Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!

Agreed - sending get well soon vibes to Nana.

Good job at Pizza Express, I quite like the Verdure Leggera pizza now. I usually save a hex and deduct 6 syns then it's even less damaging. Saying that, I'd prefer a Padana but can't really justify the syns!
Thanks for the well wishes both, I've not gone back home as I'll be back there next weekend and other family are taking care of everything meanwhile. Felt a bit strange this morning as I didnt know if I was coming or going (literally).

Anyway here's today:
B- egg, beans, wholemeal bread (HB), greek yog with coconut (100g 7syns)- this was given to us as our neighbours were off on hols and emptying their fridge, I fancied trying it. It was yummy and very nice as a treat, its just I dont really have the syns for more treats this week!
D- 56g goats cheese (HA HA), roasted garlic on toast (HB), loads of salad leaves. Strawberries, blackcurrants, raspberries.
T- BNS+ chickpea north african curry (with carrots, onion, passata, garlic, chilli), rice, tomato, cucumber, onion. Pineapple, 1chocolate orange segsation (2syns)
snack-banana, milk in tea (2syns)

30mins walk, 1hour body balance, walking around town. Bed soon!

Weds 5, Thurs 8.5, Fri 35+ Sat 11 =59.5
B-apple, melon, strawberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, banana

D-spinach and potato frittata (HA), beans, 1 low syn choc muffin (2syns)

T-pearl barley broth (large bowl full! Made with carrots, turnip, celery, onion, potato and sweet potato) I might be tempted to throw some peas in to get some super speed :)
pud- 1 muffin (2syns) with few spoon fulls of custard (made with skimmed milk) (HA+ 2syns)

snacks- pineapple, 2 HiFi bars (HB HB), 1 muffin (2syns)

Todays muffins were made with:
5 scan bran (5syns), 3 eggs (free), sweetener (free), 28g of cocoa (I have a foreign version which works out at 3.5syns per 28g, I've just finished using this now so I'll be back onto bournville next time I make these), 1 tablespoon golden syrup (1syn) and 2 chocolate orange segsations chopped into the mixture (4syns)......made into 6 muffins @ 2syns per muffin.

A pretty healthy way to eat muffins, stuffed full of scan bran :) Ok, I know they arent exactly healthy, but they are keeping me on track right now!
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B-apple, melon, strawberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, banana

D-spinach and potato frittata (HA), beans, 1 low syn choc muffin (2syns)

T-pearl barley broth (large bowl full! Made with carrots, turnip, celery, onion, potato and sweet potato)
pud- 1 muffin (2syns), may have a few more raspberries and blackcurrants to munch on while hubby has yummy popcorn!
snacks- pineapple, 2 HiFi bars (HB HB), 1 muffin (2syns)

total syns-6
40mins just dance, 20mins walk
Weds 5, Thurs 8.5, Fri 35, Sat 11, Sun 6 = 65.5
The muffins were lovely. I'm not that brave with the segsations, basically I used nearly a box of them to pack around my fathers day present.... the remainder (about 10 of them) I hid from hubby.... we had a couple each one night and I've handed them out on request (but they are not on view and so wont get gobbled up by either of us in one go)..... I thought a couple in my muffins would be quite nice. I think we only have 2 of them left now, so no worries :)

Well today I've had 2 compliments in the space of 2 hours..... both saying 'wow have you lost weight, its really noticable'. I'm really not that bothered what others think etc, but its nice to have a compliment all the same. I woke up very full this morning from the pearl barley last night and whereas the last 4 mornings I've been 11 stone 8, today I was 2lb heavier ! Hopefully thats the pearl barley :)

Here's today:
B- oats (part HB), yog, milk (part HA), apple
snack- banana, milk in tea (HA)
D- chickpea curry with BNS and carrots. Melon
snack- possibly a HiFi bar (HB) or something else HB-like
T- roasted aubergine, peppers, courgette and onion. Raspberries and melon
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Just had a mini binge as soon as I got home from work :(

Here's the damage: 2 Hifi's (both counted as HB and so counting 28g oats from breakfast as 5syns), 2 segsations (4syns), hot choc (2syns) with vlf fromage frais and then greek coconut yoghurt (7syns per 100g, I think I probably had more than 100g though, so call it 10syns).
Damage= 21syns
Damage is done, I'm moving on immediately! It could have been alot worse.

I'm having roasted veggies for tea and I'm just sticking to one HA choice today (in a small attempt to limit any damage).
What was I saying about the segsations :( They are all gone now (luckily there was only two of them and one of me left in the house!). Yummy yoghurt all gone too.
Syns Review
Weds 5, Thurs 8.5, Fri 35, Sat 11, Sun 6, Mon 21, Tues (hopefully none!) = 86.5
Thanks Teresa- I was fine last night, phew! But this morning I found myself eating dates first thing..... usually I just make my breakfast ready to bring into work and dont eat till I get to work, but I spied the dates and ate them too.

Scales are now saying a no loss, but I wont know till tonight, so fingers crossed and plenty of positive thoughts ! :)
Here's today:
pre breakfast - dates!
B-all bran, banana, milk (HB HA)
D-chickpea curry, roasted veg
T- not sure yet.
snacks- apple, dried apricots (HB + 6syns), vlf fromage frais, highlights hot choc (3syns)
Thank you :) !!!
Ahhhh I gained half a pound. Ok half a pound is neither here nor there, but I would have prefered to have lost half obviously!

Conclusion is that if I stick to 10syns I will lose weight, if I dont stick to 10syns I wont. Gutted that I will have to stick to 10syns, but if thats what it takes, thats what it takes :)

I'm off to have a planning/thinking session :)
He he - thanks Teresa! I'm not too discouraged, its all part of the journey :) Its annoying but if I stick with it this week hopefully some of the last weeks effort will pay off too, we'll see.
You're probably right about that. You've done a good job this week and had a good loss last week (as I recall?!), it sounds as though you're doing just fine. (It is annoying though, boo to that pesky half pound :().

Interestingly, you seem to be getting closer and closer to the elusive formula that works for you which can only be a good thing - I'm sure you can manage on 10 syns for the greater good. Here's to next week!