follow this diet 100%, there isn't a chance you can't lose weight. Don't weight yourself this early in, I didn't think I'd lost anything in the first few days but turns out I'd lost 9.5lbs the first week.

Put the scales away right now!! Don't weigh yourself until you've been on it a week!

Hol x
stick with it and you will be fine! we promise!
If you can stick with it for the first week, I'm sure you will see a loss, which will keep you going each week :) On a low cal and low carb diet like this, the deficit means if you stick to it, there is no way you won't lose weight :) Step awaaaayyyy from the scales, your weight fluctuates daily, so weigh weekly and leave it at that if you can :) The first few days aren't brilliant because of carb withdrawal, but just keep drinking lots, and make sure you have your 3 packs. It does get better when you reach ketosis :) Keep going, you're doing great!
My advice is that don't add anything to the diet for the first coke, no bouillion, no nothing other than water, black tea or coffee and the 3 meals, just go 'cold turkey' and you will be amazed at the loss and you will feel better next week. Also as the others say, don't weigh yourself everyday and then tell us how much you weigh next week. It's not easy but it is so worth it. Keep with it. xx

And by the way steeleee wow you are doing so well. xx