Getting skinnier and healthier with SW

Hi all,
its been a bit of a tough day, but I have amazingly stuck to plan.
I went on a lovely long walk on the Lincoln hill, it was pretty steep so a good work out. The weather was gorgeous :)
Sarah, I think poodles are ok for people with allergies, and I've heard of a dog from the afghan mountains that apparently is good but can't think what it was called, tiny dog.

Had the leftover chicken and veg but was still hungry, so I had a mix of a few bits.
Snack- ww baguette, ham, carrot, syn free mint dip, quavers (4.5 syns)

i couldn't decide what to do for dinner, really couldn't be bothered to cook. Was literally about to order take out, a chicken kebab and some cheesy chips (naughty em), flyer and phone in hand. And then I gave myself a little talking to, and went and cooked.
I made a quick bolognese, and had a little bit of spaghetti as my hex b, but it was tiny, do I added a few more strands, so maybe 3 extra syns. But I did eat much less pasta than I usually would, so I might try weighing my pasta out in future, try to eat less.
Had a bit of cheese on my pasta, but only 2/3 hex a, so might have a bit of coconut milk and a mini twister. Then my total will only be 10 syns for today.
Not bad for a girl who was about to order cheesy chips hey :-D pretty proud of myself, I normally give in, and I've stuck to 2 red days in a row which is quite tough for me.

I fancy a BBQ tomorrow, but Chris said the BBQ needs cleaning, I'm really quite gutted :-(
maybe during the week hell have cleaned the BBQ.

Hope everybody's had a lovely Saturday!
Unnecessary 5 hr drive

So yesterday didn't quite go to plan.....
I was having a bit of a clean and tidy, sorting stuff out, organising the kitchen a bit more, when Chris called, I'd booked his train ticket to come back Saturday not Sunday!!! Whhhoooopps!
So yeah I think he was a bit mad. And being a Sunday, the next train wasn't for about 3 hours, so feeling bad I offered to go get him, and he gladly accepted.
So quick shower and I jumped in the car, 2 and half hours later I was in Warrington to pick him up. Then 2.5 hours back :-( euuuurgh! Wish he'd just got the next train.

So food diary:
2 alpen llights
chicken burger and chips
leftover bolognese with pasta shells, bit if cheese.

I hadn't eaten before I left, so ate the alpen bars on the drive, but on the way I was starving, didn't really care what I ate I just needed it. Then wasn't hungry all eve, so I ate at like 10pm :-/ oh well.

We went for a drink in the local beer garden when I got back, I had a cider, I felt like I really deserved it, after Chris making me drive 5 hours. But stopped at one and had a diet coke.

So the plan I've really got today is to take mylo for a massive long walk, there's so gorgeous hills and footpaths here, and weathers beautiful so should make the most of it, and go explore :)

food wise we really don't have anything in, so I'll need to get some fresh bits probably today.
Hope everyone has a lovely day :) xx
Oh dear that sounds like an eventful day! Enjoy your long walk with Mylo x
Re: New to SW.... trying to find a new healthier me

5 hours!! Cant believe he let you do that when it didnt really save much waiting time anyway :/
I booked a FLIGHT for the wrong day once- the next day, but I needed to be in Paris for a shoot that day so had to pay £70 to change it :,( sucked!
Very awesome of you to drive all that way, def deserved the cider! X
So lets start again.....

Ahhhh I was so good all week and ruined it yesterday!!! I have absolutely no will power, I haven't even managed a whole week! :-(
i need to keep remembering that I want to be skinny more than I want a meal.
So yesterday we went out to get lots of bits for the house, shoe racks, shelves, lightbulbs, perforated cling film, tea towels, pillows for Chris, random stuff, and he persuaded me into Pizza Hut.
Then we got home, and took mylo out, don't know how far, but good few miles, walked to meet my uncle and aunt at the pub near them. Chris had beer, I had diet coke, then we walked back, was super windy. Then we went to the chippy for tea.
Chips, pie and curry sauce, probably couldn't have been worse!
Takeaways and eating out is such an issue for me!!! Need to work on it!!!
I need to sort myself out or I'm never going to lose any weight long term, cos ill just eat crap again!

So plan for today is to get on the Internet job hunting, I really need to find something, I have been so unlucky so far
:-( need to stick to my diet today, and I'll take mylo out for a nice long walk. Chris has lots of DIY tonight when he gets in, so he'll appreciate not having to go out tonight, and I can take him out later again to play ball for 10 mins.

My sisters hoping to come see me Thursday with the kids so really looking forward to that. And Friday night were going to my mums for tea, to pick my brother up after work at 9, cos hell come up for the weekend. He needs to see the house really before he comes up. Plan what he needs still. Where he wants his tv etc so we can tell sky.
Hoping for a nice productive day.

