have to go to Glycemic Index due to high cholesterols! UGGHHHH!

Didi M

Full Member
I am sad to say I cannot sustain Dukan. I must go to Glycemic Index because in the month or so since Dukan my Cholesterol has shot above 143 LDL. I have NEVER had such a high LDL. I know most is dietary and genetics but will begin following the GI and if it doesn't drop down again then I will return to Dukan. If it does then it means the Dukan is my culprit and not genetics. (I am hoping not on both.)
I am bummed but I have to test it out.
I hope we can all still stay around and support each other because I have grown very fond of this site and everyone here. :family2:
Do I remember him saying something in his book about the potential of cholestrols or am I dreaming that? Is it something to do with your body using up the fat that is stored that can raise that temporarily?

I hope everything works out for you and I for one am happy to keep in contact with you. One thing with the NHS you never generally get any tests for anything so you never know!
yes it is one of the known issues with the dukan diet
I'm really sorry to hear that Didi. Many have found their cholesterol levels drop with Dukan...

Can I just ask whether you watched your egg yolk consumption at all? He does say no more than two yolks a WEEK if known cholesterol issues, and I presume if one did know one had a problem, one would also avoid certain other foods.

As you say, though, cholesterol levels aren't necessarily linked to food at all - although my GP isn't happy with mine either (both LDL and HDL have increased since Dukan. My LDL is borderline, and my HDL is high. Laboratories add the two, give you a total which is very high... whereas I thought high HDL was supposed to be good!)

Anyway it's all beyond me. Good luck Didi and hope you come back soon!
My impression is that fatty acids being broken down in the bloodstream is what happens with all diets. DD uses it as a reason not to be on a high fat diet like Atkins, as there is already plenty going into the bloodstream. But Didi, keep the Oatbran going as it is a cholestrol reducer whatever diet you're on. Just have it as porridge, not with egg. And Evening Primrose/Efamol also helps, my doctor prescribed it for a while to get mine down. (no he's not a naturopath just an ordinary GP; and the hospital agreed with him too).