GSP's journey away from emotional eating

Thanks! :)

That makes sense. I've had a "fat" way of seeing myself for a really long time now. So much so that when my mom sent me a photo album full of old pictures recently, I was surprised to see that my teenage self wasn't fat fat--just a bit chubby. I have a feeling it'll take me a long time after reaching my goal before I see myself as anything other than fat.
Oh, botheration!

Just updated MFP with today's weigh-in. Since I've lost 10lb since the last time I set my calorie goals, MFP prompted me to recalculate. I was previously on 1490 cal per day. Now I'm on 1370. Goodbye, extra 120 cal. I'll miss you. :wave_cry:
Oh, botheration!

Just updated MFP with today's weigh-in. Since I've lost 10lb since the last time I set my calorie goals, MFP prompted me to recalculate. I was previously on 1490 cal per day. Now I'm on 1370. Goodbye, extra 120 cal. I'll miss you. :wave_cry:

Sorry I did laugh at this - the downside of losing weight I guess?!

But wave goodbye with glee to the nasty 10lbs of fat :D
Discovery: I may be able to handle my one-a-day year-long advent chocolate thing, but I still cannot be trusted with a jar of Nutella. :7834:

Oh dear lol - time to ban it from the kitchen! I think I could be like that with sweetened condensed milk - used to really have a thing for it when I was a kid, ate it with a big spoon until i was nearly sick :eek:
Definitely banning it from the kitchen! Might just give the remainder to my sister-in-law when she visits next weekend.

Speaking of next weekend... that's likely to be rough! People visiting for board games + pizza + birthday cake (it's my husband's birthday). I've planned out my servings ahead of time, though, and hopefully I'll be able to stick with it!
Yep, planning is definitely my friend! Though I've really been struggling with the new calorie limit. Went over the past two days, and I'm hungry all the time. :/ Hoping it's down to pmt and will get back to normal in a week.
I managed OK over the weekend. I think having a cold helped, since I pretty much just wanted to lay there and couldn't be bothered to go to the kitchen. :D

Also, I readjusted my MFP settings to lose 1.5 lb per week, rather than 2, and I'm finding that much more manageable. Not so hungry all the time! I've been trying to eat low GI stuff as well, to keep me fuller longer, which seems to be helping.

Hope you've all been well! xx
Thanks, SJB. :) I'm mostly better now. Just a lingering cough and achey ears, but definitely on the mend.

I feel like I've had SO many colds this year. Haven't had this many since I first moved to the UK and got invaded by all the foreign germs!
I haven't updated this in ages! I seem to fall out of the habit of doing so when things are going well, which they have been.

Went to the doctor today, and she had to weigh me. I had a tiny moment of, "YAY! My scales aren't lying to me!" when I saw the number. Also, that's the most eager I've ever been to step on the scales, since I hadn't been to the doctor in over a year and I wanted to see her face when she went to update it. :D She sort of paused and said, "Wow! You've certainly lost weight!"

MFP has had me on a daily goal of 1360 calories since my latest re-tweak of the settings, which I am finding more and more tolerable. I think it helps that I've been trying to eat things that are as filling as possible for the calories they contain. Lots of pulses, apples, oats, leafy greens, eggs, etc.

I started Couch to 5k, but didn't last. It killed my knees! :( Makes me sad, since I loved to run early in the mornings when I was in high school. But I still have my walks, weightlifting, and yoga. And the occasional bit of pilates, when I feel like it (which isn't often, to be honest). Husband has been teaching me krav maga recently (he used to take a class) as well. Maybe when we move and I (hopefully) live closer to a pool, I can get one of those water jogging vests and try running in the water.

I was watching Elementary (the US version of Sherlock), and in a recent episode Sherlock was talking about how staying sober wasn't what he thought it'd be. Let me see if I can find the quote... "It’s the process of maintaining my sobriety. It’s repetitive. And it’s relentless. And above all, it’s tedious. When I left rehab, I accepted your influence. I committed to my recovery. And now two years in I found myself asking, is this it? My sobriety is simply a grind. It’s just this leaky faucet which requires constant maintenance. And in return offers only not to drip."

Obviously my problem is with food, rather than drugs, but I keep thinking of that quote as I go through the task of planning my weekly meals and snacks, of examining my every emotion when I crave a certain food, of stopping myself from reaching for just one more biscuit. I am doing well at it, but it really is a tedious, constant drip, drip, drip. I think I'm just now coming to terms with the fact that that's what it'll be for the rest of my life. It won't stop when I reach my goal--not if I want to maintain. I think, in a way, that's why things have been going so well recently. I've finally accepted that there isn't an end date.
thats how im looking at it now there is no last day im going to be eating like this for the rest of my life its got to be a life changing experince for life not just a moment in my life x x
you are doing great hun with your healthy eating x x
Thanks chezz. :) xx

It really does have to be a lifestyle change rather than a temporary fix, doesn't it? I mean, I can still have a few days now and then when I go off plan, but for the most part, this is it.

Weighed in this morning, and it confirmed what I saw on the doctor's scale yesterday. :D Down 1 lb and met my March goal!
Thanks chezz. :) xx

It really does have to be a lifestyle change rather than a temporary fix, doesn't it? I mean, I can still have a few days now and then when I go off plan, but for the most part, this is it.

Weighed in this morning, and it confirmed what I saw on the doctor's scale yesterday. :D Down 1 lb and met my March goal!

hi i will not let myself at the moment have a treat as i think i can have another and another :(:eek: x x
Thanks, Susie. :)

Ooh, yeah, I've definitely been there, chezz! Even now, aside from my daily little chocolates, I have to limit the amount of treats that I keep in the house. My anniversary is on Monday, and we have cheesecake every year, since we had a giant cheesecake at our wedding. We're only having single-serving ones this year. Can't have a whole cheesecake sitting around the house, waiting to be eaten! And can't really expect my husband to eat a whole cheesecake minus one slice, either. He does often eat things for me--like when his sister bought chocolate for everyone. I handed mine to him and he said, "Don't worry! I'll save you!" and stuffed it in his mouth. :D I think nearly a whole cheesecake would be a bit much, though!