GAINING inches while losing weight? How could this be?

hey there hon. i think it will be down to water retention. if you are sticking to cd, whether it be US or UK you will lose weight. and if you had a cookie moment fairly recently then i would think that would be it.

don't fret. just keep at it. i know it's much more easily said than done :D

and i'm not going to get started on the US wanting to revoke same-sex marriages... i start ranting, although i would imagine you would beat me to it :)

other than the measurements how is it going? are you doing it with your wife? is she supportive? is it difficult with kids in the house? family life can make cd far more difficult.

so think about everything you have achieved rather than a wonky measurement... :)

abz xx
Well the crazy-making thing is that the weight is down even though some of the inch measurements are up. That's what's driving me crazy! I would expect to see the measurements going in the same direction as my weight.

The Wife isn't joining me on the diet, but she's been pretty supportive. I had some problems with sabotage at first, and she quite honestly admitted she was doing it because she was afraid I'd leave her once I became thin and attractive. I told her there was no way that was gonna happen, and she's settled in and been pretty helpful.

The Wife does have some concerns that CD might not be healthy over the long term, but she's being supportive anyway.

As for the kid, she's made it harder, but when I sat her down and told her that I wasn't eating for me, and not because of anything she did, that helped her to settle in. For a while there, she was saying that she wasn't having any fun because I was on a diet!

You can do it, hon... one step at a time.

my OH found it difficult with the first half of this weight loss business. he wanted to take me out to eat, didn't feel he could enjoy eating (although i did forbid certain things from the house).

he is an eating for fuel person in the main. i am so envious of that. and he worried i would run away.

i pointed out that although i have been overweight for a long time i have never had particularly low self-esteem, even though i don't like the way i looked. and i had never been desperate enough to get engaged to somebody i didn't WANT to be with. regardless of my size. crazy talk!! he got the picture though and has been unbelievably brilliant. he has one card full of apologies for my mega-*****iness and will more than likely have at least one more by the time i'm done :D

abz xx