From here to Eternally Slim

Happy Birthday Charmed!

Well done on your loss EF, i think i'm gonna have to try more red days as well to boost my losses?
Libra - Im not really sure how to shake it up - maybe try a few red days?
Hi Pesty, Do you like fish? There is a thread on here about having a fishy week and peeps have been reporting good loses doing it, may be worth a try for a change. Anyway keep your chin up and look forward postively because I think you are a :superwoman:
Hi Pesty, Do you like fish? There is a thread on here about having a fishy week and peeps have been reporting good loses doing it, may be worth a try for a change. Anyway keep your chin up and look forward postively because I think you are a :superwoman:

Thanks Jude thats really sweet :)

Im going to do a red week, i think it's a good idea. I might go back to EE at the weekend for the christening tho.

Your right EF ive nothing to lose but lbs so will give it a go. I have measured myself and have lost 1/2 an inch in the last month so i dont think its inches that are going, im not sure whats happening really but im definitly not going to give up. I threatened to my OH last night that i was going to and he told me how amazing i look and 'dont you dare' as he knows how hard ive tried to get where i am so that gave me a bit of a boost xx
Good morning :)

Pesty, sorry, didnt realise you hadnt updated your weekly thingy. That to me says "plateau" and requires a kick to get past it. A red week would be a good way of doing this, plus pushing extra water, and perhaps playing with your syns a little. Onwards and upwards girly.

I too can report a STS, which I am very happy with given the excesses of the weekend. I wouldnt have weighed at all this week, and thats not an official STS but a home scale one, except for the fact that I am going to do the water challenge between now and next weigh in. Back on plan properly since yesterday, didnt have any other syns after the lunch in Yates, and so if there are a lot of syns in their food hopefully I mitigated it. Sunday I did nearly manage it except I forgot to go to the butchers for syn free sausages and so had to have normal ones when I did a fry up. I did however cook everyones fry up in frylight and no-one complained! I dont think they would have complained about anything that day though, they were too busy nursing their individual hangovers to be anything other than grateful for a big pile of food.

Happy Birthday Charmed! Hope you have a good one :)

Going to spend the rest of the day relaxing and recouperating from the weekend, so busy the whole of last week getting things ready and then having so much fun at the weekend that I am absolutely drained today.

Awww, my sister gave me a ring of hers at the airport before she left, it belonged to the other sister a long time ago, and then she got it, and it was her favourite ring, and she gave it to me. I was so touched. At the moment however it only fits my wedding finger so until I can fit it on another one it will have to go there. This however IS quite handy because my wedding and engagement rings are hanging off me now and it will prevent them falling off! :D
Well done for STS MLM x
weigh in last night and oops put on 2. not been following it properly for about two weeks now so my own fault. Aim this week is sts as i am away for acouple of days.

please all give me a kick up the but!!!!
RJ, Kick up butt noted!

I am sure that 2lb will be off soon enough when you get back on plan. I will keep my fingers crossed for a STS for you, hope you enjoy your couple of days away.
Yeah, soon enough will probably be next year sometime though, so it isnt imminent. They were really pleased with my weight loss, one of them said "Where did you go? You have vanished!"
It was very precious time, too short. Going to see some other parts of the family in 3 weeks though up in Scotland, so that is something to look forward to! (Even MORE scared about being on plan there! I bet haggis slices arent syn free!!)
So glad that your sisters were pleased with your weight loss. It is so nice when people notice and make positive comments, it sort of gives you a boost.:) I do hope you will be able to see your sisters again soon. It must be nice to have a close bond with your siblings but unfortunately I do not have that.:(
Ooooh, Scotland. What a wonderful place. I have just booked to stay in Perthshire at a really lovely hotel for our wedding anniversary in October. I cannot wait. Whereabouts in Scotland are you going?
Just updating the list:

Wish - Monday -
Madamelaminx - Monday -1st 10.5lbs
RosiePeace - Monday -1st 9.5lbs

Cake - Monday -
Pesty - Monday -18.5lbs
JannerinGeordieland - Monday - 3.5lb
RonnieJacobs - Monday - 0.5
Mylastchance - Tuesday -4.5lbs
Eternal - Tuesday -16.5lbs
Libra - Tuesday -7lbs
Welsheeyore - Tuesday -
xxtannyxx - Tuesday -23.5lbs
Charmed - Tuesday -8lbs
Zombiecakes Tuesday -9.5lbs
Jilly - Tuesday -8.5lbs
Imogensmummy - Tuesday -
Kelby - Tuesday
Donnajt- Tuesday
Lunlu - Wednesday - 18.5lbs
Emmaleone1984 - Wednesday -4lbs
Size16willdo - Wednesday -
CupcakeKatie - Wednesday -
Moomin - Wednesday -8lbs
xxlettyxx - Wednesday -3lbs
Scuba_ann Wednesday
Bookworm1980 - Thursday -6.5lbs
Jude - Thursday -10lbs
Scanbran - Thursday -8.5lbs
10st10lbs -Thursday -8lbs
Kiltgirl - Thursday -13lbs
Betsy - Thursday -14.5lbs
Lennis - Sunday -
KatKit - Saturday +1
EmmaJay - 15lbs
EF - well done on the 2lb loss hun x

