Fuffs Diary - Week 8, Pants!!

Lol Princess...That was defo an experiement!!!lol

I meant to add tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber aswell. I forget about the normal salad I eat lol
p.s...thank you for the 'reputations' I think it is very sweet and makes me smile a lot. I only learnt today how to give them....so watch out, Fuffs about!lol
Glad your speed food challenge is going well Fuffs, hopefully it will pay dividends for you at your next WI. Hope you have a lovely weekend, xx
I hope so too Weemo :)

I hope you hae a great weekend too xxx
Up late again. Finding sleep difficult this week. I think the speed food are affecting me like speed - the drug lol...Maybe they can get addicts onto Spinach and of anthetamines (sp?) lol

Well, I am desperate to have lost some weigh on Monday. At least the 1lb I put on and another 1lb would be nice.

I think I will feel pretty low if I have STS or gained. I have ate sooo many speed foods...I am surprised I havent sprouted leaves!lol

'I want to be a tree' lol

So, wish me luck for Monday. I think I will be sick before I step on the scales. Does anyone else get that feeling? When you are so desparate to have lost weight, that you almost want to not step on the scales....but you know wild horses couldnt stop you from stepping on. Then you want to close your eyes and pretend the lady weighing you is not there. But she is, and you hear '1lb on....do you know why?'

And you want to run out of class never to be seen again.

Well, I had that feeling last Monday and I just hope I can hold it together this monday. Jelly legs may make me weigh more lol
To-day is the start of a new week Fuffs so please try and keep positive, sometimes blips happen for no reason ~ next week that damn 1.5lbs plus more will be gone, I have every faith in you!

We can make our gains spur us on for a great 100% week ahead, sending you lots of hugs :hug99::hug99::hug99:xx
Thank you Weemo. You are a lifeline on this forum :)

I tossed up in my head whether to come back on here and post today. Thought of taking a week off. Then my words I say to others echoed back at me and I decided the only way to beat this is with the Minimins Army behind me lol

Coming on hereas made me feel soooo much better!!

Thank you's

Team Weighty Matey Girls - You have made me feel great today B2U and Weemo.

Speed food challenge Gang- Especially Angie...thank you :)

And Indieflower....you are always there to pick me up :)

I sound lik I have just picked up an Oscar lol....But I just feel happy to have you lot to kick me up my big old bum lol
Fuffs, you can do this! :D And the fact you chose NOT to have a week off has really inspired me - thank you. x
Hi Amy

Thank you very much. I am pleased I inspired you :) It is nice to know that my decision to keep going has helped someone else.

Today has been a good day so far. Really want to lose this week. I don't think my determination will last after this wek if I gain or maintain...got too much to lose to arse about with it lol