Goodbye CD <> hello 'Fat Smash Diet'

I always reckoned that this diet was the easiest and the hardest diet I'd ever done.

I would go from thinking I could probably do it forever. It was great not having to feel hungry. I wasn't craving....hey....who needs food.

5 minutes later I'd be walking around, close to tears and thinking that I couldn't do it for any longer. It can sure mess with your head

TOTALLY!!!!!!!!! I agree!!
I couldn't have put it better LOL!!!
That damn chatterbox is a pain in the butt too - yesterday she was even suggesting that I go see my Counsellor a day early to get packs and then have a pig out - naughty naughty!!!!! I didn't tho, thankfully ((tho was ever soo tempted!! LOL)). Today I'm thinking, this is great - I can do his forever!
Definately a head trip!!!!!!!!!
Thx for support yesterday :)

Much love, Chelle xx
Day 22/100 - 20.5lbs gone in 3 weeks! Hurrah!!

Day 22/100

Hi all,

Lost a wonderful 4lbs this week which now takes my total to an amazing 20.5lbs in 3 weeks! To say I'm over the moon is an understatement.
I weighed myself this morning, an have lost another 1lbs taking me to 14st 2lbs! SO only 4 more pounds then I'm in the 13s. I'm now actually lighter than I was on my Wedding day. I think back of how I wished I knew about this diet 3 yrs ago as I would have loved to have been a slim bride. Knowing this, hubby has said that we can have another 'wedding' in the next few yrs, and it will be the Wedding I always dreamt of as a girl!! Not to say that my Wedding day wasn't wonderful, it was and I've married the most amazing man there is - but, I didn't feel comfortable at all and was conscious of this all day. Anyway, thats the plan for a few yrs time anyway!!!!!!!!!
I've been thinking alot lately how I allow things to trigger my moods - for example, something was said out of context to my dad and I ended up feeling very angry about it and then wanted to come home and 'comfort' eat. I wouldn't mind, but what was said wasn't important or hurtful and quite frankly none of my business!! At least I can now see things like this as they really are, and be thankful that VLCDs give u the clarity to address the situations that make u indulge and/or binge!!

It's also a landmark moment for me today as I'm officially on day 1 of week 4 - I've never got to this point before and i'm soo soo proud of myself!!
I'm going to celebrate - how? With a nice long hot soak in the tub this evening and then take a nice hot mug of marigold bouillion to bed!! Sounds lovely!

Much love, Chelle xx
That is wonderful, Chelle! Well done you! I am just so proud of you for getting to your new 'landmark' as well .. no wonder you're feeling so great :)

Can't wait to see what your loss will be this week now - woo hoo! :D
That is wonderful, Chelle! Well done you! I am just so proud of you for getting to your new 'landmark' as well .. no wonder you're feeling so great :)

Can't wait to see what your loss will be this week now - woo hoo! :D

Hi Sharon

Aww thanks for the message :)
U're one of the people who have inspired me to do this - seeing how wonderful u look and hearing how great u feel has made me realise that I want it too!! lol AM in sulky brat mode now and I WILL BE SLIM FOR XMAS!!!!

Much love, Chelle xx
23/100 - 'Flappy' Kecks!!!!!!!!!! :)


The days are flying by but also dragging - I know thats a contradiction, but during the day I feel like I'm pulling my teeth out and at the end of the week I think it's gone pretty fast! yes, i'm weird I know!
Still motivated, but feel a little sad today. Having to realise I have to address my feelings rather than mask them, is turning out to be a pretty difficult, challenging experience.
I don't seem to have an energy whatsoever, and for the last 2 weeks have felt like TOTM is due but still nothing, so all I can put this down to is that my hormones are making me tired and I'll just have to wait until they decide to give me a break lol
Soo glad I did 20mins on my exercise bike this morning, and didn't wait till this afternoon as I'd be too tired to do anything!!!! I could sleep for england atm, hope it passes soon.
Yesterday I was brushing my teeth in my underwear and hubby was looking at me strangely, and then said that I need to invest in some new pants! lol Not really surprised as they are a 16/18 and quite "flappy" around the buttocks area!! So went to Matalan this morning and bought a pack of size 16 shorts - and they're too flippin big lol, only cost £2.50 so not to worry! I can't possibly be a size 14 yet???... I'm probably borderline - at that really annoying stage of if there was a size 15 I'd be it! So anyway, the flappy kecks will have to do for now!!!!!!!!!!
It's all good! Power nap me thinks.. ZZZZZZZZZZzzzz

