Halfway there - it's a long journey!

Little Plum Duff

Full Member
Hi all
I have lurked on this site for a long time drawing a lot of strength, information and support from all of the amazing diaries and entries shared. I decided to start a diary now that I'm halfway through as the momentum slows and motivation becomes less powerful. I have done a VLCD before and in 2006/2007 successfully reached goal (losing 7 stone) but had not thought much past that and not put a plan in place. Unfortunately I put all of the weight and more back on - yes another yo-yo dieter! I tired numerous times over the years to get back on the diet but would always fall off the wagon. This time I started after Christmas vacation on 7 January and have been trucking along. I originally used LL successfully and was used to 4 packs a day so have continued with 4 a day on CWP. What amazes me is that I can be at a point where I have lost 4.5 stone, my clothes are changing and yet I get discouraged because I feel there is such a long way to go. I just wondered if there are any others in my situation feeling the same?
One of the biggest mantras I have used from here is "Nothing tastes as good as slims feels!" - Boy is that ever right!!!
If anyone else is also struggling, I hope that maybe we can keep each other motivated!
Hi there, I could have written this post myself. Well done on your weight loss, its an amazing loss! I have now lost 3 stone and am halfway through my journey, but the losses are slowing down and lately my scales are barely budging despite the fact that I am 100% SS+. I am getting really despondent, but with the help of my Consultant, I have stayed on track. It's week 11 for me and I have amazed myself by being 100% for so long. Just wish the scales would play ball. It's frustrating and I feel your pain...lol. Keep up the good work and good luck. x
Hi Pink Tulip
I read your reply and thought how fantastic your progress was! 3 stone in 11 weeks - what other diet could do that! When you used the word despondent it really struck a chord - It can be so hard sometimes, but why do we let ourselves be bogged down by what we haven't done yet rather than be buoyed by what we have achieved?
Your consultant sounds fabulous but unfortunately my consultant isn't all that and I only see her once a month for product pick up. I get most of my support from family and friends - a couple who are really great at letting me go on and on and on and on! It's an obsession!
One of the things I stopped doing was weighing myself constantly. I was always getting blue when the scales wouldn't shift and actually I am one of those people who can actually seem to put on weight (up to 2lbs!) from one day to the next and then it disappears on weigh in day. Now I do it once a week and that is my marking point - it used to really screw with me mentally and they would be the times when I would really have to fight bingeing.
But onwards and upwards or downwards in our case! I tell people that I am a work in progress and progress never ends! Keep on moving forward to the new you - really it's just around the corner and in another 11-12 weeks if you stopped doing what you're doing where would you be? We can do it!
hey well done on getting so far again this time. I love your mantra. ""Nothing tastes as good as slims feels" can I use that :D:D
Its good to keep focused on all we have done. It's so hard to do, but its a good thing to do. Be nice to your self sometimes lol. you are doing it! you can do it!
Another day successfully completed! I really feel like an alcoholic and get through this one day at a time. Sometimes its one minute at a time and I just figure if I can just get through the next one ... and then the next one and ... before you know they add up. I realised that I've never woken up regretting that I DIDN'T crack the night before and that helps! I hope everyone else is making it through and even if you do break I think its not what you've done but what you do from that point on that really makes the difference! We can turn it around and count the little victories and they add up to big ones
Firelass (love the name!) - I found the mantra on Minimins and if it works for you too then please mutter it constantly! Thanks for the comments ad well done on a fantastic first week, it really won't be long before you will be at your goal. We can do it - we ARE doing it!
Woooo another day down. Your right. I've mentiond this a few times on this site. Suger can be adictive I think with the suger highs and the withdrawls. But I think fat can as well, I think once we eat some foods we crave more of them. Its hard to get out of that cycle. I stoped drinking fizzy juice quite a long time ago. And now it just tastes like the disgusting syup over sweet drink that it is. I no longer enjoy it. I would love to think that would hapen with choclate but I doubt it lol
I wish I was addicted to only one thing but I'm not that discriminate. I love all things food, I just want it all ... and a ton of it! ? I don't know when the amounts of what I eat got so out of whack and some days it would seem like I had been eating constantly. One of the things I find so good about this diet is that I have exactly what I need, the amount that I need and ANYTHING else is a cheat. I watched this really good 3-part series that I found on YouTube "the men who made us fat". It challenges the low fat idea and talks about sugar being a real problem and with the advent of fructose corn syrup ....well, it's in EVERYTHING! It kind of explained why I could eat constantly when I ate rubbish - the brain was not being told I had eaten or didn't receive the signal I was full - now that makes sense! So as I trudge my way through my days towards my goal I am trying to formulate an approach for management - so watching all if these shows on food is arming me with info and helping me with ideas. I also wondered if anybody has had probs with the gall bladder following a VLCD?
Yayyyy! I hit a really big goal - I'm under 200lbs! It feels so good and although I've given myself many goals along the way, this was by far the biggest - my Everest. I have to laugh though, here I am really excited about it and yet when I first got there on the way up I was horrified. This is a weight that's always referred to in books or movies as shocking "OMG she must weigh 200lbs". What a difference perspective makes ?
I had a challenging week. I started a new job and had to work a different shift so was stressed about my eating routine being put out which could easily just get me saying "screw it!". I desperately have to have routine for this to work for me. Surprise, surprise, it was actually easier than I hoped and I was chuffed to make it through. I was also a little nervous about new people and their questions (and judgements!) about what I was eating but so far it's been sweet - I'm thrilled. So day-by-day ....it's coming off. A long way to go but I can't focus on that!
So I have been trying endless things to try and help me keep motivated: I started a list of the reasons I am doing this diet and add one for every day that I'm doing it; I watch tv shows on weight loss and anything related to it; I visualise; I mutter to myself like a mad woman; I try and recapture the feelings at their worst when I was at my biggest and how miserable I was and how much pain my body was in; I look at clothes I almost fit, can't wait I wear and couldn't believe I ever could wear; I read minimums diaries and I try and recapture how it felt in my body when I reached goal last time. It is a battle I am determined to win.
Arghhhhhh! I so wanted to see 13 on the scale this weigh in. Really disappointed
I lost 1.4 this week which other than a STS week it is my lowest loss so far. With any other diet I would have gone face first into a food binge but at least with this diet I know I WILL get there eventually .... That's how I can keep my self going when I am listening to my reasoning voice! Yep, I hear voices. There is the good voice "you can do this" ... "I'm choosing to do this". Then there is the bad voice "what would a little hurt" .... "You can get back on tomorrow". I hate bring a food psycho!!
I'm sitting waiting for my train while someone besides me is eating McDs - why oh why do I like fatty food so much! Am sucking in the smells like a smoker who's just given up!
I wonder if anyone else jumps on their scale through the week and actually go up?? WTF!! Cos I do ....I kept promising myself I wouldn't do it and have been really good up until the last couple of weeks. I know it's not real and it plays with my mind and mood in a really negative way - gotta stop
It's a habit I don't want to get into, cos it doesn't help me (especially how I can seem to go UP!) ....it's much better if I just do it the once a week and see it move more significantly but still .... it is sometime just irresistible. I've booked a holiday in October and want to be done and into management by then so I can be ready to be normal when it comes to food. Can I ever be normal when it come to food? Mmmmm that is the question!?
So another week of dieting at work over - sweet! An gonna start my 810 week tomorrow and am very excited about some food ...nothing unusual in that! Always a bit nervous about getting back on after that week but am hoping it will be easier this time. Only about another 4 months of this to go!