Half marathon training

My weight loss has been a bit stagnant - whether it's down to the increased running or any number of other factors who knows! I'm sure it'll get shifting again soon though.

I registered for the Silverstone Half today too (gave up waiting for my chosen charity to crack on with it). Am all excited and re-motivated again. Haven't run for a fortnight now, but am going out tomorrow - probably a little 45 minuter. Now who was talking about the interval stuff. I know I'd like to do that - but to be honest - I go at whatever pace my body will allow me, not sure I could often push much harder, and if I went slower, I'd be walking!

Anyone else in a similar predicament?
Pinkie1973 said:
My weight loss has been a bit stagnant - whether it's down to the increased running or any number of other factors who knows! I'm sure it'll get shifting again soon though.

I registered for the Silverstone Half today too (gave up waiting for my chosen charity to crack on with it). Am all excited and re-motivated again. Haven't run for a fortnight now, but am going out tomorrow - probably a little 45 minuter. Now who was talking about the interval stuff. I know I'd like to do that - but to be honest - I go at whatever pace my body will allow me, not sure I could often push much harder, and if I went slower, I'd be walking!

Anyone else in a similar predicament?

Well done for entering-I think there a few of us doing it now :) I'm full of renewed motivation at the moment since I decided to do it-and it's the biggest challenge I've set myself ever :) who regards to interval training, I personally am continuing to follow the b210k app, and then have a half marathon one lined up for when I finish that, which takes me right up to race day :) I know the b210k is interval based, but I don't think the hm one is! I normally just push my self for a few mins in the middle of each 10min run-if that makes sense?? Someone else may have better info tho! Good luck x

What are you doing for your intervals chick?x
Running fast. What I did was I ran at a steady pace (7.8 km an hour) for 90 seconds, then fast (around 11km an hour) for 60 seconds, and repeated this 12 times.
I did it on a treadmill which meant I could control the "experiment" closely but the disadvantage was having to keep an eye on the clock all the time and press the buttons like a maniac every so often! I'm guessing that there is no such thing as a program for this as it might be dangerous, (whereas there are lots of programs for hills etc.)
All in all though, it went well and the time flew. (I had been dreading anything to do with hills or sprints)
biggysmalls said:
Running fast. What I did was I ran at a steady pace (7.8 km an hour) for 90 seconds, then fast (around 11km an hour) for 60 seconds, and repeated this 12 times.
I did it on a treadmill which meant I could control the "experiment" closely but the disadvantage was having to keep an eye on the clock all the time and press the buttons like a maniac every so often! I'm guessing that there is no such thing as a program for this as it might be dangerous, (whereas there are lots of programs for hills etc.)
All in all though, it went well and the time flew. (I had been dreading anything to do with hills or sprints)

They do programs which offer speed intervals yes! As I have one on my training plan from when I first started :) altho I guess it depends on the type of treadmill x

Pinkie, I don't even know if I'm right in calling what I did "intervals" but I started off by doing (what I have described above) on a short run (30 minutes) and was happy to note that it added a bit of spice to my run, was achievable and most interestingly of all, made me realise that while I might choose to go at a snail's pace, I am capable of more.
The funny thing was while I kept looking forward to the fast bits ending, they made the slower bits seem a bit boring and mega slow. Don't know if it will have a drastic effect on my running generally but here's hoping. I am obviously going to stick to a slower pace on longer runs.
So last week I did:
Tuesday - 30 minutes with "intervals"
Thursday - 45 minutes with hills (program on treadmill)
Saturday - long run (17km)

I plan on doing the same this week, actually aiming for 18km on Saturday.
In two weeks, all being well, I will have reached 20km on my long run. Then I plan on dropping right back to a much shorter "long" run and maybe more challenging (longer / longer intervals) short runs.

I do feel like a bit of a fraud being on this thread not having entered a half marathon, but I reckon my training goals are very similar to all yours and I feel like soon I will be confident that I could do a half-marathon if I wanted to, with some preparation.

I really enjoyed the structure of C25k and B210K and am forever grateful that they got me into running. I guess now, for a few weeks, I'm doing my own thing and trying to "listen to my body" (sound like a right hippie there, I know) Structure of my plan might change as things go on.

