Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

Morning everyone :D

Got some corned beef sammiches for lunch. All we had was ww bread so I had to have two of course!!!! Got a banana for pre workout and some of those brekkie biccies for breakfast...

Must admit I had a white choc lindt and it was lovely...! Oddly not tempted to eat anymore though! :) just a quick update as work busy today but I'll get round to individual responses ASAP.

Weigh in:

Sat 253.1
Sun 253.4 (+0.3 post uuu & gym) +0.3
Mon 254 (+0.6 post uud) +0.9
Tue 253.3 (-0.7 post ddu) +0.2
Wed (post uud & gym)

Have a lovely day everyone xxxx

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Here is my beautiful fat cat, fattus cattus, fatdoozola Poppy le doo :)


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Yum yum sarnies :)

Your doin grand!

LOL Aww kitty .. adorable :)

hannata said:
Morning everyone :D

Got some corned beef sammiches for lunch. All we had was ww bread so I had to have two of course!!!! Got a banana for pre workout and some of those brekkie biccies for breakfast...

Must admit I had a white choc lindt and it was lovely...! Oddly not tempted to eat anymore though! :) just a quick update as work busy today but I'll get round to individual responses ASAP.

Weigh in:

Sat 253.1
Sun 253.4 (+0.3 post uuu & gym) +0.3
Mon 254 (+0.6 post uud) +0.9
Tue 253.3 (-0.7 post ddu) +0.2
Wed (post uud & gym)

Have a lovely day everyone xxxx

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I love corned beef - yummy :) xx
Lol I ate most of the smallish box of lindts ha ha. And a bag of crisps with lunch. Not gonna get annoyed over it, s'all good. Had 2 bananas as well, but managed to get a lower cal protein shake... 170 instead of 400 odd.

Wasn't able to do much at the gym as my hips are giving me pain... But I gave it a damn good go.

Booked in for a pt session on Saturday, kinda dreading it tbh... That'll really show me how unfit I am.... Sigh....

Least I'm not hungry!!

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Caroline_Louise said:
Morning hannah banana :)

Glad ur a tad better, and mega congrats for not caving in and stuffing ur face like i would when feeling arsey. That in itself is an uner NSV!

Enjoy ur UUD, and we can talk gym later you lil star xxx

Yessss I feel good about that. Normally on a day like that I would have caved before 10am and had a big bit of cake to cheer me up!! And I know it never made me feel any better! Got to prove to myself that I can do this... :)

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Hope the hips feeling less sore soon hun

Oooo PT session, lolll ha.. I always hate them!! My OH normally trains me..and he is scarier than any trainer I have ever used lol... scared to put the weight down or stop until he says!!

Mmmm lindt..omg..lol

(I'm in cat heaven in your diary hehehe) xxx
Greeneyes11 said:
Glad you are feeling better today and well done to sticking to it yesterday.... definately a confidence boost when we can do that. Dont forget to post an after piccie once your dad has finished the kitchen, love looking at other peoples homes (just nosey), actually I am a qualified Interior Designer, just don't do it anymore.... lol.

I am trying to eat a bit more healthy, need to have low fat coz of the gallstones, so having spaghetti, anchovies and black olives for lunch today, think I will have to avoid the cheese I would normally have grated on the top tho.... have a great day.

Oooooh that sounds like a fun job! I will post pictures when it's done! I'm at the gym at le mo so I dunno what chaos is happening!!

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Clareel said:
I love all the kitties in your diary Hannah! I'm a bit of a mad cat lady myself hehe. Glad to hear you're feeling better today, hope you have a good one :)


Wooo cat ladies for the win!!!!! I love our kitties they're the best thing. Nothing like a wee cuddle with either of mine when I feel down. Their purrs are nearly therapeutic lol

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Lou_G said:
Oh but garbagey is soooooooooooooooo good!! Have a great day Han, yay you for avoiding the binge even though you felt like s***!! xx

Isn't it.... That's one thing I really need to work on with juddd. I'm terrible at eating fruit and veg. Thing is with my autism I really don't like food that has a weird texture... I can't stomach bacon fat cause it makes me feel like I'm choking! Most fruit does the same... I used to force myself to eat it on ww and it cause me terrible stress migraines.... I'd love to not be weird about it because I know it's so good for me. And I come out in acne when I take multivitamins so thats out too :( stupid brain!!!

I guess the best way is to add veg in with what I'm eating... Like I could eat veg on a pizza, but couldn't eat the same veg on its own... What's that all about? Xx

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RebekahR said:
Hope the hips feeling less sore soon hun

Oooo PT session, lolll ha.. I always hate them!! My OH normally trains me..and he is scarier than any trainer I have ever used lol... scared to put the weight down or stop until he says!!

Mmmm lindt..omg..lol

(I'm in cat heaven in your diary hehehe) xxx

Yay cat heaven :)

Ever since I dislocated my hip it's given me bother... Think I probably shifted a muscle and strained it, and it's never fully repaired. Sometimes move my legs and my hips feel like a rusty old hinge about to snap... Booked in for Saturday so I may ask the pt about it and see if there's anything I can do to help it recover..

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Loving all the cats, I love them, they love me but I am unfortunately allergic! I have to go scrub after a petting session!