From here to Eternally Slim

Hello Allymac and welcome to the group..:)

Hope everyone had a brilliant christmas.. and not too ill from virus's, or eating too much ;). Hmm well, that was me on both statements, haven't weighed myself but do know that as soon as Tuesday 3rd January arrives, I am back in the slimming regime.

Wishing eveyone a happy new year and my resolutions are to be, to be good to myself, health and fitness and the rest should then follow.. Thats the idea anyway..

Have missed chatting to everyone and can't wait for it now to be over just to get back in diet and fitness mode again (I feel so much better when I do).

Enjoy the last bank holiday of the year everyone xxxx
Morning all!!
Well, I have had a SW disaster of a Christmas with three consecutive days of totally non-SW friendly binging. Well, let's call it grazing. But the field is massive. And I ate most of it. Just new year to navigate now and then it's all over for another year. I feel so bloaty and crap! Can't wait to eat something fat free!!

Hope you all had a good one!!
Minxy.. I feel the same, fed up with fatty food now and christmas left overs, looking forward to some healthy eating once and for all, new year and new start.

Don't worry about the over endulgence, millions others will have joined you.. and you will get it back off in January too. You know you will. xx
i know i have felt so bloated over the past couple of days, better today as back to breakfast bar, jacket and filling for lunch and tonight is gammon and rice etc but was sooo naughty :) over xmas but had a lovely time
Im really glad it wasnt just me!! Everyone seems to be doing really well over xmas and i havent!! lol

Lenlu, glad to see you here hun hope you come back to us in the new year! I think ive put a bit more than 5lb on this week over xmas and am going to get the wii out to weigh myself tomo as i havent got WI for another week!!

Minxy & EF I no what you mean, i feel so bloated and crappy, i started the day really well but then had an inpromtue (sp?) buffet round OHs mums and ended up eating A LOT of crisps and peanuts!!! Oopsy!!

Hope you all have a good new year if i dont speak to you before hand!!

Glad you had a good time Ronnie, me too!!

Ill pop over to your diary JoT in a bit!!

Well aren't we all a load of doom & gloom merchants this week???

Actually I'm not. So there! (Well I don't feel great, but I'm certainly not bloated, but that's cos I'm only just feeling better enough to be bothered about eating much at all.)

But on the positive side, I've been to WI tonight and:

... lost 2 1/2 lb,

... got my 4 1/2 st shiny,

... got SOTW,

... and SOTM!

Ok, it's cos I've been appetite-free for nearly 3 days. So now the challenge is to keep it off for next week. But anyway, I'm quite happy with where I'll be starting off the new year.

I hope everyone else feels less bloated and more on plan soon!
Well aren't we all a load of doom & gloom merchants this week???

Actually I'm not. So there! (Well I don't feel great, but I'm certainly not bloated, but that's cos I'm only just feeling better enough to be bothered about eating much at all.)

But on the positive side, I've been to WI tonight and:

... lost 2 1/2 lb,

... got my 4 1/2 st shiny,

... got SOTW,

... and SOTM!

Ok, it's cos I've been appetite-free for nearly 3 days. So now the challenge is to keep it off for next week. But anyway, I'm quite happy with where I'll be starting off the new year.

I hope everyone else feels less bloated and more on plan soon!

I'm sure it's terribly bad form to quote yourself (;)) but I wanted to add a PS.


PS - That really wasn't meant to be a gloat, and if it sounded like crowing, I'm really sorry. :cry:

It was just a bit of an attempt to make the best of things, from someone who's had a pretty crap Christmas. :eek:

Somebody else very wise (and I can't remember who), said, on another thread, "SW isn't about Christmas, it's about the rest of the year". And that's really right, isn't it?
You've all had a good fun, indulgent Christmas, and yeah, you might have put a couple of pounds on.
But how much harm is that, in the general scheme of things?
Cos you've all got the tools to take those few pounds back off, within a very short space of time.
Haven't you?


I'd rather have had a good Christmas, and risked the weight loss - but hey, it can't be helped.

Anyway, I'm glad you've all had good Christmases, and I hope you all feel better soon.

Here's to a target-ful 2011 for us all!
Morning all - just got an email - my amazon order has been dispatched!! It includes my Gillian Mitchel 30 day shred challenge - and my brother got my the davina dumbells set for christmas - so Gillian starts soon - how did you all find it? good results? Can you use the dumbells with the DVD?

I will lose this christmas fat!!
Hi Lenlu - there is a thread that The Minx started when she started Jillian. I'll try & find it and bump it up. Everyone who was doing it did say how well it worked while they were doing it - but most of them don't seem to have lasted the full 30 days!

Still, I've got my DVD, and I'm going to start on Jan 1st - my dumbbells are at the ready. So we could be doing it together!
Is it a routine you do everyday? What sort of excersies?
Here's the thread, Lenlu.

It's pretty vicious, but in quick bursts. (As I understand it, anyway. I haven't started yet!)

But it only makes you do 20 minutes a day.
Yes, it's every day.
And those 20 minutes are partly aerobic, partly cardio and partly endurance. I think.

I'm not looking forward to the start, cos they all said it hurt. But it did get better, and quite quickly. And they all noticed significant inch loss. Not weight loss immediately, though.

I'm going to see how it goes, but I'm definitely going to do it!
ok im with you there :) Just read the thread and a bit scared now though!! LOL
OMG - day 1 level 1 jillian........I hate that women!! Dh did it with me and he found it tough too and he is skinny and fit!!! That women loves jumping jacks doesn't she!! My boobs and belly flying everywhere!!! Was spurred on by her saying 400lb plus people did it though!!!

its 2pm here, and a hot 28 degrees ;)

OH has gone on a diving trip and ive just managed to find the internet in the hotel so thought I'D Pop by and say hello.

Ive been verrrrrry bad....the only fruit ive had has been sat on top of my cocktails :eek: and Im trying to convince myself that guacamole is free food lmao:rolleyes: Ive sampled the ice cream on the beach EVERY DAY (just for research purposes of course)

Well time to go for a dip in the pool now....ive discovered that since the last op im now seasick in kneedeep waves (told my OH I need to come back in 12 months when ive had more physio ;)

Have a very Happy New Year Everyone.....see you on Jan 3rd (gawd I'm dreading my WI :break_diet:) im going for the record gain on a holiday I think! lmao :D X X X