Hannah's Lighter Life: The RTM Edition!

Hiya. How are you doing today? I got really worried reading your post. You sound so anxious and unhappy. Do bear in mind that as soon as you replace your glycogen stores by eating carbohydrate again you can gain pounds and pounds almost overnight. It's a one-off gain though. It doesn't mean that every time you eat carbs you will gain the same amount (or your liver would be the size of a football!). I just hope that thought might relieve some of the anxiety you're feeling about food right now.

I have to say your posts have also made me worry about RTM for me too. You have been such an inspiration to follow and I really hope you come through this ok.


Thank you spangly, you are completely right about the glycogen stores. For the past week I have stayed the exact same weight no matter what i've eaten (healthy and a few not so good things!) I should be happy that i've found a weight I can maintain, but it's still about 4 pounds higher than I would like to be. But guess this is where the hard part begins, learning to maintaing and manage my weight without the packs.

I know RTM is worrying, but don't let me put you off! It really is an essential part of lighter life, if I hadn't done RTM I reckon the first time I lapsed I would have fallen off the wagon and not got back on, but RTM has kept me going. I've got 3 more weeks and i'm determined to keep managing my weight.

Hi hannah,

Im pleased to read you are feeling more settled. I have to say you look fantastic. You have a healthy BMI which is brilliant !! You are learning to maintain and we know this will go up and down. Even in your difficult times you have been determined and look where you are now. Its amazing-you are amazing. Although we set goals for ourselves I believe we have to listen to our bodies, focus on the next few weeks maintaining. You have learnt so much and I believe that once RTM is completed is it learning to continue to put the knowledge learnt into practice. Dont you think we focus so much on weight loss/gain during this journey with LL it takes up so much of our lives....it is our support system and watching your journey I believe RTM is about us reducing our dependancy on our safe blanket of LL.
Im sorry if Ive waffled on, i know i have not reached where you are so I may be talking crap. But overall, i want you to know we are all supporting you and each other and you have been such an inspiration for me. Good luck with the rest of your journey , Sam xx
Hi hannah,

Im pleased to read you are feeling more settled. I have to say you look fantastic. You have a healthy BMI which is brilliant !! You are learning to maintain and we know this will go up and down. Even in your difficult times you have been determined and look where you are now. Its amazing-you are amazing. Although we set goals for ourselves I believe we have to listen to our bodies, focus on the next few weeks maintaining. You have learnt so much and I believe that once RTM is completed is it learning to continue to put the knowledge learnt into practice. Dont you think we focus so much on weight loss/gain during this journey with LL it takes up so much of our lives....it is our support system and watching your journey I believe RTM is about us reducing our dependancy on our safe blanket of LL.
Im sorry if Ive waffled on, i know i have not reached where you are so I may be talking crap. But overall, i want you to know we are all supporting you and each other and you have been such an inspiration for me. Good luck with the rest of your journey , Sam xx

Thank you Sam. You brought up a very good point, it's amazing how much time I spend thinking about my weight and lighter life. I know it sounds weird, but I think when I started LL it did take over my life a bit. I think since it is a diet you have to be so committed to it takes a lot more effort and willpower than any other diet.
You are doing so well Sam, I can't believe what happened with your LLC! But i'm sure you'll find a new LLC and keep going :)
Am still at home, am going back to Manchester this week, just can't decide what day to go! Need to go back for my LL meeting on Thursday so will head back either tomorrow or Thursday but with this snow who knows. I'm just not excited about going back as i've been having such a lovely time at home, but have to go back for LL then it's my friends 21st on Saturday so I shall finally be wearing the black dress!
I have mixed feelings about this, but I started back on the packs today. I've decided to go on the packs until Saturday to try and lose a few pounds. I've been maintaining my weight ever since I got home, but I treated myself a bit too much yesterday and this morning the scales crept up a bit further, and since i'm a already a few pounds above where I would like to be I decided to bite it in the bud and do the packs for a few days. Part of me is disappointed in myself for having to go back on the packs again, but I know that I just won't feel happy or confident in the dress on Saturday if i'm the weight I am now. It's the first time i'm going to see old friends since losing the weight so I really want to look my best. I know it's completely vain but being a bit lighter does really make me feel so much better. But this is honestly the LAST time I am going back on the packs.
I've just been to Marks and Spencers to get some new underwear, and they had free samples EVERYWHERE! Chocolates, shortbread, wine, baileys...it killed me!
But had my hot vanilla shake for brekkie and have veggie soup for lunch. I'm happy as I know it's only until Saturday, then after Saturday i'm going to gradually reintroduce food over the week and hopefully i'll be able to maintain a slightly lower weight than I am now. Ideally i'd like to be 11st 9 and at the moment i'm 12 stone so fingers crossed.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the cold weather! haha!
Am feeling great today! Had a horrific headache last night, but woke up this morning with headache gone and 3ibs lost! Am a very happy bunny! I know it's probably just water weight but it's amazing how much my weight affects my mood, this is something I will need to try and change!

