Good luck for the restaurant - ignore all free bread that is given with oils!!! :) xxx

Yes that's one thing I usually fall down on!! I'm going to just try and stick to what I've planned to have!! May even be square and take some fruit to have before I go in and eat so I'm not totally starvin marvin!!X
Large glass of cold water beforehand as well - shrinks your stomach apparently!!!??? could be a myth though! haahaha :) xxx
Well the restaurant was lovely, quite a casual place, nice and relaxed and it was fabulous overlooking good ol' Swansea, not the most beautiful city in the world by any means, but I love it, and fantastic to be right by the sea and the views from the top captured both the bright lights and hustle & bustle of the city and the calm expanse of the sea with Mumbles pier and ships in the distance!

I stuck to my word and had the seafood risotto and it was really delicious but was quite creamy so I suspect there was added cream and also a hint of white wine! It also came with a nice bread roll (which I didn't avoid!!) and I had a little salad with it (my pals and I shared a side salad). I'm counting 15 syns for the whole thing including bread! Hope I'm not undersynning!
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Week 67- Day 4 (Fri)- Extra Easy- Day off.

Breakfast- 8.30am- 3 syn free chilli & garlic sausages (from, 3 egg omlette and baked beans. 1 tbspn brown sauce (1 syn). 2 kiwi fruits. Having a large brekkie as going to see a friend who's poorly then meeting friends in Costa and want to stay full for a good few hours!

Lunch-1pm So I went to Costa to meet pals- had a medium skinny cinnamon latte which was 6 syns so despite the cinnamon syrup I'm going to cheat a bit and call it my HEXa for today! Now for the scary bit! Had a black forest cupcake- a rather innocent looking thing judging it by its size (not THAT big!!) Had it, thinking I could just about afford it in my syns! However when I looked it up this evening (a lesson NOT to take chances and look things up AFTER the event!!) turns out it is 21 or 22 syns (not on list so I had to go by the other cupcakes' values!)

Tesco- Fish, prawn and veg sushi 150g- (1.5 syns) and some apple slices.

Tea- 2 Peppered chicken steaks (from see a pattern forming?!!?) with mixed stirfried veg with spinach added and chips done in Actifry (1 syn for minimal oil). A small pot of forest fruits fat free Activia yogurt.

Total syns 25.5 (did not have HEXb today so although bad if I were a cheat I would deduct 6 syns- desperate times call for desperate measures!!) Still on track for the week though as have only had 55 syns in 4 days so all is not lost- will just have to be as careful as poss over the weekend!

Davina m'dear, you and I have a date in my lounge tomorrow mornin'!!X
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Well the restaurant was lovely, quite a casual place, nice and relaxed and it was fabulous overlooking good ol' Swansea, not the most beautiful city in the world by any means, but I love it, and fantastic to be right by the sea and the views from the top captured both the bright lights and hustle & bustle of the city and the calm expanse of the sea with Mumbles pier and ships in the distance!

I stuck to my word and had the seafood risotto and it was really delicious but was quite creamy so I suspect there was added cream and also a hint of white wine! It also came with a nice bread roll (which I didn't avoid!!) and I had a little salad with it (my pals and I shared a side salad). I'm counting 15 syns for the whole thing including bread! Hope I'm not undersynning!

Well done on skipping the bread ;) and glad to hear you enjoyed your night. Good luck for the rest of the week and get some Davina in.
your meal out sounds lovely.

I am so jealous of these joe products. Although I have now discovered a few items which are free here in Canada. No nice sausages yet though :(
your meal out sounds lovely.

I am so jealous of these joe products. Although I have now discovered a few items which are free here in Canada. No nice sausages yet though :(

Hi BritMum, I'm sure you must have local butchers who offer very low fat products! It's worth asking around! I think that <5% fat constitutes a free meat product, so maybe you will discover your perfect sausage yet!X
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I'm glad you had a good time funcurls. Restaurant and food sound great.

I'm very tempted by this Joe's stuff - not so tempted by the price but maybe ...

Have a good day x

Hi Red, well they do appear pricey but I think it's because you make a bulk order and I'd rather be spending a bit more on quality and delicious products than going for poor quality fatty meat as it's not really 'value for money' when it's so rubbish for you! I had 16 packs of products from Joes, a variety of sausages, grills, chicken steaks, pork steaks and it came to about £50 so I wouldn't say that £3 per pack is extortionate!X
Well done on skipping the bread ;) and glad to hear you enjoyed your night. Good luck for the rest of the week and get some Davina in.

Note I said I DIDN'T avoid the bread Meli lol!!! Counted it in syns though so hopefully it won't do me too much damage!! But today's Costa black forest cupcake might!!! Got a meeting with Davina tomorrow and she'll kick the cupcake off my butt!!X
Week 67- Day 5 (Sat)- Extra Easy- Day off.

Light breakfast-9.30am- 2 kiwi fruit.

Davina DVD session- Feel really good about this morning's 40 min session! Found it much easier than the other day- well 'easy' isn't the word- it was still very hard and I was still out of puff with heart rate soaring but this is what it's meant to do for you!! But I had much better stamina and didn't have to stop apart from quick sips of water!! To top it off a friend of mine phoned and asked me to coffee so I stayed in my exercise gear and RAN, yes RAN to her house, more than 1 mile down a country lane! I was pleased as punch with myself, then also ran home again!! I am sure I must have burnt off yesterday's black forest cupcake!! SURELY!!

Early lunch-12 noon- 3 egg omlette with bacon and red onion. Baked beans. 1 tbspn fruity brown sauce (1 syn). A banana, some blueberries and a small pot fat free forest fruits Activia yogurt.

Late afternoon snack- 4pm- 2 small Joe's peppered chicken steaks with a small portion stirfried veg (leftovers from tea last night).

Made cupcakes for my friend's 40th Bday party tomorrow!! Couldn't resist dipping finger into some of the cake mix and also some icing (estimating 10 syns!!!!)

Tea-7.30pm- 4 Joes chilli & garlic sausages with small jacket potato, stirfried veg with added fresh spinach. Sweet chilli sauce (1 syn). Summer fruits Mullerlight with some blueberries.

Kelloggs dark choc/almond Fibre Plus (HEXb). 6 Laughing Cow xl triangles (HEXa).

Total syns 12.
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Note I said I DIDN'T avoid the bread Meli lol!!! Counted it in syns though so hopefully it won't do me too much damage!! But today's Costa black forest cupcake might!!! Got a meeting with Davina tomorrow and she'll kick the cupcake off my butt!!X

Oops....thought it said you did avoid...have a 100% week and you're still bound to lose (Davina will definately help)
Cupcakes---gosh just the thought of them is making me hungry...better have my All Bran before I reach for something else!!!