Hall of fame

Someone who inspired me when I started and has maintained is Nadhak.
Another one of my inspirations is Porgeous, although she didn't do LL.
Thank you Iwillgetthere ... You're right. I look over some of my old pictures sometimes which aren't in my album and they do motivate me. I need to print a few out, to remind myself that I can get out of this dark hole and get back to where I was happy. I know now though, that happiness isn't in how you LOOK, it's much deeper than that. I needed this chaotic blip to get over some emotional issues. Now, rather than trying to 'fix' something or lose weight 'just because', I will embark on a healing journey. Losing weight has to MEAN something... It will be symbolic 'healing process' to get over my mourning, the final stage of grief. I quite like that idea... Makes it all the more worth doing.

My main inspiration since I joined this forum back on February 2009 has been KD. She did Cambridge, but it's similar enough to LL. She has been maintaining for over 4 years and has so much useful and interesting information to ponder over as well as being an absolutely wonderful woman.