Getting to goal :)

Trueleame said:
Feeling a bit better today only nearly flaked out twice ;)

The blood tests came back showing I've got low iron levels so they've put me on iron tablets for that, also on menieres treatment as the dizziness might be inner ear problem but it could just be I'm not getting the anaesthetic out of my system easily. In other words they have no idea what's causing it ;) but take these and go away lol x x x

Poor you! Get better soon x

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Well a day of taking the pills and I feel better than I did :) actually feel like I'm improving which I didn't think was gonna happen. It was a bit scary as they didn't seem to have a reason as to why I was feeling so rough, but now with taking the iron tablets and the stuff for my menieres it seems to be making a good change :) so gonna keep taking them and hopefully get back on track x x x
Thank god they are making a difference hunny

Worried about you, take it step at a time, don't overdo things Xx
Not feeling as bad today hope yesterday was the turning point for me :)

Going to take another week or 2 off work :( to recover, huge downside to being self employed ...don't work don't get paid :( x x x
Hugs.. Know how that feels with OH being the same?
Just get well first, it will all sort itself out!

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I'm lucky that my OH can support us, but I do feel guilty about it can't help that.

At least today I'm sitting up and not getting the flakey feeling ...head feels muzzy but that's better than fainting ;)
So I know I'm improving :) just need to take care and keep going as I have been x x x
ATM not on plan in any way shape or form and won't be back until I'm better as my body needs more than the packs to mend itself.

I'm also gonna need to catch up on everyone's diaries once I'm feeling better , can't concentrate or focus properly on anything atm x x x
Just rest little lady, health first, we want you better Xx
RebekahR said:
Just rest little lady, health first, we want you better Xx

Ditto, take it easy and rest, don't do too much allow yourself a good recuperation! Xx

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Now I'm so many days post op I'm realising that my spiney head has a lot to answer for! The tablets are helping but my balance is shot :( keep wobbling every time I move about.

I'm doing so well with recovering from my ops which is a great relief :)

I'm taking this week off work but hope to be able to start back this coming Saturday but I'll see how it goes and make my mind up nearer the time.

Thank you all for the well wishes peeps x x x
Glad to hear you are getting there and hope you are back to full health really soon x
Trueleame said:
Now I'm so many days post op I'm realising that my spiney head has a lot to answer for! The tablets are helping but my balance is shot :( keep wobbling every time I move about.

I'm doing so well with recovering from my ops which is a great relief :)

I'm taking this week off work but hope to be able to start back this coming Saturday but I'll see how it goes and make my mind up nearer the time.

Thank you all for the well wishes peeps x x x

Rest up hun, glad you decided to take this week to recover fully hun

Take your time, veg out, take care of yourself

It's not easy to cancel dogs :( I feel I've let people down. I know I haven't it's because I'm poorly but always feel bad about it x x x
Don't be bad sweetie you've been rushed about in ambulances, fainting all over the place!!

You need time to rest, know its always hard with commitments but YOU come first

Always struggle with making time for me, hence needing this diet in the first place :(

It's not easy but I am trying to relax and take things easy, as I don't want to end up back in hospital again!

OH is being fantastic but I'm having to keep the peace between him and my 7yr old whose's pushing her luck as I'm poorly. Bit like the dogs, they play up if I'm unwell.

So making my place on the sofa to keep an eye on everyone x x x
Back to the docs this morning :( still feeling so dizzy and weak. Yet another blood test :( hard to believe as I have a needle phobia. I am getting better at this tho ;)

Apparently it's just one of those things, all I need to do is relax and rest ????? How do you do that when you feel this naff :( x x x
Sorry your still feeling crappy hun, this stinks

Keep resting I really hope it does pass soon xxx