Have had a day at home today as it's just too cold to go outside. But I think I live in the only place that hasn't got snow! Well it snowed on monday night, but it all melted quite fast and it didn't snow last night so it's all pretty much gone. But we are meant to be getting snow tonight, and i'm supposed to be going back to Manchester tomorrow so will have to see.

I have an advent calendar but am resisting the temptation to eat the chocolates, as much as I want to! Wonder if a small chocolate would take you out of ketosis...won't test it! Will just treat myself to them next week :) Am so glad that I did LL at the time I did, timing wise it's worked out perfectly as i'll be completely finished by xmas. I have so much admiration for those who can stay abstinent over xmas!

Hello everyone,
Have spent the weekend in Birmingham for my friends 21st birthday, can't believe the party finally came around. I know it sounds silly but I remember when we started talking about it back in September, is amazing how fast time can fly!
The party was great, and I finally got to wear 'the black dress!' Am glad I went back on the packs for a couple of days, made me feel more confident. Also got a spray tan so had a bit of colour. Was the first time i'd seen some people since losing weight which was a great confidence boost. Especially when my friends step-dad didn't recognise me at all, and tried to introduce himself. He couldn't believe it was me! Got lots of compliments saying how amazing I looked which is lovely, i'm still not very good at taking compliments but I now try to simply say 'thank you', instead of my usual 'oh no i look awful...have you seen my hair etc.etc'
This weekend has been filled with LOTS of food! So will definitely need to get back on track tomorrow, but i've enjoyed myself and at the end of the day life's too short to always worry about food!

Here is a photo of me in my dress!

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend
Hello Hannah,
So glad you had a good time. Get back on track now.
You look amazing!! Sounds like you had a great time too.
WOW! you look stunning Hannah well done you! xx
You look great Hannah. xxx
Very nice dress. You look amazing. It was my bday yesterday and I had an amazing weekend. Despite lapsing in a BIG way.
Hey such is life ;) xx
Thank you for the compliments, a huge confidence boost for me!!

Had my final meeting tonight! Am very happy I finished RTM lighter than when I started, put a few pounds on from my lowest point but that's just the glycogen stores re-filling (according to my LLC) So I am a very happy bunny :) Can't believe i'm 'finished'! Of course I know it's not the end, it's only just the beginning...and have the hard task of maintaining my weight for the rest of my life, but I feel very positive.

Am a very lucky girl, as due to still being unemployed (have applied for what feels like 100's of jobs over the past few weeks, and either been rejected or just never heard back) which has been really getting me down. My Dad is in Malaysia on a business trip and I get to go too! He left last night, and i'm flying out on Sunday and staying until next Friday so have 5 days of sunshine! Am so excited, but the past few days have been mental trying to get everything sorted including buying xmas pressies! Also had to get some summery clothes, which was such a mission! But have got some lovely shorts and t-shirts :) So I will be missing in action from Sunday onwards. But will be back!

Hope everyone is having a good week :)
Hi Hannah, have a wonderful time you so deserve it, and safe trip xx
Wow Hannah
Have a great time. I used to live in Singapore and we visited Malaysia. I LOVED IT.
Enjoy xx:character00255::gen157::tshirt::airplane::woohoo::woohoo::banana dancer::party0038::0icanfly::0icanfly::0icanfly::0icanfly::character00117::character00238::wow:
Oh Hannah,

Well done on completing one journey in your life, and being so successful.
Have an absolutely fantastic time in the sun you deserve it !!!
Sam x
i thought RTM lasted 12 weeks?????? can someone clarify this please
Hi my understanding is its 12 weeks for LL total. If you do LL lite its a reduced amout of time as you are already eating one meal a day.