Food.. its soooo last year..12 pesky pounds till goal :D

My letter to the bi'atch... just faxed!

Further to my discussions yesterday, I confirm that I will call in on Friday 22 December to collect my final wage cheque and also my final expenses, details are as follows:

Final Wage cheque – Approximately £****.00 after tax

Following my discussions with the tax office and citizens advice this week, obviously since I, in accordance with my contract, gave the full four weeks notice, they confirmed that I would pay tax for the company car on my P11D right up until my official last day of the 29 December. Since I have heard nothing to the contrary in writing or otherwise from yourselves with regards to my finish date I can only assume that you have honoured my complete four weeks notice as given by myself, in which case, as you are demanding that the car is returned a full week early a full weeks tax is therefore due to be paid back to myself, therefore I would expect that the final wage may be slightly higher than the amount stated above.

I have not received my expense cheques from week-ending 8 December and week-ending 15 December, these together with the expenses from week-ending 22 December, minus the £250 float are detailed below. Due to the lateness of these expenses being paid I would appreciate cash, however, should this be too difficult then I will have to settle for a cheque to be available on my arrival on Friday.

Expenses week-ending 8 December (posted 06/12/06)
Diesel £35.00
Diesel £54.00
Total £89.00

Expenses week-ending 15 December (posted 13/12/06)
Diesel £ 51.00
Diesel £ 49.00
Accom £ 30.00
Accom £ 25.00
Stamps £ 1.92
Coffee £ 2.35
Coffee £ 2.35
Total £161.62

Expenses week-ending 22 December (form attached, receipts will be brought in on Friday personally)
Total £188.44

Total Value of expenses for last three weeks = £439.06

Minus £250.00 float = £189.06
(Cash or cheque to be available for collection together with wages on Friday 22 December.)

I would be most grateful if you could have my wage cheque and expenses available for me on my arrival, I have requested a lift to the train station, to enable me to get to the bank in time to get these paid in before Christmas. I will be delivering the car back to the office on Friday 22nd, together with the fax machine, mobile phone, any sales documents – such as visit reports, business cards, my sales plan together with information that I have collated whilst working with ***********, this - may be useful for whomever you recruit, laptop and as mentioned to Jim, a few bottles and calendars that I never had time to deliver – will mark up whom they were for to enable them to be delivered in the New Year.

I trust the above is acceptable and fair.
Excellent letter Kirstin,. I really hope they don't mess you about any more! It would be worth giving them a call to confirm they received your fax as I wouldn't put it past them to fob you off and say they never got it!!

If, when you get there tomorrow they don't have it all done for you then I would keep all the items you listed, take the car and tell them you will return their property when they have honoured their financial responsibilities!

Good luck hon!!!
Thanks Jennie, I emailed a copy of the letter to my boss too... so they can't both deny receiving it.. also printed off delivery report for the fax!!!

I am keeping hold of the car keys and yes, any messing me around in the morning and I will leave with the car and tell them when they give me my money (which by that point I would expect it to be in CASH) they can have their car back...

On my email to my boss, I told him that as he could see I had been accurate, honest and fair and I expect to be treated with the same respect and integrity when I arrive tomorrow morning, I said I had no wish to create a scene and just wish to collect what is due to me and leave.

I have been fair with all of the sales info I am giving them, lets face it I could have binned it and deleted everything off my laptop, but I'm not..... so far I haven't cleaned the car though and it is filthy after the frosts this week... half of me is tempted not to clean it... but then the nice half of me feels i can't hand a once silver car back black lol!!!!

