Have satrted my Paul Mckenna weight loss journal !!

Hello Roch
I am so sorry that you have been feeling poorly.
I just wanted to wish you well on your diet. I'm sure that you will succeed! You can do this, we will all support you!
Take care
Tracey x
Hey u all, sorry have not responded individually like i like 2, its just that am still feeling pretty whacked more like someone has run me over.
Well hopefully tomorrow ill wake up with none of the shi-ty symptoms i have today.
Thanks u all for all your kind messages, really cheered me up.Just had a nice cold shower,still feel hot,2morrow is meant to be seriously hot in london where i am in edmonton it is meant to be 32,so said the weather forcast on AOL,looking forward to the thunder and lightining we r meant to have on thursday friday and sat,they say it will be serious storms,cant wait LOL.
So ill stop waffling on and chatting rubbish,feel so shattered cant wait to go to sleep,hope u all have a goon night,take care and sleepm well xxx
Hi Roch,

Hope you are feeling better today, yesterday was so hot and sticky and a lot of my customers were feeling off colour.

We have had a little rain over night so hopefully things will cool down a bit.

Just take it easy you will get there in the end.

CD Counsellor:)
Oh Roch, when will you stop beating yourself over the head with the guilt stick! Everyone has been hot and bothered and not feeling great - they get sympathy and so do you! You rest up and you will feel much better and ab;e to really get going. I know you can do this Roch - so start being a little kinder to yourself!
Love Barb x
Good Morning Roch
I just wanted to wish you lots of good luck today and I hope your feeling very much better!
Tracey :)
Morning all,again just a quickie(seem to be good at those recently lol) dont feel 2 hot today have not slept hardly maybe 2 hrs and now feel a bit wobbly again.
Mean2 be thunderstorms in my area today and tomorrow cant wait,have decided to give it one more day b4 i ss but am not eating any carbs,so hopefully 2moprrow will be ok 4 me.
Am going to move the pc in to the lounge as it is in the bedroom and is 2 hot in here so will come and post properly 2 all of u in the next few hours.
Even got my 14 yr old doing housework as he was worried about me !!
Chat later, have a good day and thanks
Hi Roch!
Just wanted to see how you are getting today. Are you feeling any better? I hope you managed to get some rest and a good nights sleep.
Have a good day
Tracey x
Hi Roch,

How are things going for you? I haven't had the best 3 days but i'm resolving to re-starting tomorrow.

Hope things are ok.

Shazzie xx
Hi Roch! Hope you're feeling stronger and better. I have been on CD, but fell off the waggon. I am going to give it one more try and I start again today. Getting the first few days done with seem to be the hardest. I know that once I was into ss'ing, I found it easy. But i can't seem to get going. I have to succeed, else I will have to look at surgery to help control my eating. Come on girl, we can do this together!

Looking forward to hearing your progress. Keep us all informed, we're all in this together!

All for one, and one for all!!!

Good luck!
Hi Roch,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too well. I hope things have improved for you?

The weather here now is much cooler and it looks like rain...


Here is some angels to look over you.

Love Mini xxx
Hey everyone, thanks for the messages,am seriously struggling its such a vicious circle,am so depressed that of course i eat,and then i am so annoyed with myself that i get even more depressed.
I am sure some people must be thinking but not saying why does she not just get her finger out and stop eating, if we can do it why cant she !!
How many time am i going to do this to myself,i now dont leave the house,unless its urgent, even do food shopping online so no one has 2 see me,i know it is all my fault and i have done this to myself but the question is why am i still carrying on killing myself by eating !!!

I do want a better life,a job,a social life,2 be energetic and do things with my son, but something seems to be stopping me and i dont know what.

How many times can i fail,why am i not strong enough,i think i am now scared that i will fail so its so hard 4 me to contemplate sucsess !!
Roch said:
I am sure some people must be thinking but not saying why does she not just get her finger out and stop eating, if we can do it why cant she !!!

That just might be the case for all those in the world that have never had a weight problem or never used food as a sort of drug to try and alter their moods.

For the rest of us it isn't that easy so you aren't alone :)

All I can say to you is to keep in mind that if you stop trying, what are you accepting in its place? You have to keep on working at this.

You need to remember that there are degrees of success. You may look at you day and think that you have failed because you ate a sandwich :confused:

On the other hand, I would look at you and see what you hadn't eaten that day that you would otherwise have done and see that as a real acheivement :D

You are making progress, you are successful and the sooner you see that and accept it, the sooner you feel a bit happier and more relaxed about the whle thing which in turn means that you will be less likely to turn to food ;)

Easier said than done I know and all I can do is send you a great big cyber hug and hope that you can find the strength to see this for yourself :)

My Daughter is learning to count up to 20. She often misses out 17 and 18 but does this mean she's failed? Nope because she HAS learnt all the others :D

Success doesn't come in all or nothing form which is where many of us in ths world get it soooooo wrong!

Keep on going because you WILL get there and continue to have successes along the way :)
I'm rooting for you


So sorry to hear that you're struggling, I know where you are coming from. I was doing so well - made it through day 3 then went on a binge that lasted 3 days. However, I've restarted again today and i will do this.

Please don't stop trying i believe that one day you will have all those things you want, keep going...one day at a time. If you've decided Cambridge is the right way for you, then it will happen.

Sending good vibes your way :)

Shazzie xx
Hey Roch

you are struggling, but you are still on this site aren't you? If you wanted to give up you would not be here. You can do this honey, stop smacking yourself around and start being kind to yourself. You deserve a better life and you are going to have it!

We are all behind you
Thanks Shazzie,well done on getting back on today its soo hard but i know it is well worth it when u get into the swing of it.xx

Thanks chicken on a mission i agree with u r saying about failure its just hard 2 acknowledge it when it comes to my life.I know i can t stop trying as if i do then i have completely failed but i am just finding it so hard to cope at the moment.x

Thanks Barb,i know i have to start being kinder 2 myself but how do u do that when u feel so down x

Hope u have a nice evening, take care xx
Hey Roch - how you doing, girl? SO glad to see you on here and sending you loads of positive vibes to get back on that wagon. You know you can do it, honey!