Oh, we bought mylo a new bed yesterday. He's had one of those hard plastic ones with a blanket for months, because he chewed through 3 beds in 3 days, one of which was an extra tough one at £35 a pop!!
so finally thought we'd try and trust him to have a soft bed. Night 1 down and bed is still intact, infant he went and curled up in bed earlier than normal last night, so he must like it!! Bless him :)

Chris has lots of DIY tonight when he gets in, so he'll appreciate not having to go out tonight, and I can take him out later again to play ball for 10 mins.

Chuckling at this because I thought you were talking about taking Chris out to play ball!!

Don't be too hard on yourself with the takeaways, we all have our weaknesses. Mine used to be crisps (well still is really!) so I cut them out completely when I started SW and only started having them again a month or so ago. That was 5 months of cold turkey(!) and it seemed to do the trick. When I have them now, I'm satisfied with one packet, not two or three a day like I used to!!

I'm glad everything's coming together in the new house. Good luck job hunting xx
Hi Em,
Sounds like you;ve had a busy few days! I cant believe you did that 5 hour round trip!!

Mmm pie and chips sounds so good! hope you enjoyed it! :)
Is there anything you can do to curb the takeaways...either planning a week...or trying to limit to one a week so that you really look forward to it etc?!
What kind of jobs are you looking for? Good luck with the internet searching...fingers and toes crossed for you lovely! xxx
Friday feeling :)

Hi, sorry been AWOL,
been a bit hectic, not feeling 100%
so diet still hasn't got back on. :-(
b- none
l- tomato pasta
d- Mexican burger, chips and onion rings
s- mini magnum

woops, naughty em!!

choc crunch, coconut milk, banana
l- supernoodles
d- pork roast dinner, with Yorkshire puds
s- freddo

b- none
l- pasta with pesto, tomato, mushroom and bacon and cheese
D- left over roast dinner no pork
s- lots of chocolate brownie.

I am now on my period, because I'm on the pill I tend to put them off because I can, and it's been at least 3 months since I've had one, so I'm in pain, and craving chocolate so so bad, I wasn't even satisfied by the brownie, could have eaten double that, and I'd already eaten way way too much.

But anyway, had a job interview Wednesday for a dental nurse, really hope I get it, they sound lovely. Should hear back Monday :)
foodwise, finally going shopping today as Chris has been paid. So I'm going to plan dinners do we've got a list if what to buy, and then I'll order the meals according to the dates I can get on meat etc.
had the boiler man in yesterday, and find him really creepy, he was out the week before and checked me out. Weirdo!!
Kept trying to be funny, so I got Chris to come home as much as I could.
Did a 5 mile walk with mylo on Wednesday and probably 3.5 yesterday, I'll do another today, but hoping I'm getting my exercise up a bit.

Not got any major plans for the weekend, sort out the house. Think we might go to the cinema Saturday night and maybe dinner/drinks. Will be nice, we've not done anything like that in ages. Sort of neglected each other as been so busy.
Whats the weekend plans for you lovely ladies?
Aw if you're anything like me when it comes to periods, you'll be suffering, especially after putting them off for a while, so you have my sympathy. I also crave chocolate and things at that time but I'd never noticed until I started SW and started tracking my food. The good thing is that you're upping your exercise that usually helps me. I'm sure you'll get back into it, it's probably just going to take a while for things to settle down and for you to get into a routine again.

The job sounds exciting. Have you done that sort of thing before? I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you!

I'm going to a friends tonight for a couple of drinks, got an exercise class tomorrow morning then I'm going to meet my friends new baby tomorrow which I'm super excited about. Nothing planned for Sunday so I'll probably visit my mum and my sister and maybe get out for a walk if it's nice. What are you planning to see at the cinema? x
Awwww not you're not suffering too much huni! I had an attack of te choccie monster last night too and polished off a couple of freshly basked choccie they were good!
Will have fingers and toes crossed for the job huni! Xxx
Aw if you're anything like me when it comes to periods, you'll be suffering, especially after putting them off for a while, so you have my sympathy. I also crave chocolate and things at that time but I'd never noticed until I started SW and started tracking my food. The good thing is that you're upping your exercise that usually helps me. I'm sure you'll get back into it, it's probably just going to take a while for things to settle down and for you to get into a routine again.

The job sounds exciting. Have you done that sort of thing before? I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you!