Thanks for the advice on the P11D etc.. since I haven't actually spoke to the tax office lol!!!! ;)
lol, no worries hon. I went on a PAYE course t'other week and it covered P11D's.. lol that's the only reason I knew about it. As for the car, get it cleaned, you are better than them and I know you will feel bad if you don't :D After all, you are professional even if they aren't! Hope your boss appreciates how differently you could have handled all this!! :D Looking forward to finding out what happens next! xxx
lol oh did i forget to mention, i had arranged for my ex (from years back - currently in Iraq) to ask some of his buddies to drop round to the premises with a missile launcher ;)
Hey Kirstin,
Sorry to hear you are getting so much poo from the company that you are leaving. I know you expected it and it confirms that you are right to leave there. How they expect to get away with such c**p in this day and age beats me. I know you could do without this hassle before Xmas. Hugs

Love the fax, don't see how they could argue unless they are complete morons.

Can you send Buster round to bite their a***es ?
Can you send Buster round to bite their a***es ?

hehe buster has better taste... hes very particular about what he sinks his teeth into!!! ;)

Just cleared out the car.. gonna dump the fax machine in the boot now and the phone for that matter.. coz i'm not intending taking any work calls today.. they can bu88er off!

Gonna get it cleaned then.. because Jennie is right I would not be happy with myself if i stooped to their level!
Quick update... i'm knackered

Ok.... had a bit of a lie in this morning.... then got up ... weighed myself, lost 2lbs so far this week... which means my weightloss is not following its normal pattern.. usually lose 3lbs and then 1lb by the Monday weigh in... v weird!

Anyway after that I deleted software from my work laptop, dvd writer, camera, mp3 player etc.. this took like forever!

Left home at 9.30am for the office... but there was virtually no traffic... had allowed two hours.. so i stopped at services on M6 for a coffee and read my book for ages! Got to office at 11.30am... boss had rang me and said to park up at his office as he had wages etc for me.. SO the biatch had chickened out of seeing me.. she rules that place because no-one stands up to her.. obviously she cannot handle it when people do.. when I drove on site my boss was looking out for me lol and walked over to me.. was like being escorted.

Anyway i got my wage slip - correct, expenses... correct bar one amount missing, he said she posted this on the 15th... there was a postal strike that day in Stafford and Monday I believe and this prob affected their area (one of the guys in the office told me).. so will check with my bank but I believe her for once! Anyway got P45 too... leaving date 29 Dec.. bet she wouldn't have put that if she hadn't had my letter yesterday.. he also said that my extra tax would be refunded via P46 form???

I wanted to leave immediately but had to wait for a lift, boss said he could take me to the bank in Sale.. where he lives so that I could pay cheque in so i left with him at 1pm... he took me to his house first as he had to pick stuff up.. his wife agreed with me that Margaret is a biatch! They made me a coffee and put milk in it :eek: I felt too rude if i refused it .. so was forced to drink it... I never actually had milk in tea or coffee pre-diet.. so not only is it forbidden.. it was also gross!!!! Got to bank and paid cheques in at 2.58pm!!!!!!! Not sure that will really count towards the 3pm cut off period :mad: .. he then walked me to metrolink station in sale and bought my ticket to manchester victoria... i paid after that.

I finally got home to huddersfield at 7.15!!! I had caught the wrong bloomin train at Victoria!!! The Leeds train generally goes from Manchester through hudds and onto Leeds... I thought this was always the case.. but no... the one I got went via halifax and bradford! So i got off at bradford and had to wait for 45mins for train to hudds!!!!!! Was v peed off by this point, supposed to go out tonight... three mates have invited me out.. including the myspace guy... but i cried off to all of them.. gonna watch horror movies i think.. xmas spirit has temporarily left me!

Oh and i can now giggle (marginally) at my train error! It seems I can navigate all over the country in a car and not get lost... but public transport in the UK (never had prob abroad), is obviously beyond me!! Roll on new company car!!!!

think this is all of my news... gonna go watch the hills have eyes :D Will catch up on other diaries tomorrow and add my fourpenneth when my mood is more positive... on the plus side though.. as i went all day with out a shake since my tetra on way to Stoke this morning.... I still have a lovely yummy vanilla one to have :D
Glad you are back safe and sound though it sounded like a ***** of a journey on the way back. So the company decided to do everything by the book eh ? Good, glad you stood up to them and were firm. That vile woman probably gets on in life by being a bully. Well she couldn't do it this time :D

At least working for that lot will become a distant memory and you have a decent job to go to!:)

Cuddle Buster and drink your vanilla, you will be back in the Xmas swing of things by tomorrow !