Much love, Chelle xx

Well, had a bit of a 'wobbly' moment yesterday. Have had horrible PMT type hormones for the past 2 weeks and yesterday was particulary bad. I knew a binge was on the cards so I put my plan into action - had loads of water and cooked some plain chicken, which I ate very slowly and when I was full I gave the rest to hubby. A definate breakthrough indeed for me, as my homrones normally dictate to me, and I'm pleased to say that I remained in control and although I did eat - it was less than a chicken breast and I am STILL in ketosis this morning. I am soo proud of myself, as this normally would have been a "sod it, I'm ordering a takeaway" moment and I didn't do it!!!!!!!!! so I am truly in control 100% and I like it!!!!!!! Must say tho - this being in control lark i s kinda addictive!! :rolleyes: (or am I just a control freak? *LOL*)

Went to Tesco yesterday and bought a packet of size 14 knickers (really couldn't cope with pulling my old ones up every 5 mins!!) and they fit prefectly!!!!!!!!!! So went back again this morning and hubby bought another pack! lol
Wow, it's amazing how empowering it is to see a new size label - for me 14 is another landmark. I've 'failed' soo many times in the past and fallen short of size 14 (and of hitting below 14st 6 - I'm now 14st 2!!), and I'm getting there!! The size 14 skater trousers I mentioned in my previous posts from last week do up now (without me lying down & squeezing myself into them!! LOL), although there is a yucky 'overhang' over the top so I reckon another 2 weeks and I should be in those comfortably, as I'll be alot less bloated than I currently am and a few pounds down!!!!

So generally, I'm fine. Hormones seem settled today, which is good. I went to see my Nana today as it's her Birthday, and she was commenting on how well I looked. She knows all about the diet, and although she doesn't understand it fully, she's been ever soo supportive. I told her about my 'chicken moment' yesterday, and she said "ur body sometimes craves things that it needs, so it must have needed something from the chicken" - Bless her!! Although, spookily, I did feel a heck of a lot better after I had it and my hormones seemed to settle down..... so maybe there is something in it afterall!!

Much love, Chelle xx
25/100 - A quarter thru my challenge, getting impatient now!


Well, I'm 1/4 thru my 100 day journey. The time really has gone quite fast, and to think I'll be starting week 5 of this mad diet next week is pretty amazing for me!
Haven't lost anymore weight, and am getting impatient with myself. I know it didn't 'appear' overnight, but I just want it off now!!!
Feel really really bloated (still no sign of TOTM, but all the symptoms are here :( ) and my jeans feel tight on me (they were hanbging off me yesterday, and more so at the beginning of the week), which reminds me of something I NEVER EVER want to feel again!!!! (well, maybe if it's a size 8 LMAO!).
So all in all, am doing ok. Going to think long and hard this weekend about switching to 790 - make sure it's something I want to do and it's not just the chatterbox telling me what to do. Altough I am getting used to black coffee and sweetner now and I'm not 'longing' for food - so maybe I can ss for a while longer. Was thinking fo switching so that I can up my exercise levels as I'm currently feeling very tired and like everything is a chore!

Much love, Chelle
26/100 - 4st weight loss for Xmas - impossible??


"14 stone dead on - surely that can't be right???!!!!"
Was my trail of thought this morning after weighing myself, so I've lost 2lbs since yesterday. Another pound and I'm in the 13s - now that does sound good to meeeeeeeeeee!!!

Have been thinking alot about Xmas and the lead upto it. Normally, I avoid all social occasions because I used to hate the way I looked and didn't want to be seen. Now I'm thinking, it's only 10 weeks Monday till the big day, and I'm wondering what I'm going to weigh! My first goal is to get to 10st, which would mean, at 14st, I have 4 stone to lose.
AM I being unrealistic to think I could be 10st by Xmas? I'm definately going to have to get my ar$e moving, moving, moving!!!!!!
Untimately, I want to be 9stone flat - and asI'm 5ft 6in that would be a good healthy weight.

So anyway, as I've been thinking of Xmas/New Yr I've been thinking of all the things that are going to be different this Yr;

I'll be saying;
* sure u can take a photo of me!
* yeh my clothes are a size 10! (or even a 10/12)
* can I have more vegetables instead of potatoes!
* sure I'd love to come to ur party! (have avoided social gatherings for yrs)

I won't be saying;
* is there anymore roasties/xmas cake/general food going spare?
* My new yr resolutions WON'T BE "This time next year I'll be slim" - like it has been for the last 10 yrs
* I'll get back on track 'tomorrow'

And the best thing of all is the feeling u get from beleiving that u will be slim heading into the New Year - I can't quite really get my head around that fact.
So, it's going to be 30mins exercise bike & stretching everyday tomaximise weight loss!
I WILL BE 10ST FOR XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! *fingers crossed!*

Much love, Chelle xx
You are such a star Chelle!!