While I haven't entered a half marathon, I do feel like I have some big goals in my sights. I am really trying to shape up for my wedding next year. I do some kettlebells at home (kettleworx) and would love to get the time to do some weights in the gym (I try to, but running takes up a lot of my gym time). I'm not sure how much running is helping me to burn fat/lose weight but I believe my cardiovascular health is improving all the time, my stress levels are much better and my cellulite is disappearing and I credit running with these achievements.
They do programs which offer speed intervals yes! As I have one on my training plan from when I first started :) altho I guess it depends on the type of treadmill x


That's good to know. I had a play with the treadmill (at the gym) and couldn't find such a program, so thought i had to resort to the maniac-pressing-of-buttons. But now I think about it, there is a second treadmill which is different, so maybe it has an interval program. I will investigate later this week. Thanks!
biggysmalls said:
That's good to know. I had a play with the treadmill (at the gym) and couldn't find such a program, so thought i had to resort to the maniac-pressing-of-buttons. But now I think about it, there is a second treadmill which is different, so maybe it has an interval program. I will investigate later this week. Thanks!

Our gym has 'technogym' machines which have a key that you put it in at it sets the program for you so it's something the trainers put in when I had my induction-not sure if its something you can do your self, but it's worth a look :) x

There was something called "Custom" , maybe that's it. I'll ask the trainer guy. My gym is pretty cool- it's like a garage, techno music, massive muscly guys groaning and lifting, mostly free weights just a few weight machines, no other women. There's only two treadmills but they're never really used except for me, which is great. I don't feel too guilty for hogging the equipment for too long. It's the most macho gym ever! But that's the best thing about it too (plus it's mega cheap.)
Ugh - went on a dreadmill yesterday for 15minutes, worst 15minutes of my life! Never again will I cheat on the outdoors for a piece of gym equipment!! :giggle:

No seriously, my friend's gym that she goes to (quite a big posh one!) had an open weekend so she asked if I wanted to go so tried it and defo didn't like it. The only fun part was the hour I spent in the jacuzzi!!! ;)

Intervals will have to be done outside with my watch lol xx
summergurl said:
Ugh - went on a dreadmill yesterday for 15minutes, worst 15minutes of my life! Never again will I cheat on the outdoors for a piece of gym equipment!! :giggle:

No seriously, my friend's gym that she goes to (quite a big posh one!) had an open weekend so she asked if I wanted to go so tried it and defo didn't like it. The only fun part was the hour I spent in the jacuzzi!!! ;)

Intervals will have to be done outside with my watch lol xx

Now you're lucky you get the chance to run outside-I'm having to plan to do most of my training runs on the treadmill over the winter due to the shifts I work! I have a Thursday off, so will do my 'long' run outside on a Thursday after college but he rest is going to have to be indoors :) xx

I prefer outside too but my fear of dogs can be an issue; where I go walking / running is gorgeous but there are lots of dog-walkers and even though there are signs saying dogs should be kept on leashes, most owners ignore the warnings. I don't mind when I'm just out for a walk. I find running outside easier for one main reason - the fresh air.
I would love to run outside, but having a little one does make it difficult, so most of my runs are on a treadmill.
How is everyone doing?

I am struggling a little with time, so having to get up really earlier to run before work. So only managing 5k's, but still better than nothing. Will be doing a long run this w/e :)
Shazzabir said:
How is everyone doing?

I am struggling a little with time, so having to get up really earlier to run before work. So only managing 5k's, but still better than nothing. Will be doing a long run this w/e :)

I'm the same-have started a new job this week, and they agreed to let me have time during the day to go to the gym/for a run-I'm a support worker so start early and finish late!! But so far, the gaps haven't materialised as people I've been working with have been running late for calls which then eats into my gym time! Was hoping to go this morning-my stuff is all packed ready, as my first call today isn't til 9.15, and I desperately need to start week 2 of b210k! I HAVE to do this, I can't fail :)

Time-wise, this is the one week I can't really complain as I'm on holidays (nearly finished now, boo hoo)
I went shopping this week too as some of my clothes are now too big. Well, they were always too big as I have a tendency to buy bigger clothes so they were getting to the clown stage.
It was intoxicating buyer Size 12 in everything....so much so that when I got home I was like "What on earth did I buy this for??!" with some of the items. It was a Primark spree thankfully so I didn't waste too much money. New lesson - just because it fits in a smaller size, doesn't mean it's nice!
How are we all doing?

I have my 10k race on sunday - so excited!! Then in a few weeks it'll be onto half marathon training! :) x
Good luck for tomorrow SummerGurl :)

You're all doing better than me, I've not done much over the last couple of weeks but need to get back to it this week. A combination of time and weather haven't helped!!
Good luck Summer, hope it goes well.

I'm trying not to drink too much tonight as planning a long run 2moro.....!! Already had 2 glasses of wine......oops!!!