Have a great Xmas !
Hi Kristen,

Glad you got the car, ex boss, and expenses/wages sorted, now you can look forward to Christmas and your new job.

Hope your doing well. (outside of train journeys of course). I'm like that with public transport, just seem to lose all my sense of organisation/direction.

talk soon, Caz:)
Lol caz... yep roads i'm cool with Public transport though ... think i need an idiots guide!!!

Forgot to put that I weighed myself this morning and have lost the pound to bring the weightloss back in line with normal preceedings... so am down to 12st 10lbs today... 3lbs loss so far this week...hope for another pound by weigh in xmas day!!!

Canna be @rsed to change my ticker again! Will do it monday!

Just realised its another blooming milestone... 3 1/2 stone lost in 9 weeks and 4 and a bit days!!
Think I may have been a naughty girl this year...

Hmmm think i must have really upset Santa this year, as since handing my notice in nowts gone bloody right lol!!

Picked up hire car today, i had checked out train times to Northampton for 2nd Jan, and I was gonna have to leave at 4.14am to get to Northants on Jan 2nd am! Plus it was gonna cost £45 or something like that. My new company had said that they would cover the cost of my hire car right up until the 2nd Jan if i wanted to do a one way hire... so due to not relishing having to get up at 3.15 I thought it was best.

So i went to get hire car and asked about taking it until 2nd Jan on a one way basis.. they said that it would cost £375 including a £50 one way fee... hmmm I said that maybe I wouldn't the.. they re-calculated it.. strange how they can do that! And my final price up until Jan 2 dropping it in Wellingborough is £260.... which was fine.. I had taken £350 out of savings account last week to cover it... and I get it back on presentation of the invoice to my new company..... BUT I do not have a credit card.. for some reason instead of the normal £100 deposit which u have to leave when paying on CC they take £250 for payment by switch.. haven't a damn clue why.. !!! So instead of £360 today... I have forked out £510!!!!!!!!!! I'm now skint!!

THe irony is I now have a car for over a week.. and I can't afford to go anywhere in it really!!!!! I have a full tank of petrol.. which I have to obviously give it back with a full tank or pay extra on return of car. I have rang bank to check finances and I have a bare minimum to get by on over xmas... My wage cheque and my expense chq from yesterday aren't showing on my account yet... they said they should show on Thursday next week.... but then it is 5 working days to clear from then... the extra expense cheque that the with posted has been received, showed on my account on yesterday.. but it needs 5 working days to clear...!!! Very glad that for once I had finished my xmas shopping.. or i'd be bu88ered! As it is I can only really use the car for short trips and going down to mum and dads on xmas day and back.... plus work next week... seems ridiculous to pay for a hire car (albeit i get it back when i give the invoice to work - although they post the invoice to me so hope it comes next week sometime!!!!!) for a whole week and leave it sitting outside my house!

I was going out this evening in Coventry and getting to wear my new dress... but since I can't risk spending my last bit of cash I will just have to wear my new dress out in Hudds tomorrow night instead - I am driving due to the diet and drinks will only cost me a tenner max.. my mates are lucky they won't have to pay extortionate cab fees!! Wish just for once that my mates had licences.. then maybe they could do the same for me one day.. especially when I get stranded at train stations in Bradford!!!! Oh and in hindsight, I'm damn glad I never went out last night!!!!

I figure that now after the last cr@ppy four days, I'm due some good luck... so maybe i will meet man of my dreams tomorrow.. although i am only going out in Hudds.. so I expect to see pigs flying past the window before this is actually likely to happen!!! But u never know... and if he could be a millionnaire and treat me like a princess for two weeks I'd be happy! Being a paying dutch kind of girl.. I'm happy to pay my way when i get my wages cleared!!!!!

