From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

and lots of it methinks!!! *glug glug*

I cant believe that on my holiday i managed to lose 2lbs!!! Heres to a new week and hope i get to 6 stones by next WI!!! 3lbs to go.

hugs all
Sorry l've not been around much. Weight wise l've lost the lbs l put on on holiday.

Anni well done on losing weight on holiday.

Hope everyone is having a good week.
Hi all

cold here today - did a marathon run up from town centre to avoid getting the clothes wet!!! I timed it to perfection! i hung them out at 8am, so they were dry! the things that annoy me these days.

Feeling a bit poorly today, ive got a sore throat that feels like someone scraping glass down it! yuk and just about to settle into a large coffee mmmmmmmmm and debating about whether or not i have my bar as lunch or dinner. decisions, decisions. I really need to lose these 3 lbs this week to make me feel better after my hols.

How is everyone doing??? anyone saw Harry Potter yet??? It was great! I was there on my own yesterday morning at the cinemas first showing!!! sad i know! So worth it though.

take care

Hey Anni,

Glad you got your washing done! I need to mow my grass but I cant do it when it is this wet.

Struggling at work. My boss (man) really doesn't like me and finds fault in pretty much all I do. It is very depressing. I need to just ignore him as much as possible.

Do you think you need to see the doctor about your throat?
Hi Charlotte!!

men bosses are usually much better than their female counterparts (miaoww factor!!) maybe he fancies you, that why he feels the need to criticise!!! You hear about it all the time.

Dont think i will head to the docs just now.... got to go tomorrow with my little girl anyway, and this will have been the first time my GP has saw me since starting CD. lets see if she notices my loss!!

Still havent had that coffee LOL. Im playing beautician.... girls want makeup and nails done! They are only 3 & almost 5. hehehehe

hope work improves
Anni that is so cute. Will they sit still long enough to let you varnish their nails?

I think the reason my boss man is so evil is that he is really really short. My mom says he is 4'8 and full of hate! HA HA

Last night it completely chucked it down here and we had lightening too! Very exciting but the dogs were are scared!

What is on the agenda for today girls?
I just worked out that I need to lose 2.3lbs every week for the next 13 weeks to make 140 before 16 October for my holiday. I can do it! xx
i thought you were almost at goal Quizz...your BMI is perfect!!!

The girls had fun yesterday and behaved! But today its a different story. The weather is rotten, so we went to Play Gym...then trotted around the shops looking for socks and shrugs to go with their dresses for their cousin's christening on sunday. We wandered into Body Shop, only to have them both playing with the tester make - up. the girl there was bored and decided to give them both mini makeovers!!! I was mortified! taking 2 little girls around the shopping centre with pink lips and eyeshadow on - all glammed up! hehehehe

I hate the rain ;-( back home now, sinuses killing me, so off to take something for it.

Hope your small boss is behaving!


Moti, -2 is great. A loss is a loss.

Mowing the grass about to happen. I think I have an underground wasp nest. Keep fingers crossed I remain sting free xx
Just getting chance to post last week's weigh-in: 3lb lost

Hope everyone is doing well.
hi all

well done Disney!!! Good for you.

Having a rough week. Never made my 3lbs loss ;-((( 100% Cd, but have had bad constipation since last week and nothing ive tried has shifted it!! tmi ;-( I think i've overdone the laxatives, got major abdominal pain, loads of wind, but nothing. Just back from CDC and only managed a 1lb loss this week! Im bunged up to hell, so theres gotta be another pound or 2 in there lololol

Any suggestions?

Going to up my water..... think that may help. Ive just recovered from sinusitis, heavy totm and now i have a cold!!! Boo Hoo, Woe is me.

Hope all you lovely people are having a much more successful start to the week.

take for a hot bath

Hi Anni, have you tried Senokot (sp?), that's what my CDC suggested, it works for me. Also sometimes l drink warm water & that helps. Hope you are better soon.