Pesty - I would maybe try doing more red as the others have suggested. As Jude says maybe have a "fishy week" - lol :giggle: that just sounds wrong! - that may help speed things up. Got my :cross: for a loss for you next week hun x

:birthday: Charmed and well done on your stone loss x
Just updated my WI

Wish - Monday -
Madamelaminx - Monday -1st 10.5lbs
RosiePeace - Monday -1st 9.5lbs

Cake - Monday -
Pesty - Monday -18.5lbs
JannerinGeordieland - Monday - 3.5lb
RonnieJacobs - Monday - 0.5
Mylastchance - Tuesday -4.5lbs
Eternal - Tuesday -16.5lbs
Libra - Tuesday -10.5lbs
Welsheeyore - Tuesday -
xxtannyxx - Tuesday -23.5lbs
Charmed - Tuesday -8lbs
Zombiecakes Tuesday -9.5lbs
Jilly - Tuesday -8.5lbs
Imogensmummy - Tuesday -
Kelby - Tuesday
Donnajt- Tuesday
Lunlu - Wednesday - 18.5lbs
Emmaleone1984 - Wednesday -4lbs
Size16willdo - Wednesday -
CupcakeKatie - Wednesday -
Moomin - Wednesday -8lbs
xxlettyxx - Wednesday -3lbs
Scuba_ann Wednesday
Bookworm1980 - Thursday -6.5lbs
Jude - Thursday -10lbs
Scanbran - Thursday -8.5lbs
10st10lbs -Thursday -8lbs
Kiltgirl - Thursday -13lbs
Betsy - Thursday -14.5lbs
Lennis - Sunday -
KatKit - Saturday +1
EmmaJay - 15lbs
So glad that your sisters were pleased with your weight loss. It is so nice when people notice and make positive comments, it sort of gives you a boost.:) I do hope you will be able to see your sisters again soon. It must be nice to have a close bond with your siblings but unfortunately I do not have that.:(
Ooooh, Scotland. What a wonderful place. I have just booked to stay in Perthshire at a really lovely hotel for our wedding anniversary in October. I cannot wait. Whereabouts in Scotland are you going?

We are going up to Fort William, which is where my dad comes from, and where the rest of his family live. My parents split when I was a baby, and he remarried a Finnish woman and moved out to Sweden. They had two girls (my sisters) but I had no contact with him throughout my childhood and whilst he did get in touch when I was 16, and I went out to meet them when I was 21 (and my sisters were 10 and 17) my father and I have had a fractured and poor relationship, partly due to the time gone by, partly due to the distance, but mostly due to the fact that he is and has always been an alcoholic.

I tried very hard to build a relationship with him but I am resolved to the likelihood that this relaionship will never develop. I was unable to contact my sisters because I had no way of contacting them directly, until they were adults, and a couple
of years ago I found one of them on facebook and got in touch with her. She had been looking for me for a couple of years but didn't know my married name.

The three of us met up in Fort William again 18 months ago, and while the Internet is really useful for keeping in touch, distance and costs have prevented us meeting up again till now. They accept me totally and treat me as their sister and have been nothing but loving and supportive of me. So i guess you can understand why it was so upsetting to see them go again. They experienced my dads inadequacy first hand, while I had my own struggles with my family too, so we understand each other.

We still have so much to learn, but until I can afford a passport and the fare to visit them, it will be difficult to get together with any regularity. The elder has two children also, so she will find it hard to visit too.

Anyway, it was amazing to have them here. I have to just be thankful for that.
thanks guys have posted my diary for the day in my wl diary. plan for tomorrow is a green day - fruit for brekki, jacket spud and spag hoops for lunch, savory rice and hex b cooked turkey for tea with 28g cheese (hexa) and then take a hifi bar with me to cinema and moor fruit lol
MLM, I know exactly how you feel. My story is a little different to yours but unfortunately doesn't really have the ending I would have hoped for. It must have been amazing to share time with them and know they love and accept you. I hope your next visit isn't too long away. I have PM'd you xxx
Morning all!!

Im feeling a lot more positive today. Going to do red for the week and EE for Sat and Sun as im going to the christening so i want to be a bit more flexible.

MLM glad you had a good time with your sisters. Its a shame that there is such a distance between you. You never know what is around the corner and you may find that one day you will find yourself in a much better position to visit them more or vice versa

Well doen Libra and EF for your losses!!

Hope everyone has a good day.