I've been thinking about food at strange times of the day for last couple of days... so strange as I normally don't.. the urge to cheat has kept attacking me every now and then.. I won't give in to it like, but its bloody annoying! This morning I went into sainsbury's for wrapping paper and all i could smell was fry ups!!!!!
Hiya Kirstin

SO glad that she paid you the correct amount and that they acknowledge that they will be over-taxing you that 1 week!! Good news indeed! Not so great about the delays in finances.. just a thought... but you know, you must be saving your mates a fortune by being taxi... have you considered just asking them for a small contribution to petrol? I know it might feel like you are being tight, but you know, petrol is damned expensive these days!! I'm doing the driving New Years Eve and if anyone asks me to take them home I will say yes but would they mind giving me something for fuel! Just a fiver would be something... or else your mates can buy your drinks all night.. some sort of acknowledgment and help too whilst waiting for banks to sort their lives out! (It infuriates me that you have to wait so long to get to your money!).. anyway... really pleased things are onward and upward and that the weight loss has been so fantastic! Looking forward to meeting you sometime!

Love, Jennie xx
Hey chick,

Don't be down, good things happen when you aren't expecting it, so you prob are about to meet that Prince charming that shuns at the term 'going dutch'! You are on the verge of a new life, new job, new weight (every day) and you'll be wearing your new gorg dress and showing off your new art work, so how much is there to feel good about? LOADS! And it's Xmas and you never know there might be some folding stuff in your cards AND your cheques will clear early Jan and you'll be richer than the rest of us who will all be flat broke!
Put those smells out of your mind, (I seen them in the Food Dump, well done) it's prob just your chatterbox trying to reward you for a mentally exhausting couple of days!
May be a bit scarce over the next few days as my obsession has died down a bit, but it will be back with avengance, believe me!!
Wishing you a fantastic Christmas!!!!!!!!!! And mail me if you pull tomorrow night.

PS I agree with FFnF, get them mates to contribute to petrol, you aint a taxi service and times in need etc!!!
lol thanx Lottie, made me laugh! It had occured to me that I am normally skint by 5th Jan.. whereas for once i'll have a full wage.. and my new job will be paying the car money back to me so I can replenish my savings account (which is the only reason I got to hire the car in the first place... this is the first time I have actually had anything in savings ... so thank **** for that!!!!!!)

I had another thought about 5 mins ago... my last tattoo session is booked for next Saturday... so i am kind of hoping for some money off my parents - i better not tell them what i spend it on though!!!! Had forgotten all about it and I think they are closed now for xmas!!!! :rolleyes:

As for the food thing.. I got some chicken and mushrooms out of the freezer.. decided to do AAM.. but then I got to thinking about it.. and I may be doing excellently at not eating.. but I really could not see me stopping at 2oz of chicken if i had gone through with AAM this evening... i know I would have binged.. admittedly it would just have been on chicken.. afterall there is sod all else in the house.. but i would have eaten the whole chicken breast for sure!!!!! So i think I may need focus on this bingeing issue before i go back to food... hoping the urge is purely down to being starved of chewing.. but i will never know until I eat something... hmmm xmas roast is looking decidedly worrying at the mo!!!!! I had my plan to eat the roast... now I'm thinking maybe just the turkey and veg again!!!!! Grrr

Thanks Jennie, I'm sure if i hadn't mentioned speaking to the tax office.... aka U lol.... they wouldn't have been refunding the tax to me... they obviously think they can just walk all over people... so i am happy to force the cow to do what is right rather than what she wanted to do :D Will have to sort out sparkling water night out when I'm in Northants.. def there all my first week as they booked me into a hotel, not sure what they plan on for the second week.. after that I think i work from home until i move :)

Good idea on the petrol.. this is the first time I have had to pay for petrol in four years... my company car has always been on the basis of all expenses paid... in my new job it isn't though, so I only get my work mileage paid. My mates have probably got used to this fact and just assume that I am not paying for it... so yes.. maybe i will say something.. especially this week.. since i'm brassic this next two weeks!

