From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

Hi Katy,

You are part of the team please don't think about leaving!!! I honestly don't need to give my losses to feel part of the team. I feel part of the team anyway and it's the support I love not the competition (I actually hate competition)

My problems are not to do with being in the team it's my mental problems. I have googled self sabotage and a website recommends a book that my mum bought me for christmas a few years back, having a long weekend off work so hopefully will read it. If I can beat my head I can beat my gut! :)
OK Slim, but the offer still stands if you ever change your mind! I'm not really competitive either & as I'm doing 810 my losses may not be too fast, but still, it's nice to be wanted!

Your struggle with self-sabotage is something I have been facing myself over the last few months. I started off well on SS & came off for Xmas, did great, then dived into a full-on binge a few days later... I was so ashamed and dispirited. So I do know how you feel. I went back to SS & began to look at why the binge had happened, why I ate for emotional reasons rather than hunger, why I wanted to sabotage my success up to that point, punish myself, and how I could begin to tackle the compulsive eating thing.

I read three or four books, posted loads on minis and found some supportive minis friends who knew what I was going through. And SS gave me the tools I needed to do this work & take that journey, with food safely out of the picture. I feel I have come a long way, & no binges since then.

I switched to 810 for Feb as I was away alot, and that was tough but I handled it OK and still got a loss at the end of the month. So I am staying on that plan for now, with the idea that for me, learning to live with food and the challenges it brings me is the toughest bit. And I am up for that.

Good luck Slim... you can do this, and you sound determined to work out why this is happening. Your answers will be different, but you're not the only one to go through this honey, and you CAN do it. Stay strong and good luck.
Thanks for the pep talk Quizz! No deserters, promise... just trying to help because I know how Slim feels, I guess we have all been there. But you're right, we can do this if we stick together!
Its funny yous' talking about self sabotage, I got on scales yesterday morning and Id lost another 4lb, yet it then became my hardest day... story of my life. If I see progress that little SS piggy on my shoulder tries to mess up.
Have managed to hold out so far, well went 200 cals over yesterday.. but back on today so far.
I have really got into psychosynthesis, which talks about sub personalities, for example its the little girl in me
that comfort eats and there are psychological scars there, so like Katycakes says, its a case of getting to the bottom of it and working out why.
Im doing the best Ive done in ages, Im wondering if it is anthing to do with the fact that Im writing my autobiography,
just for me... to unload (therapy of sorts lol). for some reason Im staying strong instead of my usual two -three day success, then pile on even more than before... Oh our minds are so complex :rolleyes:.
We can do it ladies, Ive been listening to my urge, then telling myself to wait fifteen mins, half the time the urge has gone and Im busy thinking about something else. So hope I can carry on doing that..
good luck girls!
i have had another struggle! i am begining to wonder if cd is for me:(
feeling very fed up! and my problem is beyond every other problem! I dont binge or emotional eat. But is still cant stick to ss 100% so i dont really know what my problem is??:(

Suki, ask yourself why you wanted to do CD in the first place. To feel slimmer, healthier, fitter, better about yourself? Have any of those things changed? It's always your choice, but if you choose to stay as you are and sabotage the diet you will probably regret it later on!

We are all rooting for you honey, but you have to really want this... and if you do, we are all here for you, promise. We're a team, right? In this thing together!
todays the day SP....
just having the first of todays shake..
good luck weigh in for the next few weeks is going to be tuesdays...
we can do this..
thanks guys!
Katy i know what you mean! well ive decided today is the day if i dont make it through the full day i am going to quit cd for now atleast:(( i hate the thought of ever quiting so this might help keep me motivated?)

i cant do ss+ because i really dont want to do it. I cant explain how i feel about it. i have so much to loose that atleast 1 month of ss will help me stay away from food. my cdc got a bit cross as well, because she keeps asking me to do ss+ and i am not having it. i am always at one extreme, i cant stay in the middle:confused:

And another reason i feel is i spend so much money on it i am only a poor student! i feel by me cheating im not only sabotaging my diet but i am also wasting money. i just have to be cruel to be kind to myself:cry:i mean i am hardly the only one trying to do cd, there are soo many of you who are so strong and determined.

The worst thing is, i feel very teary and upset when i cant go on and cheat. it just breaks me:( i know i have done somethings that have made it more difficult for me like i had the lunch shake at 4 by then i was feeling dizzy! but the fact that we dont have a blender at work i was tempted to enjoy my shake at home:( i know i will have to find someway of having the lunch shake on time:cry: ( and also the fact that i dont want anyone to know i am on cd)

Thinking back on the reasons i cheated...all the days i felt very weak and rotten by the evening and that was the only reason i had a fruit or something. on couple of occasions i was sick and then had to eat something because the though of a shake made me feel more sick:cry:

i know its only me who can help myself! but today is the day, its either today or never:sigh:

sorry for the moan guys, i know all you guys have heard from me so far is negative comments, moaning and complaining:cry:


me on 3 packs a day quizzi!
Mind you 2 1/2 packs today because i tried the porridge with apple and cinnamon this morning and found it so ewwwwwwwwwwww! i was gagging on it....i had to just chuck it away!


Hugs Suki.... hope you can hang on in there.