14 stone! Woweee!! By Monday you'll definitely be 13-something and well on your way to the best Xmas and New Year you'll have had in years! How exciting will that be? :D

As we're the same height, I'm hoping to get to 10 stone too (had planned to stop at 10.7 ish but I'm thinking now of plodding on a bit more to see what I look like at a lower weight).

I think 9 stone might make me look a bit too scrawny (well, I don't want to look like a skinny old bird do I? :rolleyes: ) ... but 9-something might be really cool just the same :cool:

Much love, babe
You are such a star Chelle!!

14 stone! Woweee!! By Monday you'll definitely be 13-something and well on your way to the best Xmas and New Year you'll have had in years! How exciting will that be? :D

As we're the same height, I'm hoping to get to 10 stone too (had planned to stop at 10.7 ish but I'm thinking now of plodding on a bit more to see what I look like at a lower weight).

I think 9 stone might make me look a bit too scrawny (well, I don't want to look like a skinny old bird do I? :rolleyes: ) ... but 9-something might be really cool just the same :cool:

Much love, babe

Aww thanks Sharon!
Seeing ur progress has really helped me stay on track!
I definately want to get to 9 stone, because as u know, I suffer really badly with my hormones - and if I'm 9st I'll allow myself that 7lb-1st window if things get tough, so even at 10st I'll still be a good weight and will feel slim and want to get back to 9st. Whereas if I was 10st, I can see it being 11 then 12 *nnnnnnnnoooo!!!!!!!*
Plus 9st is only one digit on the scales - and that'll be nice instead of seeing 15st or any other 2 figure number! Sad I know, but I want it!!!!!!

Much love, Chelle xx
27/100 - Tired, but focused


It's 11am and I've been up since 8am and have already managed to drink 2 litres of water, so thats good.
Thinking about food alot this today, so AAM week is going to be very welcome when I start it on Tuesday, I just hope that I can stop at the quantities listed and not be out of control around food again.
Must remember to go shopping Monday to be prepared for the week ahead. Oh and it would probably help if I bought some kitchen scales lol!!

Anyway, feel tired today due to a disrupted nights sleep so really don't feel like doing my exercise bike today, but I will do it as I can see my xmas goal within reach!

More later.
Much love, chelle xx

Yep, I'm in the 13s! Cannot beleive it! 13st 13lbs!! So thats a loss of 4lbs this week!
My mind keeps taking me to Xmas because the end of my 100 days challenge ends on Christmas Day. By then, I really should be a good few more stones down (if not 10stone - I can wish!!), and I'm not sure what to do about Xmas, as I should be soo close to goal. I was thinking of maybe stepping up to 790 a few days before Xmas (mainly to adjust my body to food again, as I don't want a big glycogen gain); eating Xmas day, boxing day - back to 790 until new yrs eve/day and then return to packs once and for all in Jan to get to my final goal weight of 9stone.
Another suggestion has been made to me, that why don't I eat over xmas - as in salads and chicken, mainly proteins and then return to packs in the new yr. The latter suggestion may have some credablity, as tradiction dictates that there will be many meals out over the festive season and I personally wouldn't want to sit in a resturant with a pack!!
I'm just playing with ideas, and i know i can change my mind whenever I want to. I also realise that even slim people gain weight over Xmas, so it's not just overweight people.
My stomach will be small anyway, so I simply won't be able to indulge in the quantites of past yrs - nor would I want to, I'm feeling great already so will feel soo much better at goal!

Much love, chelle xx
Where my head is at.... what difference does 4wks make?

Hi again,

I'm doing alot of thinking today - and even if no-one reads this, I can check back once at goal and see where my head was at.
Today, I've been asking myself the question "what am I craving?" as I saw this on another thread and it's made me dig deep.