Just realised its another blooming milestone... 3 1/2 stone lost in 9 weeks and 4 and a bit days!!

OMG, you are doing so well, 3 1/2 stone is fantastic:D :D :D , and in less than 10weeks is close to a miracle in my eyes. Well done you so deserve it, you've never cheated and your obviously reaping the benefits...

You must be so happy, I can't think of other ways to say Well Done, Congratulations, but i'm buzzing for you, its so great.

cheers Caz
Thanks Caz.. am obviously well happy with my loss so far.. been feeling hungry and having cravings for last couple of days though... haven't a damn clue why...!

SO today i have just had an AAM day (my second AAM day in nearly 10 weeks).. had chicken and mushrooms cooked on lean mean grilling machine... had slightly over 2oz of chicken (i shared a chicken breast with buster, but it was only a small one and buster had half!).. figure it doesn't matter too much, it is only my second AAM day ever after all... Left rest of chicken in freezer as I was actually full after this tiny "meal" but i didn't want any more chicken lying around or I may have been tempted to cook some more!!! (Its the Oregano i put on it... i love Oregano!)

SO my next AAM meal will be xmas day.. so far I have decided to have a roast potato and some stuffing.. but will see how I feel monday morning before making final decision.. judging by how quickly i filled up today, I may not be able to eat much at all anyway whatever i decide... so whether it is true AAM meal - ie protein and some sprouts or a full mini xmas dinner remains to be seen! Think i will base it on whether or not I lose the last pound this week to make my normal 4lbs!

Still got one shake to go... just been watching Strictly... wow it was good tonight... I want to dance! Err what I mean is, I'd like to actually be able to dance ... rather than look like a fairy elephant!
Hi Kirstin

Just a quick message before I head off for a stomp around the lakes with Brandy (my dog) and Sarah (my elder daughter)! Must be mad - it's freezing outside!! lol

Wishing you the most fabby time this Christmas.. and let me know when you get to Northants and we'll organize something!

Have a cool yule and fantastic new year!

Love Jennie xxxxxx
Happy Xmas Everybody!!!! (End of 10th week update!)

Well it may be xmas day... but its also weigh in day!!!!

Weight today 12st 10lbs (not moved since Saturday am...but I have had two AAM days of half a chicken breast and veg both Sat and Sun)

Weight loss this week: 3lbs (not my standard 4lbs but never mind!!)

Total Weight loss in 10 weeks: Exactly 3 1/2 stone :D

New BMI: 28.7 .... 25's are fast approaching :D


Chest: 41" total loss = 6"

Waist: 33" total loss = 8" :eek:

Hips: 41" total loss = 8.5"

My chest and hips are now at the same measurement that my waist started at!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway... xmas day lunch... I am having a small complete roast dinner.. including a roast spud... intend to go for a run at some point today to compensate though... expect the run will happen tonight now though! I have made a promise to myself that having the full xmas lunch will not change my committment to the diet... I know that my willpower has been very strong on this diet and that I haven't been tempted to cheat.. this will not change..! I am not classing today as a blip as it is planned rather than automatic foodie response! Judging by my lack of appetite when faced with my last two AAM days yesterday and Saturday I don't think I will eat very much though.. I just get full so easily!!!

Oh and last night in town I had two glasses of wine.. but then switched to sparkly water :D Was bored by midnight though so went home.. it was surprisingly not busy in town.. guess everyone was out Friday night instead :confused:

Have a good 'un everyone xxx
Well done Kirsten, 3 1/2 stone is amazing.

Hope you have a lovely day, I'm doing AAM today and maybe?? tomorrow also, but as you say its not a blip its a preplanned scheduled day/s.

Enjoy your run, let us know how you get on, when you get back,

Merry Christmas, Caroline