From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

Emma how is your little man feeling today?

Thanks for the birthday wishes Disney. I got a gorgeous dressing gown and a voucher to Amazon.

The sun is shining and I am being good on the diet.

I have never been to Manchester but I would love to go x

Happy Birthday Quiz :birthday:

My Little Man has been out today which is progress but at the moment he's tucked up on the sofa with Snowy (his stuffed snowman) and Charlie Bear (the bear he got given at the hospital) I think he's just feeling a bit sorry for himself really!

We have lovely weather here today, the air could do with being a little warmer but its really nice :)

OK so as a confessed scales junkie I'm struggling, the scales do not seem to be going down :confused: I've been 100% on SS and have had 4 weeks on plan (second week on SS now) I do hope they go down before next WI...

Good luck to all for a 100% day and sending you all lots of lovely weight loss vibes :vibes:

x x x
OK so as a confessed scales junkie I'm struggling, the scales do not seem to be going down :confused: I've been 100% on SS and have had 4 weeks on plan (second week on SS now) I do hope they go down before next WI...

x x x

:hug99: Emma
It's hard when the scales aren't moving down as you hope, l always felt l deserved to see a result if l had stayed 100% on the diet, but it doesn't always work like that. Also sometimes as the weeks go on you get a plateau from time to time which can be really frustrating, but from experience l've learned sticking with it and being patient (which can be so hard, for me anyway :rolleyes:) the scales will start moving down again. Staying away from the scales is so hard l know. I weighed myself this morning (day 19 of ss/ss+) and l'm the same as l was on Monday morning, it's not totm or anything, but l've been doing this long enough to know that staying with it works.

From March to Oct 2009 l lost 73lbs (went from 205lbs to 133lbs), l've just looked at my weekly weightlosses from then in a little notebook l've kept - during that time there were quite a few weeks of sts or l lb losses then the next week there would be a 2 or 3lb loss, if you stick with it you do get there in the end. Then there's the tricky thing of maintaining, but that's another story, lol (hence me being back having to lose a bit again :rolleyes:).
Hang in there Emma, it's worth it, so worth it. :)
Glad your son is on the mend, hope he's all better soon.
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Hi everyone, weather has been much better today. Had a meeting at work and some people have volunteered for severance which means we are okay for the rest of this school year and next school year (2011/12) but will probably be in the same position this time next year when they are planning for 2012/13. They are still looking at everyones job descripitions etc so still some changes on the horizon, but at least it means I can get back onto cd soon, I've been gaining and losing same 5 lbs for weeks now, so as I can't afford cd until payday, and as car mot/service due I'm going to low carb for a few weeks and hopefully if the car doesn't cost much will get back onto cd in the next couple of weeks.

Disney Trafford Centre is okay but I'd rather shop in the city centre, more diverse shopping lots of little quirky shops and still most of the ones at trafford centre, Plus I also like being able to walk around outside in the fresh air.
Emma I also hit a plateau when ss and the scales didn't seem to move, I couldn't understand why, but the weight loss did catch up a week or so later, so don't let it throw you off track, I was almost ready to pack it in when the scales suddenly dropped several lbs.

Maybe we should pm jaxmummy see is she's ok, I'll do it now.
Trisha, glad your job is secure for now. I can imagine how relieved you must be.

Where we're staying overnight is near the Trafford Centre, won't manage into city centre this trip, but hopefully will be back down that way again. Think DD will like the Trafford Centre as she likes the Metro Centre at Gateshead.
Disney , I've been to the metro centre at Gateshead when visiting DD at uni in Newcastle. The Trafford centre is similar to the Metro, but obviously much newer, and I think its bigger as well
Disney , I've been to the metro centre at Gateshead when visiting DD at uni in Newcastle. The Trafford centre is similar to the Metro, but obviously much newer, and I think its bigger as well

Think DD will love it then, especially going to New Look, Top Shop, to me all their branches are the same, l mostly prefer smaller independent shops, but will keep that for another trip.
Looked the Trafford Centre up on google images, the styling of it looks really nice & more interesting than some other shopping centres we've been to.
There is also a home wares area called Barton Square thats quite good as well.

The Topshop in Manchester City Centre is better than Trafford Centre from what I remember, but its ages since I've been, but I'm sure your dd will still love it.
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Hi Girlies! Missed you all, sorry ive not been on, my mum has been quite poorly so ive been there really. Between Uni and my mums its been dreadful with the plan so i have frozen all my tetras until im off. Its will only be something that i dip into from now on im afraid so i joined ww this morning. Im sooooo glad your all doing so well keep at it. Will defo keep coming here to see how your all doing, if you will still have me xxx
Hi Girlies! Missed you all, sorry ive not been on, my mum has been quite poorly so ive been there really. Between Uni and my mums its been dreadful with the plan so i have frozen all my tetras until im off. Its will only be something that i dip into from now on im afraid so i joined ww this morning. Im sooooo glad your all doing so well keep at it. Will defo keep coming here to see how your all doing, if you will still have me xxx

Of course we will! So glad to know you're ok and sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope that WW works well for you and everything gets back on track xxxx
Of couse we will Jaxmummy, still come on and let us know how you are doing with ww.

Sorry to here about your mum hope she's feeling better
Jaxmummy, sorry your Mum's been unwell. You're welcome to drop in here any time, hope WW works well for you, my SIL is having a break from CD just now and is going onto WW.
Cold & raining here today. OH wanted to go out for lunch, we haven't been out for ages, so we went to Frankie & Benny's, hopefully l haven't done too much damage dietwise wise - l had 1/2 a chicken wrap & 1/2 baked potato (no butter). OH had his own plus the other 1/2 of mine, he's never been overweight in his life!

Water intake has been too low today, l need to get glugging! :)
Thanks guys, been rubbish weather here today but to be honest spent most of the afternoon in watching the footie. Well done at F&B places like that are so hard to resist
ooooo I love F&B's... maybe if I close my eyes and imagine hard enough my choc mint shake will taste like BBQ chicken wings...
Well done at F&B places like that are so hard to resist

Before l left the house l looked up their menu online and decided on the chicken wrap, so that when l got there l didn't read the menu and give myself the chance to be tempted by anything else on offer. It seems to help me when l do that.
Disney Well done at F & B the wrap seems like a sensible choice, you are so strong to resist. Your oH sounds like mine, he's never been overweight either and usually finishes off my meals as well. I'm glad to say my DD takes after him, she can eat whatever she likes and stays a slim size 6-8, I'm always telling her its not fair, but she says "mum I only eat when I'm hungry, and when I'm full I stop, I never snack/pick between meals and I don't eat chocolate!!!!!" Why can't I be like her
I noticed today that eating 1/2 of what was on my plate was enough for me, that's probably to do with me having been on ss/ss+ for the previous 19 days, but it was good to eat slowly and stop when l still felt comfortable, rather than eat more just because the food was in front of me. That's something l'll need to be more mindful of longterm when it comes to maintenance this time. :fingerscrossed:
I noticed today that eating 1/2 of what was on my plate was enough for me, that's probably to do with me having been on ss/ss+ for the previous 19 days, but it was good to eat slowly and stop when l still felt comfortable, rather than eat more just because the food was in front of me. That's something l'll need to be more mindful of longterm when it comes to maintenance this time. :fingerscrossed:

I think that's the answer Disney, only eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. I can't wait to get back on cd just have to wait and see how much the car is going to cost hopefully just cost of service/mot :fingerscrossed:
Off to a wedding fair today! going to the hotel that we are hoping to have our civil partnership at so am hoping to fall in love with it all over again :) Happy weight loss to all today and sending lots of lovely weight loss vibes to you xxx