BEFORE CD; Curry, chinese, kebabs (even tho i don't like meat :( binges would tend to involve it ), bread, cheese, peanut m&ms, egg custard pies, to lose weight, to 'get a life'
In a nutshell, my life was lazy, consisted of far too many takeaways and I was very unsocialbe, miserable & felt physically awful (constantly tired & bloated & acne was horrendous)

NOW; To be a size 10, to dress nicely, be confident, perform on stage, to dress up in an evening dress & go somewhere special on wedding anniversary with hubby, to never go on anymore diets after this!!!, to become a CDC, to adopt a child, to see friends/family more often, to eat healthily & maintain my goal weight when there.
SO basically, food isn't important to me anymore - I'm 2lbs from a 2stone loss in 4 weeks, my clothes are loose - gone are the days of red, itchy rashes from squeezing into clothes, I'm down from 18/20 to 14/16, my acne is clearing up fantastically, my hair & nails are growing long & strong and actually look healthy, and I feel amazing!! I can bend down when washing my car, my knees no longer ache/fill with water, I'm no longer bloated, my moods are levelling out. I feel NORMAL and I feel content!!
I can't wait to see everyone nr xmas and show them the new me - well the new figure but my old bubbly personality returning to me after soo long.

I can't beleive what a difference 4 weeks can make in someones life. It really isn't just a diet, but a journey....

Much love, chelle xx
30/100 - Disaster strikes..............

...............but avoided!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Yesterday was a tough day, I'd go as far to say as one of the most emotionally challenging I've had yet. I was out all day and only had water with me, so by the time I came home I was tired, moody & physically hungry.
Made up a pack, had more water and my AAM meal but then went on to eat more chicken. My chatterbox was telling me to go and make a toastie and cook hubbys pizza as it only takes 3 days to get back in ketosis and I'll be fine. After an inner struggle that last all evening & nibbling on more chicken, I went to bed. Realised this morning that I didn't have my 3rd pack yesterday.

I weighed myself this morning and I've lost another pound, which now takes me to 13st 12lbs - very pleased I didn't cheat yesterday!
Have had 2 packs so far, 5litres of water and have nibbled on some chicken but nothing else. I must get out of this nibbling habit, but I think that will stop once AAM week does and I'm enjoying being incontrol around food rather than being controlled by it.
Another plus, is that I 'found' a paid of jeans in my wardrobe - bought last yr and still with tags on... well - I'm actually wearing them! They do up no problems, feel comfortable and hubby says they look 'great!' and best of all they're a size 16 and they're getting roomy already! I think I'm going to end up wearing them everyday just so that I can get my wear out of them as I can see the 12s rapidly approaching (must stay away from hubbys pizza tho! lol)

Much love, chelle xx
thats FAB news chelle

i havent worn jeans in ages and actually gave all mine away as i honestly thought id never wear them again

i cant wait to go out and buy a pair when im close to target!
thats FAB news chelle

i havent worn jeans in ages and actually gave all mine away as i honestly thought id never wear them again

i cant wait to go out and buy a pair when im close to target!

Hi hun,

Yeh, it's an amazing feeling wearing something that u actually couldn't even pull up ur thighs a mere 5 weeks ago - this diet is incredible!!
To be honest, I bin bagged all my smaller clothes up a few months ago to give to a charity shop and hubby wasn't impressed and made me put them back in my wardrobe - how pleased am I that he put his foot down??!!
U'll be wearing jeans in no time hun, and u'll look fab in them!!

Much love, chelle xx
33/100 - Can't shake this mood! Arrrgh


For the last few days I've been feeling awful - really really crappy. Its TOTM and although I'm alot calmer than 'usual' (I don't want to kill anyone this month lol) I'm more emotional - I just want to give up everything (not just the diet) and I've just had enough.
Last night was probably the worse night (I've been thinking that each day but they seem to get worse lol) - really really wanted a curry, infact I'd even talked Hubby round to us having one - then something came over me and made me drive past the resturant and come straight home. This little inner voice was saying "ur 13st 13lbs - tomorrow u'll be back in the 14s if u have a curry, u won't be able to get back on packs, ur new jeans won't fit, don't do it!!!" And I didn't. Still want one tho LMAO!!!

Anyway, haven't been following the plan to the letter - have been having 2 packs a day and a large salad consisting of lettuce & chicken/cottage cheese - not entirely right, but it's the best I can do as every cell in my body is screaming at me to eat carbs - and lots of them! Haven't lost any weight, but haven't gained (apart from 1lb water retention - which is excellent as it's usually anything upto 8lbs!!) and am still in ketosis.
I start week 6 next Tuesday, so am almost half way thru my personal challenge. I really want to see these 14 weeks thru and then start heading into management/maintence - I'll still have some weight to lose, but once the bulk of it's off, I don't see any reason why healthy eating and a slower weight loss won't suit me. Afterall, it's not like I'm going to return to eating really shitty unhealthy foods laden with grease & fat am I???? Eww no, I never ever ever want to have to do this diet again - it's a great plan, but there's a limit to how much ssing u can do - and after a yr of stopping & restarting - after these 14 weeks, that is it!!!!!

Much love, chelle xx