GSP's journey away from emotional eating

Still going strong with the non-advent chocolates, which kind of astonishes me. The old me wouldn't have been able to handle the temptation. And ha, my phone's autocorrect suggested Snodgrass in place of astonishes. Yes, it Snodgrass me. Useful, phone, thank you.

I have a waist! Well, the beginnings of one, anyway. :D Noticed it in the mirror today.

I've been compiling a list of things I can do for comfort that aren't eating. So far I have:
1. Change into comfiest pyjamas
2. Junk food for the brain in the form of trashy tv
3. Hide from the world under the afghan my grandma made me and read a book
4. Kill stuff in a video game
5. Punch the devil out of my punching bag (gosh, those last two make me sound violent!)
6. Long walk + funny audiobook
7. Nap, because sometimes things just seem better after a good sleep
8. Browse for stuff to decorate our house when we move
9. Movie night with the husband
10. Window shopping

I was going to add scroll through facebook, but then I remembered that doing that only makes me frustrated with my super-conservative relatives. :D Need to come up with more I can do when I'm out of the house and won't be able to get home anytime soon, but I think it's a good start so far!
Yaaaaaaaaay for the losses too and the inch losses - you are snodgrassing and amazing! ;) :D xx

Killing stuff in video games is a GREAT way to not only get the same satisfaction that comfort eating will do (without the guilt) but also to make yourself feel better imo. Call of duty is my go to after being frustrated by twat ;) x
I love your list GSP - I've always been a huge fan of the "everything will be better after a nap" approach too :D

I don't do those sort of games (you axe wielding bloodthirsty nutters :D) but just started downloading all my old hidden object games from the hard derive yaye - one of those, or a good book, and I'm happy :)
We just better hope nothing happens to them.... and that if it does, the police don't happen over wemitts ;)
ROFL Shelley :D

He also has this terrible nervous habit of putting his finger up his nose - while talking to me! Ewwwwwwwwwwww!

Sorry GSP - major thread kidnap here! How are you doing? xxx
I don't mind at all! I've been reading along and chuckling. :D I'm doing great, thanks.

And ewww, putting his finger up his nose while he's talking to you?! If I was losing weight while working with someone who did that, I would wonder if it was all just down to them putting me off my food!

Does anyone else ever feel like their scales are complete and utter liars? I've put marks on mine for every stone I've lost, and I keep staring at it thinking, "That can't be right. It can't be me who lost all that." I'm nearing the point where I get to add another mark (and another charm to my bracelet) as well.
I was just looking at your stats and admiring you so much - nearly 6 stone!!!!

Re the scales lying, I'm nowhere near the point you're at but from what all the others who have lost big amounts say, one of the hardest battles is readjusting our "fat" way of seeing ourselves - so you just have to keep telling yourself it's all real, it's wonderful and you are the person who has made it happen :).

Love your tickers, might get myself a mini goal one too :)