TGFI!!!! Been a terrible week at work
first of all exam season is upon us, and as usual we are expected to be in 2 places at once. We have to act as "readers and scribes" for some of the pupils sitting GCSE exams, who normally don't have support, and there are also end of year exams going on inbetween GCSE, so this means that we have to leave the pupils we do support in order to do this. I am sort of incharge of sorting this out, but I have teachers who should have to support in their lessons complaining to the powers that be that support has been taken away, teachers who subject the exam is complaining that some pupils taking the exam haven't been covered, in some cases there are 16 pupils needing scribes and there are only 10 of us and two are part timers anyway we are still expected to do lunch duties and be in the exam in the lesson after lunch to scribe, when this is when we should be having our lunch For GCSEs school have to find the scribes so we have the exams officer complaining that he'll have to use office staff and its not their job and that its the TA departments job,and we should be covering all the exams he doesn't seem to get that 16 or more pupils cannot be covered by 10 TAs.
Then on the one afternoon, when for once there wasn't an exam one of the pupils I support totally lost the plot and hit another pupil, for no reason, the teacher had to drag him off the other pupil, as he'd pushed be aside when I tried to stop him , the head was involved and he went blastic at the pupil and he was excluded to 2 days but "its wasn't his fault!!! according to the senco WHAT?????? I don't know what planet she lives on!! Rant over sorry.
I hope I win the lottery this weekend so I can leave them all to it and they're have 9 TAs to share between 16 pupils haha