Getting to goal :)

You'll be back on top form real soon Mrs. F xx
Still not feeling good :( I'm wobbly and dizzy head. Im also waiting on blood test results that I had done on Monday. So I've just got to wait and see what it comes back with.

I hope that it will show something that explains how I'm feeling at least. Getting very upset about it now :( and can't even work while I'm like this and being self employed doesn't help at all x x x
So sorry your still unwell hunny. :(

Hope the bloods show somethin they can treat fast for you

RebekahR said:
So sorry your still unwell hunny. :(

Hope the bloods show somethin they can treat fast for you


Thanks honey I'm utterly fed up atm :( but plenty worse off than me, so shouldn't moan xxx
Try not to stress about things babe, you will be fine, the experts will get to the root of things soon
and you'll be right as rain xxx
Results back :( docs want to see me tomorrow. I've got to have yet
More blood tests and an ultra sound scan of my liver. Will keep you all posted x x x
Keep us posted hunny xxx fingers crossed Xx
Right tomorrow I'm going to be getting back on the wagon. I stepped on the scales and don't like the number so putting a stop to that.

I know I'm not moving around and if I'd been able to exercise it probably wouldn't of made a difference but I think I am well enough to keep to plan but I will talk to my doctor before I restart x x x
Good idea to check first with the doc. You've a different attitude to food these days anyhow
so sensible eating should't be a problem if he/she advises against a VLCD x
Deffo check with the doctor hunny

Fingers crossed your all good to restart Xx
Well yet another blood test done :( hate those things! Waiting for an ultra sound of my liver but not sure how long that app will take. The doc said no reason not to go back on plan, just listen to your body if it's struggling then come off plan.

So tomorrow is my Day 1 ;) and I get some control back in my life :) x x x
Day 1 ;)

Porridge for breakfast have to admit its not too bad getting back on the wagon. I'd gotten to the point of not being bothered about food.

So today was a good day to start and I'll be back to Friday WI's as before as they work with my routine well.

I've been signed off for another week so 5th Oct I can possibly go back to work.

Im going to fire up the laptop and get some wedding pics uploaded :) so that'll keep me busy and hopefully stop me wanting to snack or cheat at all. It works that I'm not able to go out and snack on things or buy things without people knowing which is a flaw of mine.

So day 1 meal 1 done ...wish me luck ladies and here's to getting the final 5st off!

Sorry weight today is 222lbs easy number to remember ;) roll on Friday x x x
Good luck :)

Hope you're starting to feel better too
Nommy lunchtime it's macky cheese peeps ;) firmly back on track lol ...ok so 2 meals down at least x x x
All the best - hope the health improves and diet success continues!
DERIKA said:
All the best - hope the health improves and diet success continues!

Thanks :) at least I can keep control of my weight if nothing else ATM x x x
Welshtigger said:
Good to hear you're getting back on track xx

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins

Thanks honey I've got a honeymoon to focus on and slim down for x x x