I'm going to a friends tonight for a couple of drinks, got an exercise class tomorrow morning then I'm going to meet my friends new baby tomorrow which I'm super excited about. Nothing planned for Sunday so I'll probably visit my mum and my sister and maybe get out for a walk if it's nice. What are you planning to see at the cinema? x
My period pains have been awful so far, normally I get a bit of backache or boob ache but not actual pain, but omg it hurts, soo feel for you if you have this all the time.
I just constantly crave sweetness and chocolate and once I start thinking about it I literally can't stop! Crazy.
yeah I've been a dental nurse before, I've got about 18months experience but I'm not qualified so they'll put me on my training :)
sounds like a lovely little weekend :) enjoy! Xx
Sunny Saturday :-D

Hi ladies,
found out late yesterday afternoon that I got the job!!! Yay!!! I start on the 10th so I'm excited for that :-D
we went out for tea to celebrate and then went to a pub to meet my uncle and cousins. They're up for the weekend for a party on their side of the family.
I wasn't drinking but Chris was and I just find him incredibly annoying when he drinks and I don't. He just ignored me when I said things, he's super loud and changed the radio station to a local station after I'd just put capital on. Grrrrr. I know it's probably me being in my period combined with low vitamin b12, but he's so annoying, we didn't really speak when we got in.
I went out with mylo to play ball before Chris could come, and we watched tv and went to bed without saying much at all. And then he snored and snored and snored, I asked him over 20 times to roll into his side so it wasn't so bad, and he just ignored me.... Grrrrr, so had rubbish nights sleep.

was supposed to be going cinema, dinner etc but really don't feel like spending quality time with him ATM, hopefully he'll put the tv up in our room and he can stay in there.

Food yesterday:
b- spaghetti hoops
l- pasta with chopped tomatoes and cheese ( hex a)
d- beef with stir fried onions, mushrooms and peppers with rice and chips
s- galaxy chocolate
s- choc crunch all bran ( hex b)

need to go food shopping!!!
did my plan for the week yesterday, so should make shopping a lot quicker.
hope it's sunny where you are today, it's beautiful out there :) xxx
Aw hope the pains disappear soon.

We'll done on getting the job, that's fantastic news. I'm sure you and Chris will be back on speaking terms soon and you can go out and celebrate xx
Weekend catch up!

Hi ladies,
hope you all had lovely weekends. I went to take mylo out and he came, and I calmed down, I really can't stay mad for long at all. But did make a point of saying how he never thinks of me in terms of food, he'll just do what he wants and I have to think about us both and that's not fair. He got it.
Then we went and did a bit of shopping. Car booked in for service Wednesday, and then got some bits in Lakeland. I love the shop, how sad!! Lol.
Was supposed to be looking for my dad for Father's Day and his birthday but couldn't think of anything, so popped into new look for me, but some new skinny jeans and a new top. I just don't have any nice tops I can just throw on ATM. Fed up of not shopping :-(
we went out later, went to the cinema. We saw The Purge. Thought it was quite good, not amazing, but the plot twist at the end was good, did make me jump, and was a bit gory in bits so all in all a pretty good thriller.
We had popcorn to share but Chris ate a big share.
We went to zizzi's for dinner- yum!!
Starters- we shared garlic bread with mozzarella and caramelised onions, and some risotto balls.
Main- I had skinny chicken pizza, with side salad. The base was then whole meal, and total was less than 600 cals.
Pud- we shared a choc melt!! Yuuuum!!!
We also shared a bottle of wine
it was so nice to be out. We decided to go for couple if drinks, wandered upto where the bars are and a couple we know from where we used to live came round the corner. They live about 11 miles out of Lincoln now, and were having date night. Her mum was babysitting so we had a few drinks with them.
I tried a new fosters drink, it's mixed with cloudy lemonade, was only 2% and I thought it was lovely. I don't really like beer, but this was different.

We got up and took the dog for a walk, then had brunch ( I had pasta, Chris had 2X fried egg sandwhich). Then got ready to go out. I said I'd take my cousins back home as they were here for a party, so I went and saw mum and dad. Was soooo nice :-D
had a little catch up, saw the house now the furnitures in and checked up in my dad after his hernia op. they're cleaning the old house to move out. If they're done by the weekend they might come up Saturday night or Sunday. I offered them to stay with us, and tthen chris reminded me on the way home that were supposed to be at a housewarming BBQ of a friend..... Whoops! Might have to cancel, or go over for a few hours in the afternoon?

Plan for the day, walk mylo, brave the gym :-S, have lunch, do jobs around the house, go see my grandma and food shopping.
My grandmas out if hospital and staying with my aunt so well go see her tonight. And we are desperate for food, how I've survived this long I have no idea, but the diet isn't surviving!!
so finally I can make a proper meal for dinner tonight. :)
anyway, best take the dog out, stop him staring at next doors cat. Lol xxx