Getting to goal :)

So proud of myself I've been out today had a fab time catching up with some great friends :0) and I stayed 100% :D I'm so unbelievably proud of myself!

I am firmly back on track :) and even able to take bars and go out socialise and manage to keep to plan. I honestly now feel able to get to the wedding day and look amazing :) just watch this space x x x
Good for you lovely!!! Your doing great!!!

Is it 14 weeks now!!! *Excited squeal*

Yup and manky mouth back Woop Woop now there's a sentence that I never thought I'd say lol

It does feel so goo to be losing again though :) such a buzz seeing the scales going down.'s the tablets helping at all?? X x x

Hooray for death breath! You're doing great missie, keep it up!

Yep the chromium's definitely helping stifle those cravings. Nice discovery, whoever happened upon that little gem! x
Oh hell yeah Shivie they are da bomb lol

Dee...14 weeks exactly on wednesday :0) and Thursday I go pick up my dress OMG SOOOOOOOO excited x x x
Ooooooooohhhh pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics (think u get the pic!!)
I'm so proud of myself I just did week 1 of C25k :0) wooohooo :0) and now drink of water and off to bed so I don't pick and undo all my good work x x x
Got on the scales this morning and yesterday's gain of 2.2lbs from I don't know what! (100% NO cheating really miffed me off) is now ;) -2.4 today so weighing less and feeling great :D apart from the poorly feet and OMG does my right foot HURT ... walking like a wally atm ....I won't let this beat me now ... NO WAY!!

Have a stupid smirk on my face as I go on Thursday to try MY dress on ... not some copy in the shop ....MY DRESS :D I can't wait!!!! That's the motivation that got me out after a long day at work ... have to admit I loved it ... running with my collie ....poor lil Disco had to stay home as he can't run like that yet, he's only 26 weeks bless his heart.

Shadow loved it :) think he likes the time with me on our own as well, felt so good when I got home tho. Although note to self ...need to go out running earlier as I wasn't sleepy enough to go to bed 20mins after I got in :( but did otherwise I'd of undone all my good work by picking!

I'm not craving food now I'm taking those tablets but I breaking the habit of picking is SO much harder! I am stopping myself but keep finding I walk to the fridge or cupboards when I'm board :( which is not good.

I hope that I can keep up this momentum :D as I seem to be winning the battle :D FINALLY!!! x x x
Aww True...... your doing it !! Yay, sounds like your beating your demons darl and doing so well too... 14 weeks till D~Day cant wait for piccies.. how exciting.... well done hunni, and take it steady with the running, remember the impact on your feet and joints at 1st babes ;) xxxx
Yup I'm so chuffed Lou :) but I'm looking that the weight is making me ache and feel crap so the old no pain no gain in this case is true! I have proper running shoes as well so that helps but didn't wear the straps I have so will try those tomorrow when I run again :)

Tonight is the toning circle ;) so no impact at all on my feet and will help keep me outta the kitchen lol. Also having a shed delivered tomorrow so I will be working up a sweat in the garden anyways and every little helps as they say. I have set up the ticker for wedding count down OMG it seems SO REAL now which might sound silly but it's been a year in the planning ;) and now only 14weeks!!!! :D

If you hadn't said about those tablets I'd still be struggling so Thank You honey they are my saviour. Also I know water is the key to success the more ya pee ;) lol

So bottle of water in hand and off to work I go.

How's you doing Lou... I am gonna try and get back into posting here as well as just couldn't face the computer as it doesn't do my spinney head good to look at the screen after a day of working but feel bad for not posting on anyone elses stuff for a while x x x
Yup I'm so chuffed Lou :) but I'm looking that the weight is making me ache and feel crap so the old no pain no gain in this case is true! I have proper running shoes as well so that helps but didn't wear the straps I have so will try those tomorrow when I run again :)

Tonight is the toning circle ;) so no impact at all on my feet and will help keep me outta the kitchen lol. Also having a shed delivered tomorrow so I will be working up a sweat in the garden anyways and every little helps as they say. I have set up the ticker for wedding count down OMG it seems SO REAL now which might sound silly but it's been a year in the planning ;) and now only 14weeks!!!! :D

If you hadn't said about those tablets I'd still be struggling so Thank You honey they are my saviour. Also I know water is the key to success the more ya pee ;) lol

So bottle of water in hand and off to work I go.

How's you doing Lou... I am gonna try and get back into posting here as well as just couldn't face the computer as it doesn't do my spinney head good to look at the screen after a day of working but feel bad for not posting on anyone elses stuff for a while x x x
Tru sounds like your in a real positive frame of mind and doing soooo well, lovin the shed idea and yeah your right about the straps get them on and the toning circle will be awsome... you`ll notice inch loss i promise ;) and glad you took note of the chromium advice its amazing how many of us a deficient in this mineral!! and I must start takin my own advice too lol....Its a glorious day here and a bit of sunshibe will do us all good.... put a skip in our steps eh babes ;).. I`m doin alright (ish) on re~feed for 2 weeks then off Lipotrim 100% for good... time to get brave me thinks and start eating again.... We will do it together.. I`m just as bad at not logging in some days and commenting on others pages too darl, so don`t beat ya self up there, we all understand your dizzy prob xxxx tc and enjoy your day xxxx
Thanks Lou :0) I really do feel great about this journey now. I couldn't believe what a difference those tablets have made ...really not hungry now :0) but when I am it's proper not just cos I don't know what else to do. I think I needed the time pressure as it was too far ahead now it's real and close lol

I will continue to keep going with dieting and running after the wedding so I can get to goal :0) but I'd be happy to drop 3-4 stone by August that would be lovely x x x
Get a massive piece of paper and write DRESS on it really big and bright and stick it on the kitchen door, fridge and cupboard doors!!! Think dress babe!!!!

Get a massive piece of paper and write DRESS on it really big and bright and stick it on the kitchen door, fridge and cupboard doors!!! Think dress babe!!!!


Or hang the dress on the fridge?!
Been good but had all food options and want more tonight so Defo think I'm either gonna come on or be due on. Drink more me thinks x x x
Think I peeked too soon feel blooming awful today :0( so dizzy it's horrible.

Didn't cheat tho ;) so not all bad x x x