Golden anniversary gift ideas?


Gold Member
Need your help here peeps!!!
It's my parents golden wedding anniversary in a few weeks and my brother and I need ideas what to get them...
Budget will be in the £50-£80 range I suspect..

They are away on holiday for their actual anniversary..
I'm really bad at ideas but for my parents wedding anniversary I had 2 of their wedding photos blown up onto canvasses. Not huge ones because i only had the photos so didnt want to lose the quality but big enough to put in the lounge (think they are around a3 size)

I also got them 2 champagne flutes with their names and relevant dates on (they still have the ones from their wedding day in a cabinet so these sit along side them) and mug each with their pictures on.

Finally I put an announcement in our local paper :)

Not very exciting but stuff to remember and keep
Something totally luxurious that they wouldn't dream of spending on for themselves.
How about an experience day? Being driven in a vintage car to a hotel to have a cream tea.
Or if they're a modern type a his and her spa day.

A scrapbook of their marriage (you can contact a local scrap booking group to see if anyone will do this for you though you need be quick).

Memorabilia for the year, newspaper, cd of the all the music in the charts that year.
*Emsie* said:
I didn't know you could do it! Might look into it for my mums birthday she's into vintage stuff and I might just have to go with her ;)

It can be quite expensive but if its a wedding company and its booked on a slow day and not for the whole day you may get a reduction x
Oooh can I have a trip in a vintage car?

Be fab wouldn't it???

When we were in Bratislava at the weekend we went to the transport museum (oh yes that's how we rock) & they had lots of vintage cars & I said to OH when I've won on the lotto I'm going to get those American guys (some programme on sky) to make me a vintage car on the outside with modern bits inside, would be brill.

And whilst on hols there were lots of people having trips in vintage cars it did look brill, :D