

Hey Guys,

Just wondering how you deal with 'haters', lots of people at work, telling me that they lost weight on Lipotrim and put it all back on :( or saying that its unhealthy etc. Find it so depressing, advice welcome!

On Week 6 delighted with loss so far


One thing I've learned about people in general is that they are selfish deep down, however well-meaning they try to make out they are being. People do not want to see you succeed because it will make them jealous - they would rather discourage you from something which might just work and make you happy. The important thing to remember is that those people are not your friends - the friends are the ones who are supportive no matter what you do and just want you to be happy instead of trying to find fault in your actions and put a downer on them.

Some girls like to think they know it all when it comes to diets and they believe this is just another one of those 'fads', because on the surface, that's what it sounds like. I made an attempt to explain how it works and explain ketosis in detail to a work colleague when I was just starting LT and it turned out to be a huge mistake - she just looked at me as though I'd bought into some fairytale bulls**t and that I was clearly naive and stupid for believing a word of it. I haven't bothered trying to explain the merits of LT to anyone since then.

Haters gonna hate. But at the end of the day, if you end up slim and you keep the weight off, who will be the smug one then? ;)
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100% agree with Kozza on this one ;)

I ended up telling a work colleague that I really didn't give 2 hoots what she thought of Lipotrim, it works for me so keep your nose out :D My loved ones are very supportive and so are my "real" mates.

Well done with your loss so far hun :D
I had a woman at work say Lipotrim was rubbish, you put it back on, you don't want to live life without eating etc

5 weeks in and 3 stone down she was that impressed she decided to start it again. She lasted 4 days :D

Best way to deal with them? Succeed
I've found that the most supportive people are my "thin" friends. It's as if "fat" friends want you to remain their Dominoes Pizza buddy for life and never get any healthier; they will be negative about any weight loss plan even if it's as standard as healthy-eating and exercise. I've had so many people tell me that SW is a fad diet and impossible to live by (I strongly disagree) and telling me that exercise at home on the Wii is futile. Surely it's better than sitting on the couch, eating cake!
Yea iv found that the overweight friends are the least supportive. I have a few friends on diets who have tried to feed me an invited me out to eat. I think because I'm the biggest in the group, they want me to stay like that and are worried I will lose more than them. My slim friends are very supportive and happy for me :)
It doesnt matter what diet you lose the weight on it, You will always re-gain if you eat the way you ate before. L.T is no different. Except that hopefully the break from food will help us to break some bad habits and steer us to healthier food. I never slag any other diet off because they all work if the are nutritionally sound it just depends if you can stick to them. Good luck Girls ! :D