Goji berries

What does celeriac look like, I wonder...
<google is your friend!>
Jo, it's usually near the cabbages in fruit/veg place - looks like a beaten-up white cabbage!

(Husband loves céleri remoulade - easy to make Dukan-friendly as despite trying all brands/supermarket brands/value brands and making it here, still can't get the taste he remembers from his childhood, but I keep trying:)).
Oh and if I let my kids loose on a jar of gherkins, they'd empty it having counted out each gherkin so nobody got more or less than the others (and fight over who was having the small white onions that flavour the vinegar). :sigh:
oh yes I see... nasty looking beast!
That's funny Robin because I've had céleri remoulade from our local deli (prior to Dukan!!) and didn't like that at all!
oh yes I see... nasty looking beast!
That's funny Robin because I've had céleri remoulade from our local deli (prior to Dukan!!) and didn't like that at all!

I'm not keen either but I don't like traditional coleslaw - just find them sickly (not a mayo fan). However as mash, it is nice:). Nobody else agrees with me there though, so I don't make it often.
I don't like the smell, but it's better than nothing! I have also chipped swede and turnp - all are passable!
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Jo, the berries are not crunchy - sorry to disappoint! they're more like raisins, except not so sweet and with an extra Goji flavour ;-) !
Huh, am I the only one that likes goji berries then... Sorry, people, I am afraid I praised them too much, but I do like them; not addicted (yet) and won't miss them - when I finish the current batch I have, I will give them a break till I get bored with the next type of breakfast.
As to crunchy - good point, Anja, might be a language mistake on my part; I would also call raisins "crunchy"; besides, I often put linseed into the yoghurt and it is definitely crunchy (I think).
I suspect I have become perverted by Dukan, slowly but surely, over the course of the last 3 years - I eat weird stuff in weirder combinations, and on top of it enjoy it. And considering I am in for a long haul yet, can't help but shudder at the possible outcome. :confused:
I suspect I have become perverted by Dukan, slowly but surely, over the course of the last 3 years - I eat weird stuff in weirder combinations, and on top of it enjoy it. And considering I am in for a long haul yet, can't help but shudder at the possible outcome. :confused:

What a quote! Fabulous!

Can't wait for you to get round to opening a diary Fractal!

I'm still hopeful of trying those berries one day... in the city this weekend, so will dive into a health food shop if I spot one on Sunday that's open while I'm wandering...

just for comparison - had a look in Tesco's last night:
they cost 1.79 / 100gr, or mine were 1.99/100gr
so a kilo price of 18-20£
this compares to approximate kilo prices for other dried fruit I had at home (some was organic so more expensive):
Apple slice: £6
Apricots, Prunes, Raisins: £5
Gosh that is pricey per kilo, so lucky we're only allowed a tablespoon a day...
and I'm gonna get some!
Asda sell these apparently for £1.47 for 100g. I haven't tried them, but I am tempted to try them in muffins - apparently the ones my mum made with raisins were lovely.
Mine definitely won't go in muffins... cos I love my savoury ones too much (hmm unless I do a mix and have one goji two savoury...). Interesting!
Heh, Jo, I knew you would know what I mean...

Re Gojis - for those who haven't tried them yet - they remind me of the taste of (I think they are called) rosehip bud, the ones that are choc a block full of vit C and other goodies; not sweet, a bit tart, actually; I used (or grew) to love those, maybe that's why i love the gojis.
Wondering if they might be more palatable as an addition to a sf berry jelly - for those of you who don't like them? Or made into a jelly of their own with sweetener and plain gelatine?

Sorry about the diary, very busy these days, and the first post is the most difficult.
You could open a diary with a blank first page... to be filled out subsequently when you have more time!!

Your gems of advice are being spread around though and are very helpful!

I'm looking forward to trying the gojis. Anything new and legal in this diet has to be good to try!
Bumping this up, I found gojis yesterday (Grand Frais, Jo, if you have one near your country place) in 20gr sachets (maybe too much for the daily allowance).

So, I ate one sachet, and really liked them. Chewier than raisins, and a sharp taste that I liked. Will try baking with them possibly, but think tomorrow they'll be in the porridge.:D

Oh and about 3€50 for 100gr - is that reasonable?

With 400 times more vit C than an orange (apparently), they are much nicer (for me) than a vit C tablet, if a tad more expensive.

I presume no-go on PP days?